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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. One thing I have to agree with Trump is, when he posted on Tweeter, that 9/11 happened under GWB watch. Jeb was spouting about his brother securing the country, but Trump is 100% right, it happened after Bush was a in the office for 9 months!
  2. when you have a federal policy favoring developers and big money, you end up with monopoly. And petro-economy ties in with a currency, because then everything starts to revolve around petroleum and gas base products. And it's not only Vancouver, because pretty much exact issues are happening in Calgary and Toronto. So it's hard to blame just a foreign money. The fact is, the more diverse the economy is, the better for an average person. Harper's cronies gambled, and at the same time they turned canadian dollar into a currency based upon petro industry. At the same time, they pretty much sacrificed entire manufacturing sector.
  3. Actually, I kind of disagree. Usually we have longer periods of clear, cold weather, we just don't have the snowfall. Some of the best ice in Frazier Valley formed in 2003 and 2004, which was also El Ninio.
  4. The last 3-4 years economy is very stagnant, with big cost of living increases, and wages being flat. This is partially due to the fact Harper's cronies changed the economy to petro economy. Hence families making over 150K/year still can't afford to buy a condo, not to mention a house in areas like Vancouver or Toronto.
  5. Looks like the last remnant of conservatives in North America is packing his bags tonight. Harper and his neo-cons suffered a crushing defeat, and clearly vast majority of Canadians just simply rejected conservative agenda. Job well done.
  6. Looks like the whole Bengazi affair is just a complete waste of taxpayers $$$. Even more. If indeed Gowdy actually altered email content, or misrepresented the content, he should be one who is investigated for such offenses: full article
  7. It's interesting how it's unfolding for the republicans. Looks like the nightmare of Trump getting a nomination is slowly becoming a reality. Even according to some Republican sources, he is getting about 25-30% of the primary votes. He can probably pick a few more votes, when Carson drops out (yes, he will simply run out of money). However this is it. Regardless how you slice it or dice it, Trump will not get enough votes in general elections. One of the Republican advisors suggested that if indeed Trumps is the nominee of the party, even Texas might vote for a Democratic candidate. And that is the crux of the issue: in order to win Republican nomination, any candidate has to alienate pretty much every crucial group in general election- Hispanics, Blacks, Women and younger voters. It is also not certain if the Republican Party can even hold the majority in some House and Senate races.
  8. Nice! these are probably one of the less frequented peaks in the range. Never really looked at N/NE face of Larrabee- kind of looks interesting as a winter objective.
  9. Some raps are set up for 70m. When we were rapping on W Face of Snowpatch and after B-Ch. we wished we had 70m with us. 60 is doable, but it was cutting it short on a couple of raps.
  10. I spotted these lines a few years back. Couple might be done, but the skinny pillar is probably not. It would not take longer then 30 minutes from the car:
  11. Something for KKK to chew on, pretty much sums up the issue: Read
  12. Don't they have a punk/metal version?
  13. Keep checking temps around Chillwak and Hope/Hope Slide. Seattle area is lacking, but if cold enough Frazier Valley has some of the best ice on the coast. Another- and consistent area is Husume Buttress-you access it through Blackcomb ski area. Again- probably one of the best alpine/mixed with easy access. East Face of Pyramid. There is a new route (looked like Pilsner) is right off the bench between Pyramid (actually the Stump) and Colonial. We saw it descending in 2003, it was late afternoon, and we were tired after doing East Face of Pyramid (plus we only had 3 screws). This would be probably the biggest ice line of that sort in the Cascades. Polish Route on Colfax is another consistent route forming- it finally had a bunch of ascents last winter. But "As Seen on TV", "White Blotter" (Pemberton), "Mr Freeze" are good, hard routes with a lot of character if formed. "Mouse Trap" is another good one, very moderate long outing right outside of Hope.
  14. summary of republican platform: fuck you, you fucking fucks - take it, you know you like it, jesus assures me so the party of screaming assholes. Yea, republican are pro life, which includes death penalty, or mass shooting with gun. I think they want to stop abortions, so they don't run out of people to kill in prisons or run out of kids to shoot at schools. But it's ok, because cheesus tells them so. And while they are at it, give them your money, because cheesus wants your money. As long as the money flows from hard working middle class to doing fuck all rich, cheesus will be happy. But if actually hard working middle and lower class starts saving their hard earned cash- that is socialism and wealth redistribution. And then cheesus is not happy.
  15. How about fiscally responsible Republicans? We will wreck the economy and force middle and low class to pay for it. Trickle down economics worded lie a fucking charm. I don't have problem with rich people, as long as they play by the same rules. However I start having a problem, when someone is trying to give me a financial buttfuck and is trying to convince me it's good for me at the same time. But to each their own. I guess KKK likes shellac syrup loads and I don't.
  16. I am sure he also has a huge amount of clout as a Middle East expert. Who the fuck cares, what some washed former baseball player has to say. He also campaigned for GW in 2004, so yes, ISIS wins, as GW administration created ISIS by invading Iraq and installing Maliki. If you had more then 2 brain cells in your head, you'd see how stupid you just sounded by linking this shit. Obviously you are incapable of comprehending any complex problems and going beyond talking points. Good job!
  17. Why worry about ISIS? We have NRA.
  18. Well, listening to GW was entertaining, but look what happened as the result. Unfortunate fact is- we are the one paying costs of bed decision making- look at the human cost of 2 wars and the crisis in 2007-08.
  19. glassgowkiss


    What a difference between two Republican and Democratic debates! Republican debates was some form of deviant cerebral midget sparing, a complete race to the bottom, and a race how many people can they actually manage to insult. Democrats talked about issues in a civil manner.
  20. Usually a "close and personal experience" at our hospital (according to my wife) changes people's perspective on the theory of "the best health care in the world" very fast. I assume a close and personal experience with gun violence would change kkk's notion of gun issue in this country. I just can't wait till this crowd ends up living in nursing homes, alone, abused and reflecting on their misguided ideas.
  21. A date is a date is a date. Any ascent on September 22 in the Southern Hemisphere should be absolutely credited as a Winter Ascent, even if it's done on the 22nd. For the same exact reason ascents done on December 19 or 20th are not credited as Winter Ascents.
  22. Recently added on Colfax by Colin is Kimchi Volcano Suicide http://www.colinhaley.com/colfax-peak-kimchi-suicide-volcano/ Also Intravenous on Chiwawa: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=442340
  23. Better than reading your "look-at-me" spray posts I like looking at your mom.
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