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Everything posted by lummox

  1. the rope is your lifeline. buy quality.
  2. you musta voted for ralf nader. it's actaully all your fault gw is president. guilt sucks, dont it?
  3. lummox

    Michael speaks

    RobKnob, go fellate your blowup President Bush doll, you nonthinking Republican sheep. ain't gonna sell your car getting aggro and shit on people
  4. i herd saddam was hiding out in their embassy in bagdad.
  5. i remember back when mike moore was funny. he'd ask questions and pretned to be confused and make the person he was interviewing look cruel an evil and shit. but when he preaches he just looks like a fat guy who cant grow a beard. but id do sheryl crow and jeneane garafolo in a 3 way.
  6. the only good thing i got out a that article was a new route name "spongiform'. anybody else ever notice that elk are dummer an shit around trucks on the road? a deer will run off the road, but a elk will run across the road. unpredictable, they are.
  7. the right wingers are bragging about being the BSD nation (big swinging dick), but what to the leftys do? are sheryl corw and mike moore bumming, or waht? are they sad that goddam saddam is spread like a fart across a 60 foot hole in bagdad? "sheeit, i went to the peace march and all i got was my ass kicked?"
  8. lummox

    music these days...

    i listen to [obscure band], and if you don't know bout it, you suck cuz your uncool.
  9. lummox

    a thought

    i bet ole saddam ain't having any problems with constipation.
  10. there are no dumb questions. just stupid people.
  11. ali goes all dead n shit, and sexual chocolate goes silent.
  12. shiizolater http://www.asksnoop.com/
  13. lummox

    music these days...

  14. that was a close one. another 6 inches and i woulda lost my right nut
  15. nothing wrong with farm animals, but leave the chickens alone or youll kill em
  16. what color is it? is it broken in, or a virgin?
  17. who said shit about being local?
  18. brand fucking new 03 for $20,500. your gonna have to do better than that 19.
  19. n make ya soil yer tights?
  20. lummox

    plab nicknames

    3-fuck. so named cuz of her penchant for doing all the mountain men pretenders at the rendezvous.
  21. an epic is when on the summit, priming for a celebratory smoke, you realize you forgot the lighter in the car
  22. so your the absolute failure? dont be so hard on yourself.
  23. I think that's called a modified goal. It's also how Twight and the extreme guys justify climbing a particular line and not summiting the peak. i am extreme.
  24. recommendations for a sack? is this one of them trolls?
  25. if i attempted to get laid, but only got a handjob, i would still call it a success. that is a successful attempt.
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