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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. quote: Originally posted by Charlie: I just got back from sport climbing at vantage and i am wearing a pair of tights. Jeeze, not twice, it was bad enough the first time
  2. quote: Originally posted by trask: good herb today huh vb? I've seen your shit eatin' grin everywhere I go. [ 02-20-2002: Message edited by: trask ] Nah, here's my shit eatin grin
  3. This was a good report, why didn't he get a few comments here?
  4. A couple of winters back I was ice climbing in Banff with a couple other dudes. We climbed Louise Falls and after topping out, we started the walkoff to the climber's right and one dude tripped over his crampons and nearly went head first over a cliff He got stopped by two tiny trees just short of the edge. I was right behind him and I had to reach a tool down for him to grab to get him back up. It would have been sick to see him go over.
  5. I've done the North Twin a couple of times and I believe you are hitting the gate (open or closed} at a bridge on the M.L. road. This is now the parking spot and yes, you walk {or better, bike) from there. The Campbell Group must be loggers because I'm pretty sure that's what is going on up there.
  6. I received this news as well, and although very few people here will know this guy I believe he is on his way to becoming a local legend. Don has done a ton of cool stuff that I wouldn't touch, and his future plans he's shared with me blow me away. He'll never see this, but congratulations Don on a successful trip.
  7. quote: Originally posted by allison: okayokayokay VegBelay, you are riiiiight. I obviously DON'T understand the concept of the Spry, because if I did, I'd know why this poop belongs here on the main board instead of over on Planet Spray, where the big boys* go out and play *those would be the ones who have cracked the Net Nanny! [ 02-15-2002: Message edited by: allison ] Well I can't speak for anyone else, but the only Net Nannies I'm having to crack these days are you, Crack Addict, and that Brody guy.
  8. You guys need some campfire songs? http://www.macscouter.com/Songs/CampfireSongs.html [ 02-15-2002: Message edited by: vegetablebelay ]
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