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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. And the parade of share indoctrination, stupidity and rejection of science and logic continues in Republican party, at the highest level: http://www.latimes.com/business/hiltzik/la-fi-mh-gop-attack-on-climate-change-science-20150501-column.html
  2. There is good look at republican base: [video:youtube]E48QqcTOXeY
  3. Probably FW is busy monitoring (from his mom's basement) military activity and sniffing out Obama takeover of WA State. http://www.npr.org/blogs/itsallpolitics/2015/05/02/403865824/texas-governor-deploys-national-guard-to-stave-off-obama-takeover
  4. http://www.npr.org/blogs/itsallpolitics/2015/05/02/403865824/texas-governor-deploys-national-guard-to-stave-off-obama-takeover "So when rookie Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced he was ordering the Texas National Guard to monitor a Navy SEAL/Green Beret joint training exercise, which was taking place in Texas and several other states, everybody here looked up from their iPhones. " I am sure FW should ask national guard to monitor military movements and training in WA state as well. Go and join lunacy!
  5. Rumsfeld: "Looting is transition to freedom'
  6. well fuck, let's go and make it fair for everyone. Let's tax all the parks and particularly playgrounds for kids. After all they should help to pay the lavish infrastructure tailored for their enjoyment.
  7. Because it's a dodge in itself and an asinine premise - rather than engage on the large topic of how we spend our money - or maybe your conceding that point, we'll try and sidestep that more substantial conversation (which conservatives perennially avoid) and move to more pressing tax issues --- drum roll -- yes, bikes. Good grief. Well, FW simply lacks intellect to cope with complex issues.
  8. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=125997180 "It turns out that nearly half of all Americans don't have to pay any federal income tax. In 2009, 47 percent of all filers paid nothing. It's a number that's gone up significantly in just a couple of years." "The top fifth starts a little bit above $100,000. That group makes about 56 percent of all income and pay about 70 percent of all taxes. " Again, Jim, I'll ask you just how "fair" it ought to be? It also occurred to me how moronically stupid and illogical your argument is. The criteria of not paying any income tax is simple- the person doesn't make enough money to be taxed on. Well, lets's look at the bottom 10 states judged by the income: Mississippi, West Virginia, Arkansas, Kentucky, Alabama, Tennessee, Louisiana, New Mexico, South Carolina, Oklahoma, and finally at #40 is Idaho. Seems like except for New Mexico all are heavily Republican states. So actually free loading is more associated with Republican base, rather then with generally more affluent liberal states.
  9. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=125997180 "It turns out that nearly half of all Americans don't have to pay any federal income tax. In 2009, 47 percent of all filers paid nothing. It's a number that's gone up significantly in just a couple of years." "The top fifth starts a little bit above $100,000. That group makes about 56 percent of all income and pay about 70 percent of all taxes. " Again, Jim, I'll ask you just how "fair" it ought to be? And lets look at this from a different perspective. After 8 years of Republican Presidency and it's economic policies, 47% (so nearly half) of working people don't even make enough money to pay income tax! Like with Iraq- mission accomplished.
  10. It also says:"If you consider both the share paid by the employee and by the employer, which most economists think is borne by the employee, about 75 to 80 percent of us pay more payroll tax than income tax. Only 13 percent don't pay either one of the taxes a far cry from the 47 percent who get out of the income tax." Well, somehow you neglected to mention this. But objectivity was never your strong side.
  11. Here is an independent breakdown. http://projects.propublica.org/bailout/main/summary Now, yes (mostly banks) repaid the loans and Feds made 50-something billion in interest, however GM, Crysler, Ally Finacial and toxic assets purchases are mostly loses. Bottom line, TARP should have never happen in a first place.
  12. I look at it a bit differently. Say for infrastructure - there have been numerous studies showing that our poor and ailing infrastructure is costing us in time, money, jobs, and competitiveness in world markets. That we don't allocate funds here but rather say, to a bloating military and intelligence complex, is an active decision. So it's not that folks are looking for a "free lunch" but rather that the lunch be shared a bit. The bottom 40-something percent pay no effective federal tax. How much more "fair" should it be? Transportation taxes? We should start with bicycles. Please share the source of your statistical "facts".
