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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Johnny is trick or treating, dressed up as a pirate. He knocks on the door of his first house and a man answers. "I see yer dressed up as a pirate, there, Laddy! Where's yer Buccaneers?" "Under my buckin' hat!" replies Johnny.
  2. Agreed. Same at the residential level in a major new development in Ferndale. The balance and weight is better on some of the 14V units, and the panasonic sounds really good. Since I am running 4 DeWalt 18v batteries, replacement is not an option. I really like the trim saw, the jigsaw sucks, and the sawsall burns through batteries (as noted). The drill is
  3. which color is the #3? I've got the green bro you can borrow. Bellingham, as well.
  4. EWolfe


    don't need any food with that beer. Nice high-class shelving, BTW
  5. Fejas, kiss my You think you can just come waltzing back in here....
  6. OK, so I cut up and split a bunch of firewood on my land at Stevens Pass the last couple of days. It is about 1 minute and a half off of the highway. Please stop and get some for the rope-up!!! I have tons of deadfall on my land and would appreciate any hauling of wood away. All the wood is dry and clean. PM me for directions if you can pick up a few sticks. Erik
  7. Who's stayed at the 8-Mile group site before? I've only been to the Bridge Creek group site. Oh, I checked my generator: 3550 Watts, if that means anything to anybody. Just in case I am an idiot and forget my gascan, can someone bring a backup?
  8. It's too easy - hardly even fun anymore.
  9. I am waiting for an Intelligent Design version of this movie, and I just KNOW my good Christian Brethren will not have those awful swearwords in the title (implied or not!) Thanks, Mr. Fundy Mentalist
  10. Yep, licking it clean. He did my walls a few weeks back. Fantastic work! How else can you see Bob's superlative velcro gloving technique, if'n yer winders are awl foggered up? (insert "I Glove You" graemlin)
  11. I'd feel a bit sheepish about wearing that shirt....
  12. EWolfe

    MMMM Yummy!

    Sack up and take your sauce.
  13. Waking Life, however was cool with the cartooning, line drawings, and real life. Even if the content was a little idealistic, the visuals kept the mind entertained.
  14. What woories me is the latter bleeding into the former.
  15. Sweet! I am still waiting for the gondola tower cam...
  16. That's cuz the CREEKS OF HEAVEN flow with SINGLE MALT SCOTCH!!!!
  17. Chouinard-like attacks Bush for red nuts
  18. EWolfe

    Domo arigato...

    Is he playing drums, then?
  19. I am not into Yoga, I am into champagne Damn you, Olyclimber!
  20. This wasn't them striking again, was it?
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