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Everything posted by lummox

  1. you funny. i been on the cover of rock&ice. gots articles publsihed and shit, too. thats how i know its stupid to go courting the colorado gaytards.
  2. sphincy, i just worte some days ago about sending my boulder problem proj. then i rode my bike in a race, too. kicking ass and taking names is what im doing.
  3. i dont see anything at that website that credits the original designers. all that shit first come out of flagstaff.
  4. i had no idea dollar bills had any sexual orientation make like a banana and leave.
  5. Listen, asshole, complimenting people is POSITIVE. It's what this website needs some more of. I might suck, but I have some ambition, and these guys fuel it. Fuck you. sphincter, are you complimenting the magazine, or what? cause the way that shit reads, your toasting them climbers for getting published in a colorado rag, and that shits gayer than a 3 dollar bill. but ifn you still want to fuck, im top, punk.
  6. glassgowkiss=mattp ?
  7. chase that magazine crap, wanker. or just go climbing.
  8. middendorf sold a5 to tnf some years ago with the caveat that he be hired as a consultant. that dint last too long. last i herd about it, anker was running the a5 division of tnf up from boozeman. i thought itd be more than padpeople clothes.
  9. lummox


    dont foget their black heliocopters and shit. fucking law enforcement rangers are the dumbfucks couldnt get hired as sheriffs deputies. your more paranoid than a tweaker cooking up with the hot method.
  10. waiting for the video.
  11. to child labor.
  12. lummox

    Which 4WD SUV?

    robbybob, unless your gonna get laid more driving that fancy new rig, it ain't worth it.
  13. ha ha. amberbuxom? your a dude, aintcha?
  14. necro would eat that shit up.
  15. lummox

    Tax Cut

    β€œThe hardest thing in the world to understand is the federal income tax.” So said Albert Einstein. In 1988 the IRS seized the $10.35 from Garry Keffer's savings account. Keffer, who was 12 years old, took matters into his own hands. He wrote President Ronald Reagan, "I am now feeling distrustful of the United States due to my financial devastation.” "The income tax has made liars out of more Americans than the game of golf.” Will Rogers, 1924
  16. marines rescued the little guy from a primitive torture chamber where he was humiliated on a daily basis by being thrown against a velcro wall by big drunks. Marines who participated in the rescue commented "hoo-ah".
  17. lummox

    stupid topic

    ladies, ain't no ball and chain holdin me back! i could care less about my squeeze being a climber, or not. all i need is a little grass on the field. if my fuckbuddy was a sport climber, she could still play with my nuts.
  18. lummox

    what a disgrace ...

    your stupid, huh? It's spelled "you're stupid". I rest my case. nope. your bad.
  19. probably am. but at least im trying. ill use ninja stealth for the next attack. you never know when i might flip out and insult someone.
  20. blair says 'we capped his ass'
  21. no. only 8. but i gotta lotta try if you wanna ride.
  22. haliburton, fool
  23. ain't got kicked off though. supose i should insult a semilegend like lameboner did to fish. funny shit.
  24. dammit.
  25. thatd be some looting! burning cop cars and shit. topless drunk chicks flashing tits. kick ass
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