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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Why is Greg's story locked?
  2. From The Onion: Government Relief Workers Mosey In To Help FEMA representatives call out to survivors, "Show us your tits for emergency rations!" NEW ORLEANS—Federal Emergency Management Agency director Michael Brown, leading a detachment of 7,500 relief workers, moseyed on down to New Orleans Monday afternoon. "Well, I do declare, it's my job to see if any of these poor folks need any old thing," Brown said from his command rocker on the command post porch, adding, "Mighty hot day, ain't it?" Follow-up teams of emergency relief workers are expected to begin ambling into the Gulf Coast region as early as this weekend. "They should be getting the trucks good and warmed up anytime now, and they'll be cruising into town just as soon as all the reservists stroll in," said Brown, who is currently at his desk awaiting offers of food, water, and evacuation buses to roll in from "somewhere or other."
  3. EWolfe


    More like genuflect-and-kiss-your-ass-goodbye-if-you're-poor day.
  4. EWolfe

    Let them eat cake

    Funny. It's usually you who has the fetish-of-the-week.
  5. EWolfe

    CatBirdSeat Poll

    Off fondling feces in some exotic location, no doubt...
  6. EWolfe


    Go kill yourself. Now.
  7. EWolfe

    CatBirdSeat Poll

    read: slothrop's bustin' out all his avatars for this one.
  8. A Winnar Is yuo!
  9. Classic!
  10. Plus Smith is welded Tuff - basically compacted ash. Much more suceptible to erosion through use and **ahem** constant brushing.
  11. I got yo colla Beeeeyotch!
  12. Boy, some people have all the weekend fun...
  13. EWolfe


    I can hear him in the bannination chamber, begging for reprieve. How do I know this? Because I am halfway there...
  14. Just to the right of Liberty Crack? I was soloing Liberty Crack a few years back when that was being put up. It's like a .10+, but I remember the First Ascentionist remarking that there was a "perfect #3 Camalot placement, and I just couldn't put a bolt there." I think that was the first pitch. Looked really fun, I agree.
  15. It belongs to the Earl.
  16. Cuz it's the yard sale forum. The Blue Meanies would've done it anyway.
  17. EWolfe


    O.K., he's being sensitive. Let's ALL just say we're sorry. I'm sorry I bagged on you, Squid. You're one of the good ones, Man.
  18. You're fast like a Minnesotan?
  19. big hair, tight pants on a Edit:
  20. There's been stranger things. Hussy.
  21. Post deleted by MisterE
  22. and I keep resetting your post. Seems symbiotic enough.
  23. Ther you go again. I wish you would just cry quietly to yourself, instead. It's less disruptive. Thank You.
  24. but the music lives on here at KISM...
  25. the 80's sucked.
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