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Everything posted by lummox

  1. after May 21st, you're a damned sinner. Party on!
  2. I was running this idea past some people. Some shift in thinking by and of the homeless would need to occur. By handing out complete kits packaged on trendy bike messenger bags, a whole Makeover can be accomplished.I'll call them "Hip bags" and it will be hip to be homeless. Now all I need is my own nonprofit to fund the project and line my bank account.
  3. Lots of homeless out camping. And most of those carry huge packs or push a cart. No effing clue about the whole lightweight packing revolution that's happened. Recommendations? Umbrella Puffy coat Beanie Wet wipes insulated mug Messenger bag or daypack Elephant's foot bag Micro tarp Gym membership card Bus pass
  4. I got a Sport's Instruments one years ago. It was an outdated model and the bike shop owner sold it to me for like $20. Basic and accurate.even had a rubber deal to put the wrist watch thing on handlebars. After awhile I got to associate other clues to what my heart was thumping. IMO that's the best info to learn from those. Shop around. I'd reckon some shop is trying to dump out of style stuff.
  5. lummox

    sledhead folly

    Wired mag pointed to this video http://m.zapiks.fr/motoneige-0-montagne-1.html
  6. "I see" said the blind man to the carpenter. . .
  7. Metolius double d me like.
  8. Is that dude like a scientist or sumpin? Or philosopher on food?
  9. lummox

    chronic meds

    Wtf? The governor's veto seemed like such an obvious troll topic. Have I missed that tide? Anyone headed to Tacoma for the protest smoke out?
  10. Clarification is a bitch: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/jacketcopy/2011/04/greg-mortenson-controversy.html
  11. Use the tool handles as daggers. Straight shaft old skool kind. Pray.
  12. I read krakauer's tome. Painful to do especially on a phone screen. Maybe some good will come from it all. Like an IRS audit on CAI.
  13. Diesel spills into norcal creeks have gone way up since the hydrochronic became branded. It takes like 50 gallons per pound harvested to run the generators for the lighting.
  14. Snowpack is fat. Piolet and crampons will be useful til like August.
  15. Turns out the 3 cups of tea is a story? Does this minimize the value of education in developing countries? Is krakauer full of it?
  16. Wtf, over. Like somebody got to squat to pee.
  17. lummox

    Spray is Gone

    LONG LIVE SPRAY. I rwmemba when the spray was the ahiznit. There was some peoples said some funny things. Clever things. Can't really remember who now. It all got messwd up with wconomy collapse and work respnsility. Now theses goddamn smartphones make angry typing possible nearly anywhere. Btw Costco has 30 packs of the blue ribbon for almost free. I spray pee.
  18. I'm like registered in kings county. And I wanted the earmarks to keep coming into the state. But I was in the bay area all last month and the TV commercials on the non cable stations made me not like any candidates. Except maybe Carly. She was very mellow. Could be the Med maryjane.
  19. Kinda a cool feeling.
  20. warm temps make for easy sticks right now, but everything is melting. ice turning white and sloughing and spalling. accelerating creep will have any pillar top-cracked soon and then falling down. i soloed a little myself up the lcc yesterday. then i went jogging in town in the mid 50s temps. slc is fun every now and then.
  21. fyi: wax works real well to make sticky. especially that old school nordic ski stuff.lightweight too.
  22. guy lacelle soloed past me some years back wearing single point crampons. i hardlyh had any temptation to yank on his trailing line. darts i think he wore. will gadd uses sabretooths. both climb reel hard. i got the sabretooths and have no desire to change. they are versatel ans hit
  23. been 23 years. things mita changed. goes clean. bring lots of tricks. effen long and water can be an issue. good luck.
  24. i've used l-glutamine to stop leaky gut. seriously. seemed to help moderate that hollow feeling. took it between meals. doubt you're training that hard tho.
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