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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. LOL from Baden Powell wiki: "Early discussion of Baden-Powell's sexuality focused on his relationship with his close friend Kenneth McLaren.[47]:217–218[48]:48 Tim Jeal's later biography discusses the relationship and finds that there is no conclusive evidence that this friendship was physical.[7]:82 Jeal then examines Baden-Powell's views on women, his appreciation of the male form, his military relationships, and his marriage, concluding that Baden-Powell might have been a repressed homosexual.[7]:103 Jeal's conclusion is shared by some biographers and disputed by others, but is not yet examined in any detail by other scholars.[49]:6"
  2. The Boy Scouts of America is based on Baden Powell's Scout Association. From their wiki page: "Scouting in Great Britain and Northern Ireland is open to all faiths and variations to the Scout Promise are allowed in order to accommodate those of different religious obligations or national allegiances.[7] The Scout Association does not permit an atheist version of the Promise, or a lack of any sort of faith or religion in the programme, which has attracted criticism from the National Secular Society (NSS) and the British Humanist Association,[8] but in 2012 the Scout Association began plans to create an alternative Promise without references to God.[9]" Looks like even atheists will be let into the parent org. What really burns me about this is what about agnostics???? Fuckers.
  3. You know what I'm talking about Rob. But have your fun. Person 1: I'm agnostic/atheist, and I want to be in the scouts. Most of the time it never comes up. Well, pretty much never. So, I pick my battles and enjoy the experience there since it is 99.99% about things other than religion Person 2: I'm a loud-mouthed obnoxious ass. I know the Scouts require to profess a faith in some God, so I'll openly, constantly raise a stink about it. Are you person 2, Rob? I know TTK is. I'm also an Ego Scout/Order of the Arrow dude. It seems like you've constructed an unnecessary box here. You say above to "just shut up and the things you object to and enjoy it"...as if there is no way to object to what the Scouts teach without being an obnoxious ass. Fact is that the Scouts do teach ideals to impressionable young men....it is a main function actually, and it is possible to object to some of the more antiquated ideals without wanting to blow up the whole org or just quit it. Ideas and conceptions evolve. We mostly don't keep slaves anymore. Women vote. Things change. If the Scouts don't, they will become irrelevant or viewed as bigoted. Ignoring that isn't going to help the Scouts.
  4. [video:youtube]xUyaUJtNapE&NR
  5. pretty crazy how much that thing is going for online. Darryl...are you going to print up a new edition?
  6. this is a kewl story as well http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/india/1509987/Stone-Age-tribe-kills-fishermen-who-strayed-on-to-island.html
  7. ha as if he needed to fool anyone. if he did, he already did it ya foo! Remember, he won reelection, your argument is irrelevant.
  8. you had me until the part about humility. truth is I don't have the patience to make it, but here is to those of you who do!
  9. Is the the only remaining living members of the cast of Eight Is Enough?
  10. olyclimber

    Gun Control

    Maybe you've changed his mind? This could be the first recorded time it has happened on the INTERNET!!!!
  11. [video:youtube]ZMigR7a_UHI woaaaaaahhhhh cooool mmaaaaannnn
  12. Hey E, how is your yeast infection doing?
  13. sorry, that came off as harsh. your views are invalid, is that ok?
  16. [video:youtube]gagR2_Yi8wE
  17. CLASSIC [video:youtube]0Gt_ocdsBBQ
  18. olyclimber

    Trippy vids

    Hey sausage! You got some trippy vids? Lets see the trippiest vids brahs. [video:youtube]wtjZOf0WmdE liek dis if u cri erry tiem
  19. olyclimber


    captain irrelevant
  20. [video:youtube]JAdR99YMB0U
  21. oh they're doing something. filibustering their own bills! LITERALLY. HEY KEV, DO YOU KNOW WHY DAY AIN'T CATCH DAT ANTHRAX DUDE? MASSIVE COVERUP.
  22. I believe you are the village idiot.
  23. olyclimber

    The Blob

    because massively dense blackholes
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