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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Saturday: Did First ascents of two routes with David Bloom,one is an amazingly pocketed, slightly overhanging 5.10b. 11 bolts, 90 feet. Ultra classic. Also, a pumpy, short .11c where you have to lean/fall over a 3-1/2 foot precipice to grab the starting holds. Amazing bullet sandstone jughandles for the first 30 feet, slightly overhanging. The .11c crux hits after 40 feet of pumpy .10, and the only rest at "The Brain", a limestone-like formation. Sunday: Put up another first ascent. 5.11d, the crux being a 5 foot reach sideways off a potato chip, then matching hands on slopey pockets, paste feet and power-pull for big jug. Just another weekend of spending $200 on route hardware! There are still a .12a and .12d waiting for sends. I think I can get the .12a after a rest day. It is 100 feet long, 2 seperate .11+ cruxes, then finishing on an steep headwall on melon shaped jugs. It will be called "Melonoma" if I can hang on to the finishing jugs. Jesus, what a pump. Ta-ta! E
  2. Hey! There's STILL no new Smith Rock Guide!!
  3. I know you folks got some ideas.... Putting on the 60 pound pack on the second day of an approach. Masturbating in your shared tent without your partner knowing. Dealing with Poison ivy/oak without Technu on a muti-day trip. Others?
  4. Jeff Lowe and RRK get into it OMG
  5. MOUNTAINEER: Waxes poetically about the process, style, timing and flow of a proper piss, including use of two of the 10 essentials. Followed by an involuntary release into shorts-over-polypro when handed the rack.
  6. EWolfe


    Trolled and pwned, all in one thread.
  7. Now that you have posted something unrelated to climbing or the thread, it is.
  8. And That Is The Lovin We Seek. Thanks for the reminder
  9. YOU ARE HOW YOU PISS TRAD CLIMBER: Belchs, farts, picks nose, pisses on floor, bitches about smelly urinal, stalks away. SPORT CLIMBER: Chalks up, pulls cock out, backs away, puts cock away, rechalks, breathes deep, checks cock, rechalks, reapproaches, goes for it, pisses down leg, blames belayer and poor conditions. ICE CLIMBER: Knows it's too cold outside to piss, slams finger with ice hammer so he'll forget the pain in his bladder. MOUNTAIN CLIMBER: Pulls out wanker in blizzard, piss freezes to leg, weiner gets frostbitten, head has to be amputated but not until after drunken brawl in Kathmandu and waiting 4 days for flight back to Anchorage. GYM CLIMBER: Poses too long, pisses down pants, has daddy buy new lycra. EXTREME GAMES CLIMBER: Slams a Dew, jumps off mountain, cuts bunjee cord, pulls parachute, pisses up belly cause it gives him an adrenaline rush. OLD FART CLIMBER: Can't remember if he pissed or not, pisses down leg. DRUNK BRITISH CLIMBER: Holds left thumb in right hand, pisses in pants. DRUNK YANK CLIMBER: Asks others to stop urinal from spinning, pisses down leg. ECO-CONSCIOUS CLIMBER: Filters out salts and contaminants, drinks filtrate. SENSTIVE NEW AGE CLIMBER: Warns urinal it is about to be pissed on. KENTUCKY CLIMBER: Rants about how much harder it is to piss in Kentucky than it is out west, pisses in shoe. HOMOPHOBE CLIMBER: Can't piss - thinks the guy two stalls down is eyeing him. GENERATION X CLIMBER: Refuses to piss as silent protest, blows bladder, dies. GENERATION X CLIMBER #2: Pisses down leg, attributes it to bad home life. AUSSIE CLIMBER: Drinks another brew, bitches that the yanks are pissing upside down, pisses up nose. REC.CLIMBERS: Sit at computers even though they have to piss real bad, lose control, piss on power strip, die of electrocution. --Borrowed from rec.climbers
  10. 89 just south of Weed to 44 then to Susanville, as Malcon said.
  11. EWolfe


    Josh Wharton also chopped bolts at my favorite Renton Crag, and is singularly responsible for the delay in the new Smith Rock Guide. Why, Josh Wharton? Why?
  12. EWolfe


    This thread is yummy!! STFU, PP... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . You're interrupting my fantasy
  13. You all are out of your respective trees
  14. It's wierd how "emo" is actually anti-emotional in so many ways - suffering, solitude, misunderstanding. It feels like the cultural tendency of mis-information manifested
  15. I wonder how Trask, Jr turned out...
  16. ...and that IS some fine "mini-guitar" playing, as well...
  17. Regardless, the Smothers Brothers RULED!!!!
  18. ya do what ya can with available tools! BTW, as a Taoist, I resent....errr...choose to ignore that comment sickie
  20. Original Insanity: skU-jBFzXl0
  21. I always set my crampon release din real low
  22. EWolfe


    I feel like someone here is not being sensitive!!!! Your brash generalizations hurt me deeply :cry: This is the cafe, gentle spirit reminds....
  23. WTF are those cow vertebrae mounted on his shoulders? Beef byproduct! Brilliant!
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