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Everything posted by lummox

  1. been looking at a bosch. my old one has dead batteries that arien't made anymore. now bosch makes a bunch and i don't know which is the best. i'm thinking the lightweight 36v one. anybody got opinions?
  2. burn weed not diesel.
  3. i got the 411 on dat state. i hang there a lot. there is a ton a climbing. moab is okay. slc is better. stashes of great crags all over. winter climbing always possible if a high pressure system is in place. my best argument for slc: international airport. nuf said bitch.
  4. lummox

    good new books

    actually, a lot of the periodicals on board offer pictures instead of extensive text.
  5. lummox

    good new books

    i head back to sea next week. books are good there. here too. watchya reading that's worthwhile? i liked "dead boys" and am stuck into "break through" at the moment.
  6. bumper dumper was the truck nuts of 2003
  7. thanks all.
  8. "how to purchase?" sums up my query. from the little i know, a minimum account balance is needed to set up an individual brokerage account, but all i wanted was to get a few hundred bucks of stock as a gift for a money-minded kid i know. so, how to purchase a handful of shares?
  9. like i suspected: no specifics at all.
  10. the thread on investments got me thinking that i don't know shit about how to buy and sell stocks. Seriously, this stuff is confusing to me. how can I invest a few hundred bucks in a couple selected stocks without spending bucks on trade fees? etrade? vanguard? is it even possible to buy a few shares at a time?
  11. lummox

    Swedish Fish

    there's, like, crack, or sumpin in em too. total addiction type stuff anyway.
  12. eugenics: under utilized
  13. and i dont wanna go. wont be back til the leaves turn. this last set of days off i got to enjoy beach time and climbing time and lots of chill time. but not enough, really. free advice: enjoy the rest of summer and beyond. go climbing. get outside. smile more often.
  14. lummox

    Where were you

    i was backpacking in the sangre de christos.
  15. wtf ya think has been going on for the past 8 years? fuking slow boiled frogs we are.
  16. weather has made the gash tween my legs bleed more than i want to say.
  17. i stopped trying a long time ago.
  18. lummox

    real love

    from a real doll. [gvideo]http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3710987618964917848[/gvideo] effen real creepy, too. i dont know what is sadder: real doll love, or wasting time watching it on on video.
  19. i loaded 7 yards of broken concrete and cinder blocks into a dumpster. yeah.
  20. aint gonna happen. and the dems realize that complaining too much only makes the shit stick to them.
  21. ferguson canyon is the coolest/closest option for climbing. i will be around that town on the 6th. kina early for show types.
  22. ib = imperial beach? chopping slab climbs is as gay as bolting em in the first place.
  23. martini is synonymous with enable. and only pussies are alcoholic. hop on the horse for the real addiction, beeyotches.
  24. montrail enduro soles
  25. the weekend's wet forecast got me out of painting a boat. got to be with my girl instead. i am liking rain.
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