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Everything posted by lummox

  1. lummox

    Dakar Rally

    thats a big ass beach.
  2. go to jtree to hang in the sun. two outta three aint bad.
  3. i can carry heavy stuff. and i can cook. and discuss literature. as long as it is bukowski. and in 14 days i can muster body odor that repels lice and ticks. can you pay two airfares? and i can curse in spanish. btw i think we have met before. me --awakening on an unfamiliar seat of one of the citys modes of public transit and asking you for a cigarette. you --averting eye contact and quickly moving away. can i have a dollar?
  4. i want more time to climb. i am going for a union job. seriously. in portland. life of reilly coming up.
  5. you got issues. maybe your parents disciplined you too harshly.
  6. that dude is my future climbing partner. things dint work out with annabelle.
  7. i succumb to materializm. yo.
  8. a couple clicks reveal you are way too good to be real.
  9. lummox

    domestic spying

    i am all for it. it should really clean up corporate america. aint no enron gonna happen again.
  10. um. just do it?
  11. who is xenu? i just wanna get laid more often.
  12. awesome. after the kwanza festivities die down i just might be ready for sport. let me know how to find yous.
  13. sorry your buddy got whacked.
  14. i gots to be in san diego the 9th. anybody gonna be climbing in the sun who wants someone to hold their rope? what?
  15. that will surely get my operating thetan level way up there. oh yeah.
  16. negative. san pedro is road accessed. fukin dumass stoner
  17. lummox

    Fluffing goats?

    first a little back massage?
  18. i barely managed to climb out of bed. a chest cold is kicking my ass hard. must say that it is an effective smoking cessation program.
  19. copper canyon. costa alegre (the coast between puerto vallarta and barra de navidad). get high with the huichol. chill in morelia. of guanajuato. or san miguel de allendes. of queretaro.
  20. i know chongo. he is a bum. nice enough though.
  21. lummox

    Big Ziplocs!

    dude. you could put your icky stinky in that bag!
  22. lummox

    Women over 20

    i got nothin to say. just thought the photo was . . . you know.
  23. lummox

    Women over 20

    i been enjoying some postmenopausal nookie. it aint bad. really
  24. lummox

    Dream Job

    fish killer: high adrenaline. hard labor. good times. better than any fukin land job i ever had.
  25. i dont know who writes the stuff in them. that shit gets funny at times. my favorite blurb from holiday mail-order catalogs so far this season (from mtn tools. kina says it all right there): 'fully rated to survive action-sport abuse'
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