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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. Ivan, climbing put up a post on their web page. I do not know why the link doesn't work (looks like the whole web page is down), but it is so. Sad-yes, surprised- no.
  2. The difference I see is that fackuroo is not running for presidency, or any public office. You have to be a total fuckhead not to notice the big difference, and even attempt to compare.
  3. He graduated in 1968 from Yale with BA in history, not exactly the toughest degree to get. He graduated from Harvard with MBA and C- (77) grade average. I would say his scholar credentials are rather severely fucking lackluster as far as a leadership of this country. But mediocracy and race to the bottom is what Republican party is all about, which you have just proved in your own words.
  4. The whole thing is absolute nonsense. So who the fuck is going to enforce 1/3 rule? Talking about creating bureaucracy. And if you are agreeing with this law, then your whole argument about smaller and less intrusive government goes out through the window. What is sounds like is you really don't want smaller government at all. You want a bigger government with bigger stick, so it can enforce YOUR point of view. Your bullshit hypocrisy has no boundaries.
  5. Obviously you have not been outside US/Canada. Somehow Europe managed just that.
  6. Tell us about how much smarter underground power lines would be again, assholekisser. I mean if you have time in between hand jobs for your "clients". Tell us about "smaller government" in Wisconsin telling people what to eat.
  7. Common brilliancy of republican base: Earth is 6000 years old Vaccination caused retardation There is no climate change we are not a bigots, we just hate niggers, spics, zipperheads, sandniggers and them fucking indians. This list can go on.
  8. Utter fucking hypocrisy. This is what smaller government looks- according to republifuck orthodox: Can you believe this shit? The list of “disallowed” foods, which you can view here, also includes the following: Cranberry sauce and pie filling. (Poor people can forget about making dessert for Thanksgiving dinner.) Creamed vegetables Baked beans Pickles Pork and beans Frozen veggies that come in packages featuring pasta, nuts, rice, cheese, or meats French fries and hash browns Sharp cheddar cheese, Swiss, and fresh mozzarella, shredded and sliced cheeses (except American cheese of course), cheese food, spreads, and products. Even Kosher cheese is banned unless you apply to get a specific check for it which basically could identify who the poor Jewish people are. Canned peas and green beans Albacore tuna, red salmon, and fish fillets Bagels, pita bread, English muffins White rice and wild rice Taco shells Almond, rice, goat, and soy milk. Brown eggs and any eggs produced by cage-free or free range chickens, which basically helps corporate chicken farms Several kinds of infant food Anything in bulk Anything organic or natural Basically, Wisconsin Republicans are making it more difficult for poor people to buy food, let alone enjoy the food they eat. The legislation specifically bans poor people from buying any kind of shellfish, including lobster, shrimp, and crab. This particular ban, perhaps coincidentally, has a strong religious connection to it since the Biblical Book of Leviticus outlaws shellfish. So perhaps without meaning to, it appears conservative lawmakers are not only banning these foods for poor people, they are forcing only poor people to abide by an unconstitutional biblical law written thousands of years ago in a foreign land. That sure sounds like Sharia law to me.
  9. which one is Jim? the one next to your dad.
  10. A decade ago, I had to take a mandatory LE class called Tactical Communications in Critical Incidents for my CJ degree, due to the then-"rash" of cop-on-citizen deaths. Nope... this shit's been going on forever. Is it getting worse? No.. it's actually probably getting a little better... but coverage and attention are skyrocketing. Just like violent crime rates - perception of increase increases when media coverage increases, even if rates have actually plummeted. I'm not saying there isn't a problem in LE. There is. I'm not a fan of the entire system. But let's be honest about shit. No, the difference is these cops are getting caught on cameras now. Kind of hard to argue your case, when footage shows a cop shooting someone in the back, while the suspect is running away and is unarmed. And the footage clearly shows that there are more then just a handful of bad cops- the whole system is basically fucked.
  11. I think obvious big buyer would be ISIS. I honestly thin selling jet engine wing suites to general public is a bad, bad idea.
  12. If it measured actual atmospheric pressure. I think most of the apps just use combination of triangulation and altitude map readout. Unless you have a gauge measuring actual atmospheric pressure and translate this into an altitude readout, the second method will always be inaccurate. Hence the apps will always be a inaccurate method.
  13. Well, obviously conservatives did not connect with Alberta voters, particularly after "royalties calculation error" depriving province off billions of dollars and putting this money into Koch brothers pockets. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/may/07/canada-federal-conservative-party-alberta-election-reaction "Incoming Alberta New Democrat premier Rachel Notley, in her first full day on the job, sought to reassure business leaders, saying she would call them and would work with them to build the province. Notley has vowed to raise corporate tax rates and conduct a review of the province’s royalty structure to ensure that Albertans are getting a fair return for their oil and gas resources. Alberta has the world’s third-largest oil reserves, with 170bn barrels of proven reserves."
  14. No you live in Enumclaw. I am sure you had something to do with this: horse sex case
  15. There you go, in synch like a real couple……of porn stars…. from gay porn movie set…. really….
  16. Hey, I am not anti-gay. It's just I have no interest in watching ghey porn, that is all.
  17. Well, watching two of you interact, I am convinced you have a porn star somewhere on your resume. I mean absolutely gay porn- with felching.
  18. That is what your dad told you dragging you to a toolshed?
  19. Palin could not run even if she wanted to. She is too dirty even by Republifuck standards. I did not bring her up, FW did, as a shining example of stand up character in politics. I called bullshit on that one. Too fucking bad you can't even follow the simple conversation wanker. Wank frosty.
  20. Probably June and early July would be good. If the road would be drivable at the moment I would imagine most of South and West facing stuff would be good to go even now.
  21. Hmm, let me see, how about big fucking bullshit on that one? Palin was sending her husband to official State meetings for one. Bridge to Nowhere rings a bell? She was accused of 15 ethics violations, including embezzlement (cost of family travel paid by the state). Only her dropping out, made these investigations pointless.
  22. Palin is not running for president, last time I checked. In any event, she's probably not even 1/1000th as corrupt as the influence peddler Hillary--which I thought was your biggest complaint about politicians. Were you being untruthful? Also, who is Kate? Palin is not running- her association with Faux news killed any chances of that move. There is enough complete bullshit said to produce enough material to discredit anyone running for an office.
  23. Way to show true colors douchebag. Making fun of people after accidents is really classy way to go. What's next? Making fun of mentally ill, disabled and handicapped? Who the fuck raised you asshole?
  24. "Researchers have found a possible explanation for why certain people are prejudiced: they’re less intelligent. Children with lower general intelligence are more likely to become prejudiced as adults, according to a Brock University study." Link
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