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Everything posted by lummox

  1. Saturday night. Dance and such. Trip hop, downbeat, whatever https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=10963413&l=fdf7774325&id=276326390688&_rdr
  2. Slednecks disagree. With volume.
  3. The forest is predicting an early and cold winter. Read the signs.
  4. Nylon is machine washable. Fabric softener leaves slings with a nice hand And pleasant smell.
  5. I have tools intentionally of different lengths (5 cm). They work fine.
  6. lummox

    Advice sought

    Ice cream.
  7. Comments and preferences regarding the 3 proposed alternatives are to received by the Prineville BLM office no later than September 15th. Personally, I lean towards alternative 1 with some parts of 2 thrown in like trail relocation.
  8. What? No. I commented during the, uh, comment phase. I just received notification from the Prineville office of the publication of the EA as did everyone else that requested such.
  9. Many of y'all probably have received or soon will a nifty letter pointing to the Environmental Assessment. Check it out in the Documents Currently Under Public Review: http://www.blm.gov/or/districts/prineville/plans/index.php I wish I knew more about eagles and their breeding success. What I have learned is that Golden Eagle breeding success is correlated to food resource availability and weather. The first Oregon survey of Golden Eagles was done in 2011 and noted a decline in the center of the state. Though the survey was intended to be a baseline from which subsequent studies could springboard. What does it all mean? It strikes me that the pair of Golden Eagles that nest at Trout Lake are garnering a lot of BLM resources.
  10. I got stuck on Austra after seeing them (her) in concert. Plenty of Bonobo, Nightmares on Wax, and Heliocentrics on my ipod these days. Down with the downbeat.
  11. Weather is always a gamble in the Winds. You don't mention where you intend to go in the range. I think it matters.
  12. That stank can be deadly. Popo down Mexico way gets closed every so often due to its outgas.
  13. YouTube came through. Still effed but getting better.
  14. That number comes from stats compiled by the American Alpine Club. Weather caused fatalities are not necessarily included. Is canyoneering, backcountry skiing, or trail hiking a type of "climbing"? The ANAM average represents a low baseline number IMO. Something like 8people/year get killed by lightning each year in Teton NP alone.
  15. Climbing is for the narcissistic. Let go of your self importance then you will realize no one gives a fuck what choices a person makes in this life regarding perceived risk.
  16. I dinged my elbow on a steel bulkhead a couple months ago, and it's not much better. The symptoms are consistent with Golfer' s elbow. The whole RICE thing has gotten old. Anyone know some good rehab exercises?
  17. Thanks for the video. Seemed like a lot of effort to steal a compressor. But that's Tacoma.
  18. Thanks for that.
  19. You and your friend don't really get into the cerebral kinda discussions, eh?
  20. Bluebird flour is da shizz. Biscuits, tortillas and fry bread just wouldn't be the same with whole wheat.
  21. You know how someone does Crossfit training? They tell you.
  22. Geesh, climbing is supposed to be dangerous. Oily rope ain't a problem unless it's hemp. DEET and battery acid are not friends of nylon.
  23. lummox

    cry for help

    Advice: when you reach the breaking point, don't break.
  24. A black trash bag melts snow quickly on sunny spring days.
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