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Everything posted by kurthicks

  1. I've been told 4 hours skiing from the gate to the Blue Lake parking lot.
  2. Heading up in the morning for 6 days of ice. w00t w00t!
  3. mountain hardwear Annapurna $425 (I've seen it for a lot less used on cc.com) DPS & I took one this year. plenty roomy for 2 and gear at about 4 pounds less than the Trango 2. nice vestibules on both ends of the tent.
  4. how are the NF couloirs on S. Sister looking?
  5. going down tonight, eh, Dan? My guess is that you'll be walking from the resort. I'm sure you saw this from another thread: As of 11/8, all Cloudcap gates are still open - 4wd recommended. Today I reached the upper gate(ca. 4700'), but saw a couple other rigs get stranded. Major windfall on the road a couple of hundred yards past upper gate, plus significantly more snow higher... Hiked up to Cloudcap TH: A couple of feet of powder under a crust from Sat pm. Floatation would be helpful above 5500'...
  6. it's a good deal. I bet someone would buy them if they knew if they were straight or bent handled...
  7. http://www.sierratradingpost.com/xq/asp/dept_id.L1~4282/qx/prod_list_display.htm w00t!
  8. Ice: www.gravsports.com www.live-the-vision.com http://www.mountainsoft.net/users/jd/ http://www.climbubu.com/index.html www.montanaice.com www.coldfear.com Alps topos/videos (in French): http://www.tvmountain.com/topo/index.htm rock: WSU Alpine Club (Lightning Dome & Chimney Rock Topos): http://cub.wsu.edu/wsualpine/local.html Seattle crags: http://home.comcast.net/~cspieker/SYO/crags/crags.htm Sawtooth climbs: http://www.stanford.edu/~clint/eperch/saw.htm Index: http://www.stanford.edu/~clint/index/index.htm Misc beta: http://www.stanford.edu/~clint/ John Scurlock's page, of course http://www.pbase.com/nolock/
  9. The gate was open yesterday. We drove to the crest of the first hill (not too far past the rockslide prone spot), then turned around in about 6" of snow. It was probably dumping up there last night though, since it was cold and raining in Leavenworth.
  10. David Raska (from the 'about us' page) is a strong climber. He was in our gym last night doing one arm pullups and, generally, making us all look weak. nice guy. I'll have to talk to him about this gear.
  11. Climbing Denali before May is doable (the WB was guided in April last year, for example)...but...it depends on a number of factors, not to mention your school schedule and when you're planning on coming to WA to do Rainier.
  12. more good tools (my alpine tools too). not a bad price with the leashes.
  13. Good deal on DMM Flys http://www.live-the-vision.com/cms/index...76&catid=10
  14. That sounds about like our time this summer, except that we got stuck behind another party for almost an hour at the base of the gendarme...I think they were having lunch or something on the top of the pillar.
  15. My first expedition and trip to Alaska was pretty awesome. Thanks DPS!
  16. there is a shot of it in Beckey, perhaps an older edition though.
  17. Ergo + Nomics = ergonomics those Petzl people were thinkin.
  18. just found these. http://www.mountainsoft.net/videos/
  19. Turkey Day 2003 in the Hurricane Creek drainage in the Wallowas. kind of in the mountains, but not really.
  20. I read about it on SP.com, but no reference to who did it. Good rainy/snowy day project.
  21. I use the Khamsin 38 too, but I replaced the framesheet with a foam bivy pad--making it more flexible/comfortable. too bad they discontinued that pack. the CCW packs are good too. some of the newer BD packs look like they could be good.
  22. I heard about those too. When is someone going to chop them? (insert :boltwar: graemlin here)
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