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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. glassgowkiss

    Go Bernie

    Hmm, I did not know you were a woman….
  2. glassgowkiss

    Go Bernie

    Biggest rollback in individual freedom was through the Patriot Act- a legislature enacted by Republican Control Congress and signed into law by Republican President. Why are you insisting or falsifying history?
  3. File a formal complaint!
  4. Sometimes this could be the best season for mix alpine high up.
  5. Maiden will be touring next year- hell yea!!!
  6. You probably can still do it now, without any additional hardware. You would have to just follow a free variation, which includes so-so protected 10c traverse, 5.8 downclimb and then instead of doing keelhaul pitch, following 5.11+ corner paralleling old 5.9 "Keelhaul". It deposits you right at the bottom of the 2 chimney pitches, leading to Big Sandy Ledge.
  7. Not so fast: http://www.newsweek.com/2014/08/22/why-were-definitely-not-headed-another-ice-age-264633.html
  8. glassgowkiss

    Go Bernie

    Btw KKK and FW, "patriotic" rhetoric of people you vote for can be summed up with this: T-A=0. Here is an example: Reuters in February posted “U.S. Senate Republicans block veterans’ health bill on budget worry“: U.S. Senate Republicans blocked legislation on Thursday that would have expanded federal healthcare and education programs for veterans, saying the $24 billion bill would bust the budget. Even though the legislation cleared a procedural vote on Tuesday by a 99-0 vote, the measure quickly got bogged down in partisan fighting. Supporters said the measure would have brought the most significant changes in decades to U.S. veterans’ programs. For example, it called for 27 new medical facilities to help a healthcare system that is strained by veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. […] Referring to recent budget deals that aim to bring down federal deficits, Republican Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama said: “This bill would spend more than we agreed to spend. The ink is hardly dry and here we have another bill to raise that spending again.”
  9. glassgowkiss

    Go Bernie

    I do not particularly agree with Paul and I don't share his views, but at least guy has some decent level of integrity and is not a corporate bought whore.
  10. glassgowkiss

    Go Bernie

    In local terms it's the modern Republican Party, which is bent on reinstating feudal system and financial enslavement. your Russian masters well have taught you the use of bullshit rhetoric Unlike you, I just refuse to be a corporate cock sucking drone. Refusing to accept policies, that are directly agains my self interest and trying to rob me out of my hard earned cash hardly makes me a socialist, but rather a pragmatist. On the other hand you just blindly follow indoctrinating rhetoric, which is what members of the communist party do.
  11. Calcium channel blockers can be extremely dangerous, because of it's side effects. For one, I did not see much of a benefit after struggling with my out of control Raynauds after my appendectomy. And the blood pressure drop can be radical during periods of physical exertion, even leading to blackouts. I don't thin one should take such risks with ice climbing. Raunauds is considered an auto-immune condition, so approach should reflecting the fact. What worked for me, and what allowed me to resume my winter activity were diet changes, and lowering my stress.
  12. glassgowkiss

    Go Bernie

    In local terms it's the modern Republican Party, which is bent on reinstating feudal system and financial enslavement.
  13. glassgowkiss

    Go Bernie

    Yes, corporate welfare and corporate socialism are so OK.
  14. 2 pitches simply fell off, so basically Reg NW Half Dome is no longer climbable in normal old school way. 5.9 pitch after Robinson Traverse and Keyhole Pitch are no longer there.
  15. Lesson learned: if boyz be gettin' ornery talkin' bout politics and social issues, remember, we are all united in our love of watching gratuitous violence and looking at boobies Like the Colonel says: chicks and guns!
  16. And some a-holes were on the Crest last afternoon (6/21).
  17. I am on the side of logic, unlike you. Explain us please oh enlighten one! Why is it that every fucking time Republicans take White House, there is a stock market crash or banking collapse, followed by a recession? October 19, 1987 (Reagan), 1989 Savings and Loans collapse, followed by 1990-91 recession (Bush Senior), September 15 2008 Lehman Brothers collapse, triggering The Great Depression (GW Bush). Somehow looking at these facts, Republican claims about economic prowess of their policies don't match the reality.
  18. Let's see, remember 2007, assclown? The biggest economic misery since 1920's WAS inflicted by Republican administration, through deregulation and trickle down economics. 2001-2007 was the very same disaster as soviet era centralized planning. You have to be either stupid or utterly ignorant not to see the facts as they are. I guess in case of republican logic stupid and ignorant go hand in hand.
  19. BS. I don't listen to Limbaugh. When I have I find his arguments too one-sided and simplistic. There is never an acknowledgement or consideration of the other POV. He is a Republican with a capital R; I am not. I don't even fall that close in line with FW. He is much closer to a Republican than I am. Conservative? On what? Fiscal issues - sure, to some extent. But R's don't actually walk the walk that they talk do they? Social issues? Like church in school, gay marriage, legalized pot.... not so much. The comic is stupid and the prefatory comment is a bullshit cheap shot. If AlpineK wants to take pot shots like that, I'll fire back. But I agree that it is like shooting fish in a barrel in his case. Hahaha, big bullshit on that one. You are like a friggin heroin junkie, who claims that track marks are "spider bites" and you are clean. But a blood tests actually show a different story. Face it- you are Republican with capital R. Your differences with FW are minor, the fact is you pretty much agree with him 100%.
  20. Bullshit. You prefaced the picture with this comment: "In a detailed study, soon to be released, it seems Fairweather and KK are the sickly and abandoned offspring of Rush Limbaugh It's good to see how far they've progressed from such humble beginings" Keep doing that and expect to get a middle finger. all you back paddling now just shows more of you- a tasteless, humorless fuckwad.
  21. I am sure you watch jerry springer all the time. I find white trash knuckleheads (male of female) fighting way less entertaining then you I guess.
  22. Really glassgowkiss? You might want to read a bit more carefully before calling people out. Raindawg never made any claims about free climbing related Numbah10: It was implicit in his statement. He has made claims like this of other routes... NO it wasn't implied. Some folks around here are quick to react but slow to read and comprehend. I'll try to make it easier for you to understand. The example: Numbah 10 at Index. - It goes clean on aid. In other words, it takes removable gear although several pieces are small if not sketchy. - Instead of waiting until someone with the ability to come along, or for gear to improve, it was decided to place a line of closely-spaced bolts alongside the crack for the immediate gratification of those who wanted to climb it "free", probably with the idea that climbing the route free is "superior" to that of using aid, even if it means extensive use of bolts next to a crack. (And by the way, it also dumbed-down the aid route although the bolts can be skipped if one wants to experience more of the original character of the climb.) My opinion: they should have just left it alone until someone with the skill and audacity could lead it free on gear. (Yes...not everything needs to be climbed NOW or ever.) Do I care if anyone can or will climb Numbah 10 free and clean? No, I genuinely don't. I just resent the attitude that it's O.K. to do what was done there. Now, this is a total pile of shit statement. Of course you were implying, at least have some balls and stand by your initial statement.
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