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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. I hope this 'biner found its home. What an awesome, caring group of people.
  2. Last time I saw Beck he rode his bike from Goldbar to the Leavenworth Rope-up with minimalist bivi gear and that wild grin I remember so well. Still as wacky as ever!
  3. Just don't go climbing after the flight and lose your camera with 75 alpine shots on it from a belay 80 feet up. . . . . Like I did. :cry: What a great adventure you had!!!! :brew:Erik John, you are an amazing man !
  4. EWolfe


    Tall, short, it's all about the attitude:
  5. Wayne probably has one... :lmao:
  6. mmmm....bacon by button....
  7. EWolfe

    How to get some...

    It's so easy to change the world: buy a wristband, be like Haley and don't speed!!
  8. EWolfe

    For the parents

    He certainly made my decision readily ap-parent.
  9. EWolfe


  10. EWolfe


    not so special anymore
  11. EWolfe


    This is a very special thread. :)
  12. Most excellent reporting Dave. Thanks for the information. I did deliberately leave out the names of the developers because i didn't feel it was my place to "Out" them. Now that you have, I would like to say thanks to Matt Kerns, Greg Collum and Jason Kohler for all of their hard work and great routes. Dave: my routes are the three or four .11s on the right side of the East Wall, and the entire smaller crag just east of the main formation. Any work going on in the huge goat cave east of there? Again, thanks for your updates and info, they are invaluable for maintaining access. Erik Wolfe
  13. He's doing fine. Climbed with him yesterday, we're developing "The Doctor's Office" together. Here he is putting in some anchors for the first route in "The Pharmacy": Going back today! Shoot me a PM who you are and I'll say Hi to him for ya. Erik
  14. EWolfe


    I think we need an anti-ALLCAPS called 'all-lowercase'. Only the demure need apply.
  15. EWolfe

    The Mazama Store

    As knwlegdable as he may seem, I cannot trust anyone who can't make their avatar pic eyes blink at the same time.
  16. That would be really cool, OLY. Count me two way :tup:
  17. Badvoodoo, that is a blast from the past! Thanks! Erik
  18. Thanks for the cryptic, non-informational "I am a badass FA Hero, but no beta for you" mentality.
  19. EWolfe

    The Mazama Store

    I like the store. Listening to the locals, everyone checkin' each other out, waving... Mazama: crashing in a yard/Mike throwing up before Der Diehedral, Spring-ski-in, Bigwig, good memories... Different pace, for sure. WTF do people do there for work?
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