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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. I find that the hikeable summits with registers are boring . Summits that are harder to get to seem to have more interesting material to read . As for being a important historical record, who cares, does it really matter who was the 5th or 500th or 50000th person to climb the peak?
  2. Yeah let's bring Donnie Darko's bunny.
  3. 1 vote is not going to make a difference in this election, Muffy.
  4. Those damn Nihilist better bring the feret too.
  5. Hey TUIB, Yeah what Greg said. I went driving up there weekend before last and there is a ton of good spots up there. That road cuts back on to 2 over in Skyhommish FR 6510 less crowded than the Index side. Drive up the Middle fork of the Snoqualmie and there is a whole bunch of spots up there but more crowded than the road up by Index. There is this little mountain pond up high above X38 that usually doesn't have anybody there, but you need 4x4 and not care about scratching your paint. All of these places are within 2 hours of the city. You should look into the Goldmyer hot springs $12 pp awesome spot. Have fun.
  6. That looks like a cool ride.
  7. Check yes Rawktober any weekend Check yes free beer Check yes free snausages Check for nekid thruch stands Check yes for kewl prizes Check for the prize of shaving Jon's legs
  8. Dood, no matter what you are going to pay to climb, so I don't know why you keep saying that. Yes is cost money to climb, sometimes just gas and food to get you to and from the crag, other times for bigger mountains in far off reaches, airfare, porters, equipment, blah, blah, blah. Also, I don't know about you, but my free time is worth quite a bit to me. So paying a little extra to have someone take care of all the logistics of doing a 8000m peak in some other country would be way worth it. Some of these trips that people have posted about on this thread seem like great deals, and possibly a lot cheaper than what you are going to be able to do on your own, especially when you start to consider all the time you are going to spend searching out the best deal and who to rely on for services. As for what happened to true expeditons, I would say they still happen, (flip open a climbing mag sometime, usually all kinds of articles people on expeditions) but most of the time it is with people who have known each other and climbed together. They are most likely people who have been to where ever they are going, know who to deal with, know the area, know what to pay, basically know what to expect. Myself personally would love to go do an 8k peak sometime, but I tell ya it won't be on a trip that is organized on a message board with people I don't know. That is just dumb. Hitting the crags or the local mountains with someone I don't know is one thing, but planning a big trip like this is silly. I would much rather plan something with one or a couple of my friends and climb alpine style or OMG, pay to climb with some organized trip, where all I have to focus on is training and catching a plane on time. Just some food for thought. Man I can believe I writing in on this troll, I guess I am just a sucker.
  9. Bush-n-Kerry
  10. Wazzzup, have we all been short changing you on our taxes?
  11. Hey Randygoat, it is somewhat true that there isn't much ice here. I moved here last year from Maine and there isn't as much ice as New England and it is not as consistent as New England. Have you been to the Dacks, Willowbouy, Catskills, North Conway area, Baxter State Park in Maine for destination ice places out there. For bigger stuff check out that area that houses the La Pomme d'OR awesome area and long routes, I jsut forget the name of that valley. Also there has been a lot of climber making there way up to Labrador, I here some really long lines going in up there and no crowds. For the West side go to Bannf area.
  12. Can't believe how many fly snobs are out there. Anyway Dberdinka, just curious how your your Huck Finn adventure go? What did you end up going with and did it work?
  13. Lusine, Midwest Product, Dabrye, and Mathew Dear Decibel Festival Benefit Show (WORTHY CAUSE) Launching a world-class electronic music festival ain't cheap, but Decibel Fest organizer Sean Horton naturally thinks big, so he needs a hefty budget to lure the kind of producers and DJs that excite heads worldwide. Tonight's gig showcases artists from Ann Arbor's Ghostly International, a world-class label providing the forward-thinking music that we hope will fill Decibel's lineup in late September. (For more info about the event, see Data Breaker, page 44.) (Chop Suey, 1325 E Madison St, 324-8000, 9 pm-2 am, 21+, $10 adv. ) Data Breaker
  14. The fad will be over soon. American are good for up to a couple of year on the latest diet fad, this too shall go to the way side.
  15. "Shave Bush" on a pick-up. "Blow Bros. number 1 in the number 2 business" port-a-potty delivery truck. "Satan", you know the lil fish with horns and pitch fork. Just remembered another one I like "Unless you are a hemoroid, get off my ass"
  16. I put 200+ miles on dirt roads looking for potential crags, hot springs and camping spots. Found one that someone has been working on, I think I crossed paths with them on their way out. I think I may have found another good crag, but it was hard to tell in the fading light. Man I'm bored I want to climb.
  17. What, why would anybody monitor who is climbing with Neutrinos.
  18. I know what you mean Dru, it sux. even with the limited choices that we have, I would much rather have Kerry, Coke, and Bud.
  19. Ken, quit taking those painkillers in such large quantities. You HAVE NEVER seen me fully back Bush on this site. EVER. I'm not happy with things he's done, and have said so on many occassions in discussions here. My point is that Kerry isn't the savior that you socialist/commies think he is. Besides, ALL good political debates on this site start with a blatant flaming insult. So, suck buttgravy, choad huffer! Well The way I see it here is the great land of USA we get two choices, what a wonderful system. Granted I don't really care for Kerry, but because of our great politcal system you either support one or the other. So your ranting makes it sound like you are one of them Bush supporting/war mongering/right wingnut lemming. So I'll pass on the buttgravy, I know it's your favorite so it is all yours.
  20. Greg sometimes your right wing militant-like spray is unbearable. I can't believe you or anyone can fully support Bush and this stupid war were in (btw all wars are stupid, we should be beyond that in this stage development of the human race). If you can't see the guy is a moron, who is only interested in making money for himself and friends at the expense of the general public, then there is no help for you. GregW = fucking idiot = Bush
  21. Useless, though some of those guys do ride there, nobody shares info, and you thought climbers were secretive.
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