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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: Iceguy was there. Icegirl showed up too Are they related? Like the Wondertwins?
  2. quote: Originally posted by Bronco: I thought you were that age mattp!! You mean 25, or 80?
  3. quote: Originally posted by al: the thing i wonder is what if my buddy has a talkabout around his neck and he's buried? even if all the searchers turn off our electronic devices will it effect my ability to find him? No, because you'll be zeroing in at the lowest sensitivity level before you probe/dig. My experience has been this is most apparent at the highest sensitivity levels, as in when you begin the search, and your receiver won't be close to his talkabout then. But his will though.. Would that have any effect on the searchers? [ 02-06-2002: Message edited by: vegetablebelay ]
  4. quote: Originally posted by Gordonb: I am not a guest, but I am a lurker. The reason I lurk is that I don't feel I have much to contribute except spray (and not much of that) I am still a sport climber trying to build strength and skill to get me onto real climbs. Spouting about the top roping I have done, or the stupid free solo's I did as a teenager 20 years ago don't really add much to the conversations. Well, that hasn't stopped Trask - the only time he climbs is when he gets out of bed
  5. Yep, looks like it's warm and wet all week. http://weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/scripts/citygen.pl?client=ECCDN_e&city=WKF
  6. They are 350 or more at Return Everything Inc.
  7. Ok, so I spoke too soon - I got home and checked my pair and I do have a hole in the toe of one boot. It doesn't look like it went all the way through so that's good, but after two 3-day trips the boots are a bit scratched and gouged. Maybe they weren't supposed to be used around crampons and other sharp stuff.
  8. I keep seeing this title in Spray and I still don't know what the hell a koma is! Is The Dude in a new kind of car or a place?
  9. From Dictionary.com v. com·pro·mised, com·pro·mis·ing, com·pro·mis·es v. tr.To settle by concessions. To expose or make liable to danger, suspicion, or disrepute: an embassy that was compromised by hidden listening devices. Obsolete. To pledge mutually. I wouldn't have chosen this word if I wasn't meaning to infer suspicion.
  10. And to start the article saying "a bolt fixed in a rock may have been compromised" is strange.
  11. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: If he returns successful then they can hang I spray too much so I am bad boy . Legend on left Sprayers on right! I cannot hang with legends or post in the same column Well, you're a legendary sprayer - that should count for something
  12. And if rperitore comes back successful, we'll have another legend - we're on our way!
  13. I've taken mine on two trips to Lillooet and I think they do very well on vertical ice. They are nimble and light for the approaches and are warm. They are slicker than snot on packed icy trails and I hit the ground more than once - maybe I'll have to rough up the soles. There is a fine line where you tighten them for the climbing because they are soft enough you can stifle circulation. It sounds like I'll need to be careful not to step on my own feet or stick them with my tool
  14. It was that, or something to do with pot production in Canada, or the temps in Lillooet!
  15. There was a very similar post recently with some good ideas if you don't get any responses. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=10&t=000256
  16. And, it's funny to see all the Guests who try to reply to a topic or start a new one.
  17. I agree with you about keeping it low key and I'm definitely not up for climbing at a ski area, but the original post here was about night climbing due to whatever reason and his choices for that are very small in number. It sounds like he wouldn't be the first person ever to do it.
  18. Just to be clear - does making a spectacle include climbing the ice?
  19. That's gonna involve a headlamp, right? Do you get FA credit for that?
  20. vegetablebelay


    Those might be old batteries too.
  21. vegetablebelay


    I've heard of promising results from Viagra Trask.
  22. 10!10, 9, 8!10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5!10!10, 9, 8, 7, 6!10!10, 9, 8!10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3!10, 9, 8, 7!10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5!10!10!Can anyone tell me what this is a reference to? Ummmm, let's see....it's a graph (sideways) measuring Canadian contributions to world events.
  23. That was luck. Like in the game of HORSE, you have to prove it
  24. I'll climb on the bandwagon Todd
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