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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. It may not be sexy TO YOU, but Brian popped a woody.
  2. Yeah, busted. My Bad Not Mounties pic - let me make up for my mistake: SENNNDD!!!!
  3. EWolfe

    BC Bud

    I'm not schizophrenic, and neither am I
  4. :lmao: Dudes are bad-ass. Did you see the one of the guy descending the ridge of dirt with sickening exposure and two or three jumps? That was the sickest free-ride I have ever seen.
  5. No tape. Nice. You are getting full value at that speed.
  6. Hehe. 'Cept Bloom doesn't drink, so I guess it must be mine...
  7. One person's floor is another's ceiling. :ooo:
  8. Oh, Hai! You suck for making fellow climbers compete for your goods! Read the yard sale rules, Dood. Scofflaw!
  9. They rejected my brilliant essay on using the same cup for beer and coffee. It was a concise, no-nonsense look at how coffee-flavored beer is OK, but it doesn't work the other way. :cry:
  10. It doesn't matter what drill you get if you operate it with gel batteries in series. Use fairly heavy guage speaker cable for the wiring. This is the best solution, you can drill up to 30-40 holes with two gels in series, and the weight is in your pack, not your hands. Hell, you can even buy a used one at a fraction of the cost and rewire it this way. Happy drilling! Erik I'll post up a picture of "The Power Pig" in a few minutes.... There's like 8 gels in series in this beast, a hundred holes in hard rock or 250-300 in sandstone
  11. Yes, they do fine. The sandstone is nice cuz chalk isn't as important. The location is Clear Creek Resevoir in Williams
  12. EWolfe


    Let's not forget about water! Who else likes water!?! I know I got some soul-mates out there...
  13. EWolfe

    arrgghh mateys

    I have a history of it. Remember "The End Is Near" ? Go back to the Cafe, Mr. Sensitive.
  14. CC.Com Mis-informing since 2000
  15. No need for words really, except this is 1 hour from Flagstaff:
  16. Thanks for the update, Sandpounder. Sad news indeed. I have a friend who almost died from a rogue wave in Hawaii. He still bears the scars from the lacerations of the lava as he was pummelled and hanging on for his life while the water tried to pull him out to sea. Be careful out there!
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