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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. He botched the descent too. All in all, a bad effort at Mount Likker Store. Except for the tenacity....
  2. EWolfe

    Mind Fuck

    Since 06 eh. I think I've been a member since 00, but I'm not a long time member since there are folks who have been regular members for even longer. In my humble opinion it is possible that you are too much of a pussy to climb Liberty Ridge. Now I know Kurt is back 100% Happy Birthday Man! Harry Pi:
  3. What a terrible robber this guy is!! sweet toe-hook move, though. Too bad he didn't get the onsight
  4. Spent at least 1/2 day at The Doctor's Office 8 out of the last 10 days (thanks to 1/2 work days), set anchors on stupid hard routes (.12d, .12b and .11d/.12a), cleaned routes, got worked trying to send, resorted to landscaping the base to pass the time. Freaking zoo in Sedona this weekend, saw 25 people on the creek on my way in on Sunday, most of them in shorts and sandals, playing in and around the poison ivy. Gonna be some unhappy campers starting today, I would imagine.
  5. I wouldn't either if I could run up mountains like that one, MisterE. I'll settle for climbin' them, though. Nothin' shaves the weight like a 50-mile trail run...that girl PUT ME DOWN on approaches!
  6. Oh. That's right - she has no weight to lose.
  7. I am sooo glad I/we got our friend Sherri hooked on CC.Com. Now where is our little finger-pickin' friend to add her amazing energy to this?
  8. "...This time we will do it properly - tell me about computers." Robert: "A computer is an automatic electronic apparatus for making calculations, or..."
  9. EWolfe


    Awesome, you guys! That approach/descent is no cruise either! Good to see you're back in action Kurt! Erik
  10. As a carpenter, I like your business name!
  11. Jay, you make no sense sometimes. Sure, the fixie crowd has it's own "look", how do you relate that to the self-mutilating slacker crowd again??? Most of the fixie riders I know are badass riders that would never adopt the "world sucks. I hate myself and everything" attitude - they just want the shock value of the look. Or maybe that was the difficulty of discernment....ok, I get it. Nevermind. Ex-courier Erik
  12. Everything I know about bolt-gunning while free-soloing... ...I learned from Stallone. :cool:
  13. EWolfe


    Pores don't open up and allow clearing of dirt, oils, etc with cold water. It's only a surface treatment. Too hot water damages the sweat glands by forcing them open to a water flush, imbalancing the natural pre process of dirt, sweat and oils. Your skin is your largest organ! CBS-type entry>
  14. When tempted to post, oh... say a four minute witticism by internet? Resist. Your billing is in the mail.
  15. I am sure all the burnt-out Peaceniks thought this was groovy, but man, like, Wow! If you're not wacked on 'cid that shiz is just sloww Rainbow Convention burnout, Dude.. Every day is a beautiful new world, though, man, so keep the spirit.
  16. Mikey, we gotta get one of these for our next aline bivvy! baa
  17. EWolfe

    Very strange

    Nah, It was just Cavey out looking for a new 5.4 to send.
  18. "Here's Kenny!!!" I actually think it's a cute picture, she looks like a little Mother Theresa sickie
  19. My how they change... Let's see, put up a bunch of new climbs on a virgin 300 foot sandstone cliff On the agenda: the doc has a badass 12d and 5 feet away is my .11+/.12- pulling a bulge on amazing softball-shaped holds. I have spent at least part of 5 out of 7 days of the last week there. I fixed a bottle of wine with a shitty 1/4" bolt just at sipping level at the base of the new wall. Jesus, rapping 200 feet of vertical sandstone on a single static with multiple roofs (just to set anchors) and serious ab-pump from all the airtime took some getting used to, and at 7000' too. I'm OK with it now, damn I am going to be in good shape for the tetons in 2 months... La Vie! Erik
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