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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. I got it. I'll send it to ya, I just gotta check my PM's
  2. I heard that Bush recently compared himself to FDR. Can he really be that ignorant and egotistical??
  3. Pete Keane, co-owner of Timberline Mountain Guides put out a small addendum to the Smith Rock Guide back in the '90's that includes many aid routes in the area, and I believe he has done most of the routes on the wall. info@timberlinemtguides.com If he doesn't get back to you, PM me and I will give you his personal e-mail contact. Erik Wolfe
  4. Today in the cubicles of the Northwest. Fell off again this afternoon.
  5. EWolfe

    Server Slowness

    Let me upload a bunch of pictures to aggravate you then... just kidding!
  6. I seriously recommend not falling on ANY of the North Cascades routes. Sincerily, Erik
  7. Leaving plenty of time to get your post count up. Harry Pi, is that you? First EVER post IN SPRAY???
  8. EWolfe

    MisterE's avatar

    Thanks, Dru! Suzi will appreciate it!
  9. EWolfe


  10. Is yor ass still sore from your "visit" out west with Olyclimber?
  11. I see your point, but.. The photos (excluding John Scurlock's) are shared property to us, not exclusive, and it is pretty obvious that mike didn't photo himself during one of the 5.9+ ( ) sections, so I guess it is assumed? BTW, he was glad he didn't know I took that picture...
  12. EWolfe

    How Ligers are Made

    Lion and tigers... where's the bear? Oh My!
  13. The ascent was a major undertaking for both of us. The crediting does not at all minimalize either party's efforts. Ego plays no part in this type of commitment. I am stunned by the accolades, and humbled by the ascent of the 1958 party from Portland, and Fred's efforts in 1968.
  14. EWolfe


    So sez the flatlander. Fuckin' unbelievable
  15. EWolfe

    MisterE's avatar

    Moderator! GlassgowKiss NEEDS that one!!!
  16. Who's my wittle day-trader? That's right!! You are! Yes,yes, my wittle snuggly wuggly, you are the BEST day-trader EVER!
  17. Thanks, CC! That's my new avatar gif!
  18. EWolfe

    Server Slowness

    It's back and it's fast!
  19. EWolfe

    Server Slowness

    Man, this site has been slooooooww for me the last couple of days. Anybody else? I have broadband, and all the other places I visit pop up fast, but every thread here takes about 30 seconds to load.
  20. Rudy is the minuteman... C'mon, RuMR! The bait is just hangin' there, it's not going to bite itself!
  21. What do you care Minuteman! You're a sport climber! The aliens still are hands down the best.
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