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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe

    Weekend Thread

    Saturday was a catch-up day, so Sunday Suzi and I decided to go explore the area Darin mentioned in his TR. We ran out of FS Road #38 at this point: Checking the map, we saw that Green Creek was a goodly little ways up, so we decided to go up the angelically-named Elbow Lake Trail (really, who can resist?) I found some burly climbing along the way: and we all shared some of the fruits of the season (huckleberries!): Most of the way up the trail, we stopped to admire an excellent fall view: We ran out of energy and were yearning for a bit of refreshment about a mile before the lake, so we turned around and headed for the Northfork brewery for some rivival. Barely making it out after: A good day!
  2. Not a chance, I'd rather go to the Buttermilks, Red Rocks or J-Tree for some winter bliss.
  3. Here's some early ice for ya Dru:
  4. Pants in the boots is the rock and roll equivalent of shorts over polypro.
  5. I thought you smoked pax of cigs and drank gallons of coffee at those things...
  6. Most Excellent. Your comment at the end is advice I am most certainly going to take!
  7. That's Godoffe'l I hope there are no copycats in other major bouldering areas.
  8. That's the stuff. If mixed with sand and polyester resin to a **certain** degree, you will have a production-quality hold. edit: Of course your mold surface texture has to be just so, as well.
  9. Free Lunch. You can climb the slab to the left of the chimney easily. It's been described as A fine climb for anyone not offended by loose rock. The stronger climber should second on the traverse pitches, BTW
  10. Yes, yes. Take a couple of 2x10's and mix sand with epoxy and slather one side of each withthe mixture. You can make it adjustible with allthread, fender washers and locknuts. Hinge the whole affair on the bottom, and you can also adjust the angle. Edit for monies received.
  11. They have power bar "harvest" bars in 3 flavors for 3/$1.00!
  12. "A layer of junk over the whole wall" - I know what ya mean, same with Mike and I on Mox. 9 days without booze, now THAT is rough. An awesome boulder problem at Squamish, as well.
  13. Well done, Gents! Great Pictures! Looks like excellent granite!
  14. I never did understand the whole golden showers thing...
  15. Just post it, you know you want us all to call you. Slut.
  16. There you go again, messing everything up with your "entropy" !
  17. Just found it: West Systems makes a Microlight Filler material that is designed for use as an easy-to-sand/shape filler.
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