  13. You are 100% right- They call them corporation CEO's. We have an excellent corporate welfare system. There is no single bigger freeloader in the country then Koch brothers. Behold the libtard intellect. Mission accomplished, public education! TARP bonus payouts for AIG- $218 million. Mission accomplished, capitalism at it's best.
  14. Yes, SNAP (in 2012) was $86.5 billion Outstanding amount owed to TARP by AIG, GM and Ally Financial (formerly GMAC)= 61 billion.
  15. You are 100% right- They call them corporation CEO's. We have an excellent corporate welfare system. There is no single bigger freeloader in the country then Koch brothers.
  16. Gotta start offering happy endings I am not a mid level practitioner, you idiot. You are like this child, who joined a conversation among adults, and has no fucking idea, what they are talking about. The entertainment value here is OFF THE CHARTS. Yeah, your mom said it last night. Or I think she was saying this, I mean she was trying to say. Well, she had difficulty speaking, she was kind of gagging most of the timeā€¦..
  17. I think it's safe to say, that the entire policing and legal system are utterly broken.
  18. Gotta start offering happy endings I am not a mid level practitioner, you idiot. You are like this child, who joined a conversation among adults, and has no fucking idea, what they are talking about. Then it sounds like you need a happy ending No that sounds like you have no idea what "mid level practitioner" means.
  19. Gotta start offering happy endings I am not a mid level practitioner, you idiot. You are like this child, who joined a conversation among adults, and has no fucking idea, what they are talking about.
  20. Exactly. Then my mistake. I don't believe there is a "frequent" call for debt relief from loans. And as college is getting more and more limited to a elite of America, I would advocate for more support for poor students that otherwise would not be able to afford it. It is much different than from when I went to undergraduate 40 yrs ago - when you could work during the year and hold down two jobs in the summer and come out of 4 yrs of school with little debt. That just isn't possible these days. But if you borrow it - you should just pay it back. Agree. A college graduate is, ostensibly, the most able to repay debt. Still, I do hear this call frequently. stop pissing and moaning about healthcare costs then. With even mid level practitioner over 60K in debt, you have to pay it back somehow.
  21. FW, unless your parents paid for private school, it is utterly hypocritical to benefit from the system, and then turn around and deny the very same opportunity to the very next generation. Just to use your capitalistic principles. For one- class sizes have steady increased, reaching in some cases over last few years. So on that token, teachers should be paid more, as they have to do more teaching "per unit". Essentially if you need to increase your work output, you should be compensated accordingly.
  22. And this is the crux of the issue- we are falling behind fast, very fast. But this is what the ruler want, undereducated masses are much more prone to fear mongering, hence their decisions will be reflecting knee jerk reaction, vs logic. KKK and FW are prime examples of that.
  23. yes, but this is NOT what collapsed the market. What collapsed the whole thing were Magnatar trades combined with default credit swaps, which administration refused to regulate. Essentially 2003- 2006 was a steady buildup of this massive ponzi scheme.
  24. I vote R to oppose dipshits like you Hmm, great logic. Last Republican administration allowed the worst terrorist attack in history, started 2 wars (we know the result now), and through deregulation caused the biggest economic crisis in 70 years.
  25. Oh - chiming in on the teacher pay thing, I can't imagine, by any stretch of the imagination, someone thinking that teachers are over-paid. I work in the private sector and have had 5 years with the feds - but that's now over 25 years in the private sector. My spouse with an MS in a science field left the private and went into teaching 18 years ago. While she doesn't regret it she says she doubled her hours and halved her pay going to teach. With an MS in her field and 18 years teaching she makes decent pay - but particularly if you figure it out on a per hour basis - even including the six week summer break - it's modest. Younger teachers, particularly with families are in a bit more of a pinch. The gravy train argument is a nice conservative fairy tale. It's much easier to govern by fear mongering if you are dealing with uneducated masses- which FW is a prime example.
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