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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. That's a Great Christian Rock Band Name. I keep reading apostolic as apocalyptic, now!
  2. RuMR's gotten taller, too! Has anyone ever actually been ON one of these things? Gotta admit, this looks pretty fun! Let's do a poll! Depending on your place in the climbing arena, would you like to try a via ferrata?
  3. Those Christian Fundamentalists are a powerful lobby. W's just caving in, like always, to fraternal interest. Puppet.
  4. You get what you pay for. A feng shui principle is: if you buy something for less than true worth that price will be taken sevenfold from you.
  5. Plus how many sportclimbers have this piece of gear on their rack?
  6. EWolfe

    The Bunny

    Probably something more like this... ...or this...
  7. Auto-resize would be nice, for photos and links. Don't know how feasible that is.
  8. They tried to sell me a cheap Mike Layton knockoff out of a van near White Center last year, but i could tell the difference right away.
  9. Trask/Joe is entertaining in a grade-school-playground-bully sort of way. He only caused trouble to those that took him seriously, IMO. The internet is a big world and it takes all kinds. Eat Ballz Joe Asseyez!
  10. When you finally master the technique of easy passage through slide alder and vine maple, will you teach me?
  11. ONSITE YARDSALE!! Olyclimber mentioned this I think, but I think a gear swap is a great idea. I will be bringing some gear and shoes to sell/trade. I would encourage other folks to do the same. Sunday morning seems like a good time to do this, as we are all usually spending a bit of "recovery time" around camp before going climbing.
  13. Bivy sack is sold Zoid $100 I think the 'hoe is sold too!!
  14. EWolfe

    Hoar frost...

    In Neglect They leave us so to the way we took, As two in whom them were proved mistaken, That we sit sometimes in the wayside nook, With michievous, vagrant, seraphic look, And try if we cannot feel forsaken. Literally Speaking
  15. I was always taught that pounding on a bolt was a bad thing. I wasn't. Agree to disagree? If you're cranking the bolts down like you should be, the impact is absorbed by the nut, not the anchor. I am not talking about whanging the crap out of the bolt, just a few strategic strikes on the bolt edge. Check the nut, as well. If you use Powers 4 or 5 piece, 5 minute epoxy on the bolt threads does the trick. E
  16. Of course you don't see much of a difference. How silly of me. I'm off to grid-bolt the North Cascades now. Ta-Ta!
  17. The occasional bolt on a sport route seems tame in comparison, eh, Pope? NOW BACK OFF!
  18. EWolfe


    Gots buckets O' time.
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