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Everything posted by lummox

  1. lummox

    Is Trask Jesus?

    like a virgin. now madge is just an ol hag.
  2. check the kulture in rural idaho for some freek ifn you wnat to get intimate with the second amendment kel-tec in the pack
  3. icegirl, you be a thoughtful chica. right arm
  4. lummox

    Is Trask Jesus?

  5. lummox

    Self Rescue

    self rescue? fuck that noise. pull a simon yates and cut the fucking rope. if the bitch lives, the book and movie sales will offset any latent guilt you might have.
  6. lummox


    it gets bigger!
  7. lummox


    hotcha! i gots one from my circumcision.
  8. lummox


    you prolly still working on it one way or the other.
  9. you know if he had muttonchops, hed have been arrested months ago.
  10. im doing it for the gasoline
  11. lummox


    tats are convenient. every time i see a chick with one i think "easy lay".
  12. truly american: bear stories. no other fucking culture in the world features so many people with bear stories. apple pie is german.
  13. lummox


    school are suck.
  14. you went to a liberal arts college, dintcha.
  15. i haven't left the cassette tape decade. freebird!
  16. oly
  17. as long as i can open cans and bottles and flick a lighter, im good to go.
  18. lummox

    Which 4WD SUV?

    There is one of these roaming around bellevue and suburbia. Me and a couple of friends had spoted it several times. One day my friend sees the thing pull up to a keg steakhouse where he was eating. The guy hopes out of it and my friend said he was pushing 5' 2" max. you saying hes trying to compensate for sumpin?
  19. i think weve all proven that theory wrong. unhunh
  20. lummox

    my love

    DFA, i mean "sphinx", youre predictable.
  21. lummox

    my love

    there's only you in my life . . .
  22. lummox

    Which 4WD SUV?

    just tow around a burning tire then
  23. lummox

    Which 4WD SUV?

    amateur move. shoulda just started with diesel. like a v10 ram pickemup truck. mandatory to start it and let it idle every morning for 45 minutes to smoke out your neighbors.
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