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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Yer harshing the mellow, AllCaps Dude. That was special for me.
  2. "You know, I been to the edge. I stood there and looked down..."
  3. EWolfe


    He left a huge black ink spot just before - does that mean something?
  4. EWolfe


    Just to get beer. It's a sad state of affairs....
  5. I saw David at the Mt. Baker Blues Festival. He rocks!
  6. That's the sort of blinkered philistine pig-ignorance i have come to expect from you non-creative garbage. You sit there on your loathsome, spotty behinds, not carng a tinker's cuss for the struggling artist! Whining hypocritcal toadies with your bleedin' secret Masonic handshakes and your Tony Jaquelyn golf clubs... well, you wouldn't let me join, would you!!!!
  7. EWolfe

    Cabin Fever

    I never want to piss off a flat rock - they're viscious when angry.
  8. EWolfe

    Martial Law

    Can we mix some martial arts into the martial law? It seems so right-brain.
  9. He's gonna summit E Face of Mox... Hang onto those small cams!
  10. EWolfe

    Cabin Fever

    Got that 10 foot stare in an 8 foot room, eh?
  11. EWolfe

    Damn Dru!

    Bring me my brown trousers!
  12. The enhancer's they found were deodorant and a toothbrush.
  13. Careful, you'll get fido and company excited...
  14. Please reserve a site for yourself, somewhere far away.
  15. Safety glass, like in cars, should not damage your gear, but check for sheath damage on the rope and slices in webbing of draws just to be sure. More importantly, hope YOU are o.k.!
  16. EWolfe


    Preparation for a trip of a lifetime: $700 Rappel for your life: $200 Making back alive: priceless
  17. That's a great article, Stoney.
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