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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Just did some lines off Coulter's six pack meth abs. WHAT A RUSH!
  2. well all i can say is "i told you so" and "i saw this one coming" and "i'm always right" and "i know whats best"!
  3. olyclimber

    Hotmail hacking

    The accounts are likely spoofed and not hacked. But to be safe take your harddrive out of the computer and destroy it with a hammer.
  4. what i would like to see is some sort of indepth study into the rise and fall of nutjobs and how that correlates with either a conservative or liberal incumbent. particularly, are we at an all time high of nutjobs right now? is teabagism driving the nutjob metrics higher? then there are the nutjobs that actually act on their desires such as that guy who shot Reagan. there needs to be a PHD in studying nutbjobs and tracking their rise and fall. will this be the Great Era of Nutjobs? Or are we standing on the threshold of something much bigger as it pertains to nutjobism? how is babby formed?
  5. I don't know why they need another show like the Ozzy Ozbourne family reality show on tv.
  6. every one knows that some animals are more equal than others. like the ones that deserve to afford decent healthcare vs. the ones that don't.
  7. cool video. what sort of helmet cam do you have?
  8. trolling troll is trollish. that is all.
  9. and while the piggies feed, back at the tea party of refined gentlemen and women: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/23/opinion/23herbert.html
  10. Yeah, I liken it to living next to a trailer park. You can spend endless hours sitting on the sundeck with a cold drink watching the goings-on, and it never gets old. "Honey, go get the kids and come out here. You won't believe what they're trying to do now." Sometimes it threatens to spill over the fence into our yard, and that can be a bit alarming, but all in all it's just good fun. well the canadians really know how to do a trailer park. that tv show is the best thing i've seen on TV in years.
  11. If you don't stop Medicare and I don't do it, one of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it once was like in America when men were free.
  12. his eyes are too shifty
  14. olyclimber

    My boy...

  15. lol. well next cat fight we have here some one should paste it verbatim into a screenplay for one of those vids. now that would be funny.
  16. oh if i wasn't so busy with work i'd finish the screenplay. no controversy and no one would miss the mark of my skewering pen. plus i feel that the xtranormal characters are flat and not emotive enough for the drama queens we have here.
  17. sounds like if their public option will only suffer more if medical tourism increases.
  18. http://news.yahoo.com/s/csm/286856
  19. Great pics Josh! Looks like a really nice trip.
  20. [video:youtube]NNC0kIzM1Fo
  21. dude. has it been done before? no.
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