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Everything posted by kurthicks

  1. 1 pair of Ergos for sporto ice/drytooling. 1 pair of CFBPs for alpine
  2. It's not a hammer with a grivel free leash on it? the rubber on the shaft slides around? that'd be too wierd since I lost that tool on Jberg.
  3. OR Show? bring your tools. We can go out ice cragging in the evenings.
  4. I heard from a friend that they're tagged at over $80 in the store. for web-sales.
  5. Colorado Ice conditions & other good info: http://www.jackrobertsclimbing.com/icecond.html
  6. at Mountain Gear. http://mgear.com/pages/product/product.a...level2_id/0/N/0
  7. i know someone. he doesn't post here. i'll give him a call.
  8. I was kidding about the reward. I might head up there this afternoon, I need to stretch the muscles. It would make sense to get them before it freezes again. I'll PM you if I go up there.
  9. how good of a reward? I'm kind of bored today. will I have to rap in to get them? can i get to them with one 60m?
  10. Bug and I went in towards Colchuck Lake monday/Tuesday with overly large packs. There is/was a trail broken to the trail junction. after that, we hit a 2" breakable crust with 2 feet of unconsolidated snow underneath. even with snowshoes we were breaking through the crust, sometimes producing a decent 'whumping'. then it snowed about 6" on Monday night. we sat around yesterday morning listening to at least a half dozen natural release avalanches coming from the Dragontail/Colchuck area. we turned around. on the way out we spotted triple couloirs, I think they look ok. gotta wait for better snow conditions though. maybe Bug will post a pic or 2. The road is gated. it's snowing again in Leavenworth now.
  11. 12.25 my girlfriend and I climbed out in the Icicle today. we did a little route (60m, WI2+) just left of Icicle buttress. Saw a climber leading Rainbow Falls Right. hubba hubba climbs still looks pretty good. the careno climbs are still standing; the left route looks to be leadable still. most everything is getting pretty rotten though. drury is starting to fall down. most of the drip is gone. there is a crust layer forming on top of a slushy snow layer. could mean bad things for avy danger. with some cold temps this week though things will be FAT in no time.
  12. I climbed ice in the Icicle today. not too bad...but not too good either.
  13. so it's snowing up there, eh? good news for once.
  14. very wet here in Leavenworth tonight. calling for lots of rain tomorrow. Stevens is "suspending operations" tomorrow, but reopening on Monday. I'm going to scope the icicle tomorrow after present opening... I'll report back.
  15. you know you shouldn't be probing for our secret projects, now don't you Trog... christmas came early today with a new probe, shovel, and rutshblock cord.
  16. those still look surprisingly good considering the weather this week.
  17. I had an incredible year, but this is how I compare to my list from last december: Goals: more solid as a 10/11 trad leader - kind of lead harder ice - getting there routes: Liberty Ridge - failed ice FAs in Idaho - failed Enclosure Couloir - failed OS/Orbit linkup - failed Hood, NF - failed Eldo, NE Couloir - failed must stop: climbing the Beckey route on Liberty Bell - done bitching about weather - failed spraying... - failed There's always next year.
  18. just found this picture. kind of funny. http://actionsportsimages.smugmug.com/gallery/843677/4/37883169
  19. losers who did not sadly, i came to Reno for Christmas hoping to hit some ice in Lee Vining, but it's 50 degrees now (no ice) with high avy danger in the hillz (no skiing). this are so suck.
  20. no passport required or international hassles. Partners with previous DUIs can come along.
  21. No ice a week ago from what I saw from I skied up the road.
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