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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Found this response when I linked the story to another climbing website: I have a big problem with these climbers. The climb took place in a sacred and very remote valley in North Cascades National Park that demands respect. The problem is these climbers have no respect for the north cascades. This is evident by the bag of garbage they left at the top of the wall. They even had the audacity to send a picture of their bag of garbage to the local Bellingham Herald Newspaper!!! Their non-biodegradable plastic bag with a joker card inside was left on the top of the wall! Littering in a national park is not only illegal but totally immoral!! Once again the climbing community in Bellingham has shown its true colors. These climbers are apparently like many climbers in our area who care about nothing more than their egos. They had to make 8 rapels to get off the wall, which means they left 8 more pieces of garbage(webbing) behind them. They also reported finding garbage left by Fred Beckey and another party who previously tried the route. Did they pick up this garbage?? Heck no! Why......because they were to busy thinking about the articles they could write once they retreated back to Bellingham! Until these guys get some humility I hope they have a long time to think about their actions while dangling limply from the end of their climbing rope after taking a really long hard fall! When Eric are you going to return to this site to clean up your garbage???? What a tool, I guess he would downclimb the whole thing. Nice armchair analysis.
  2. Your bait is unappealing. I ain't biting.
  3. Agreed. A break of a week or so for the liver would be appreciated.
  4. The walls are entreprise imprint panels, not very many t-nuts per panel due to the irregular surfaces. The wall, though tall, has limited routes because of the narrowness, and there is no bouldering, just some weak-ass traverse. Plus you have to deal with the Y mentality, and poseurs hangdogging all over the difficult routes.
  5. Hee hee hee! OOO! Stop that! My, what big teeth you--
  6. The YMCA sucks in my opinion, but the gym at the U is good. I don't know if the Thunder Monkey Dome is still up and running since Luke is YakBouldering now, but that was a good pump. Erik
  7. Lammy's going all PC and mainstream on us! Seriously, Congratulations.
  8. How did you fare on that, Mr. ManBoobs?
  9. That's exactly the problem. A big fucking problem because growth is not infinite. There are boundaries and we are hurtling toward them. Bring it. Otherwise, if prolonged, we are doomed.
  10. That is one of the most succinct statements I have read here in a while. Thanks, Eric.
  11. Mike might be interested. You should shoot him a PM.
  12. Big Bro from Cavey for $20 Gregory Gravity pack at REI garage sale (with one broken bag clip which I replaced) $40 All new 'biners from rich ex-wife cuz she wanted me to be safe: priceless
  13. Yes. Kudos to Fiona Cohen for an excellent article. She was very good about asking me for analogies, and even let me proof the copy on Friday. Plus she's cute. So much better than Gannett would have done.
  14. EWolfe


    That sucks. Probably be down to one lane for a while to retro-fit walls with steel mesh a la Skykomish. "These were very large rocks." Bouldering anyone?
  15. Going to get that "direct" on the Tooth?
  16. I don't know about the rope. Here's the entire entry June 13, 1962. The Tooth Southwest face direct, first ascent of new route by Mike Borghoff and Hal Lee "Established 'direct SW face route. Climbing 4th and 5th class, with last pitch (lead by Lee) being difficult overhang, about 5.7 and poorly protected. 10 pitons used, 6 for anchors. Route begins 40 feet left of large pine (2nd verschneidung) and continues upward" Summit Register
  17. sorry, SW Face DIRECT ...
  18. I just found out my father got the first ascent of the southwest face of Das Toof with Hal Lee in 1962, the year I was born! Others: FA, Guye Peak, Improbable Traverse (w/D Hiser,1960) FA, Torment Tower (w/D Hiser, 1961) FA, E Ridge Mt Torment (w/D Hiser, 1961) Also, in 1965, he chopped 15 bolts on MF Overhang on Jello Tower, and "climbed directly up the roof". Thanks for the info, Harry!
  19. EWolfe

    New Letter Opener

    green-cheeked cinnamon conure. (parrot)
  20. That really irks me, same shit at Vantage. What's next?
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