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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. ...soo why don't you love me... edit: boy I messed that one up...
  2. If this sounds familiar Kix, we need to talk.
  3. One of whom is pulling the infamous highball, foreign-dignitary's-daughter bedding move. Wack.
  4. "What is this Polish Vodka Crap?!? Got any Absolut?" or another one: "There's now way I am leaving this van to go ice climbing again!"
  5. EWolfe

    MaryLou .vs Tazz

    Yah, NWesters Represent!!! Now back to your regular programming
  6. EWolfe

    MaryLou .vs Tazz

    LET'S DO THIS!!!! INTRAWEBS CATFIGHT!!!! :battlecage:
  7. Better than working in the receiving department!
  8. Thanks, Kat. Clinical thinking saves the day again! Joseph!!!!!
  9. Sugar and bovine lactates aside, let's not forget the credo: Whatever the Mountaineers can climb in three days, we can climb in four!
  10. Hey, Now. I am bringing two brotherhoods together here. Anyway, i was trolling for Dkemp
  11. EWolfe


    For 'core guys like RuDr, the gym (like him) is a tool. He has no time to notice the riff-raff, too busy taking burns on the Viscious Fishes simulator (at 5.11) . Damn Cheetos! :wave:Rudy
  12. EWolfe


    I hear the red path is a siiiick send
  13. Awww. Isn't the senile old guy in Depends amusing?
  14. 1.Top 4 meanest plants and their effect, identification - check! 2. Top 3 natural approach barriers and how they beat you down - check! 3. Memorized bushwackers scale - check! 4. Been to Ice Cream Social - check! 5. Have at least one of said plants growing in your yard - check!
  15. Nature is cruel. Haven't you noticed? Get out in the slide alder much?
  16. EWolfe


    Chip off the old block, he is.
  17. I was thinking I would go all cro-magnon, and have the hair implanted all the way to my eyebrows!
  18. Really mean and nasty avatar on NWHikers.com. Long established as a rabble-rouser, incipient 5th-classer, and a drinker of things other than wine spritzers, this guy is a bad-ass over there. Denounced repeatedly for his poor choice of footwear and lack of proper essentials, we're talking rebel here Folks. Let the bidding begin
  19. EWolfe

    Cat killer

    That one is AWFUL!!!!
  20. I just had a funny image of a leader with a harpoon in his ass, being belayed from the harpoon rope.
  21. Damn It! I'm not that mean anymore, I just wanted to get banned! Instead, they're all nice to me and shit. I can't seemed to get banned anywhere! :cry:
  22. They didn't delete it, just changed the title. AND said "glad to have you!". Not the expected rusults OW is correct, I wasn't trolling, just griping a little.
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