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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. No! Bring it! The vinyl hotel will provide laughs for all, as well as a good place for strip-poker. Lokks like we might be showng some stuff from Mox.
  2. IPA I'm having some Boundary Bay variety, local good stuff!
  3. Which way did they go? Looks tough:
  4. I get all my news from spray, it is the Fox network of the online world: truthful, concise, nary a fluffball to be seen. I believe it all. Call me naive.
  5. Mike is dictating by phone to respond: "1. Permit: Sorry, forgot. Realized at trailhead, too late. 2. Machete: Just brought for the photo, 4 devil's club branches were harmed. No bushes destroyed. 3. Flare: John was flying over anyways, the flare would have been useless, but we brought it anyways for psychological security. Erik would have had to been dead, hanging from a rope before it was used. We never asked Scurlock to fly for us. 4.Impact: Fires were small and only for hypothermia in the rain. I buried the fires after extinguishing. 5. Sometimes creative writing does not accurately display the true nature of the adventure. 6. CC.com is not neccesarily the best place to get straight facts. 7. Kids, don't try this at home.
  6. Thanks for your post! We were aware that we were going into a special place. Will, the boat-driver, even told us that native artifacts have been found in the area we were going. Our intent was as little impact as possible. I would like to take this opportunity to clarify a few things, impact-wise. 1. We used the machete exactly twice: once to battle through devils club on a steep slope to escape an impassable part of the Perry Creek drainage, and second, a single branch to the fire to honor our route name. 2. The two fires we made were right on the creek, and will disappear at next snowmelt. That goes for our 2nd day camp as well. Our basecamp was on a flat rock in the talus field, requiring minimal clearing of stones. 3. We took all of our garbage out with us, except (as pointed out) the webbing and gear required to get us off the mountain. We also "cleaned" a carabiner from the 1958 party's ascent. We used no flagging on the approach or descent. I feel certain negative assumptions have been made. I hope this clarifies them somewhat. Sorry about dropping the permit ball. Erik Wolfe
  7. The subtle joys of administration.
  8. "Thas Right!" Wlcome back, Dru!
  9. Man, I hope the Abbey Ale is in time. I'd shave my crown and wear a rough peasant's robe....
  10. Maybe not what you were expecting:
  11. It's about time someone said it: STFU, N00B!
  12. Yo! That's chilli' wack , Dawg.
  13. Oh! The angst of lost witty comeback!
  14. That's a great trip report Wayne - really shows your (and Josh's) determination, and enjoyment in the face of adversity!
  15. However, carrying a glissade board on a 5.9 chimney so you can enjoy the ride down, is a guaranteed buzzkill.
  16. On a related note, when I was a youngster hanging with my folks in Camp 4, my Mom said Chuck Pratt's idea of a good time was to set all the dogs free at the tourist's camp at 2 AM, and sit back and watch the show.
  17. Man, It's still summer. You folks are on the wrong kind of snow.
  18. in /home/.gumnut/climb/ If I was old, and could gum my nuts, I'd never leave my room in Pleasant Hill Retirement Home.
  19. prolly down for routine stuff, I still got all my valuable PM's I refused to copy
  20. I'd guess that you're avatar was well-chosen, cuz you're takin' some Kix!
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