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Everything posted by kurthicks

  1. not a route that I know of. from the approach, it looked like it just seeps out of the wall and doesn't connect to the upper snow slopes. I'd be terrified to try to mixed climb on that rock. it might be a fun little (90m?) ice route when it touches down though.
  2. Nice work, Monday was definately the day to get out this week
  3. nice work! You were definately off route on the descent, but it would be kind of tricky in a storm without having done it before. from the summit, you walk south-ish down, then left & down on the crest, then up over a false summit/gendarme on it's right side. Continue down the ridge crest for a while, then drop onto the right side of the ridge (the deming side) via a narrow chute, from there it's easy walking to the saddle.
  4. yea, they've all been climbed and are mostly moderate in difficulty. good easy water ice access early in the winter though. relatedly, the falls on the approach trail is starting to form and might get "in" before the road gets snowed in.
  5. a couple of slots still require a zigzag, but we didn't poke anything on foot. easy enough navigation if you point 'em downhill near your uptrack. variable conditions though, from knee deep powder to crunchy neve-ish stuff.
  6. It was a great day and a superb route indeed! October is an awesome month -- climbing splitters at Index one day and then true water ice two days later! A note to all of the weekend's potential suitors--climbing under another party would surely lead to being struck by party induced icefall, so be cautious. Also, the route is circa 400m, not 600' as reported in Washington Ice. Dylan on the first pitch Following the second pitch Higher on pitch 2 Tackling the second ice pitch (pitch 4) Da summit view Dylan thinking he's still in France. come on man, these things don't work in the Cascades!
  7. It would be old news if Mark's cam failed at the spot mentioned in the "inspection notice", but it didn't. It failed at the intersection of the gray/gray lobes NOT the gray/yellow lobes. From looking at mine, it appears that the only thing that holds that pin in place is the spring. my guess is that the spring came out of the pin, resulting in the failure. Here's the inspection notice. http://www.omegapac.com/op_climbing_notices.html
  8. or this one! http://www.getoutdoors.com/goblog/index.php?/archives/2148-Madillo-Folding-Helmet-Video.html
  9. Grivel tools are sold. mtnsmith gone, camalback gone. make offers on the other stuff.
  10. those are all good, but i think spokane/Couer D'Alene are good, minus the local culture thing.
  11. The eco ball. They sell it at AAI in Bellingham.
  12. check your PMs, if that doesn't work... e-mail me at kurt.hicksATgmailDOTcom obviously, remove the no-spam stuff. Kurt
  13. There is some ice in near Emerald Bay (I think) on the west side of the Lake. not super reliable, but i've seen in that time of year. Check out the Climbing Lake Tahoe rock book for some beta.
  14. one last shot. Anyone interested?
  15. Rick - I'm in Bellingham. PM me if you've got a place to meet that's convenient. Marylou - the bibs are gone, sorry.
  16. you can always climb the Fin joe. it'd be a decent route to solo. PM me if you want, but I can't go climbing there this weekend.
  17. looking for a partner to swing some tools with on Saturday. thinking of alpine ice routes...I'll lead everything if you don't want to. PM me asap.
  18. talk to Jim at Redpoint (if he's still there). there is more out there.
  19. keep your e-bay ads out of here! haha. I've got a pair of Reactors that have only been up the Ice Cliff that i'd let go for $175.
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