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Everything posted by COL._Von_Spanker

  1. What America needs is Winston Churchill....
  2. So is Ireland, are we going to war with them? And isn't Saudi Arabia a terrorist nation too? A majority of the WTC fuckers were from there.
  3. I Think I once saw a pair of these at Feathered friends, but I could be mistaken. They had a super stiff last (as they should if it has a heel bail) so I was like "If I'm gonna hike in some stiff ass waffle stompers I may as well wear my boots" . The stiffness would be good for some things and bad for others, I guess it just depends on the intended use. EDIT: They are sorta heavy, over 2 pounds/pr (or 1lb for a 1/2 pair as they list it on the web site). The trango s' weigh less.
  4. COL._Von_Spanker


    Back on topic: I too occasionally get the random spasms. Usually it's on the top/middle of my left thigh. I can see the little muscle twitching away which is usually pretty funny. It sometimes happens on the left bicep as well.
  5. I got boots from them this summer. Good place. I exchanged emails with them when I had some questions, and they were very helpful. Telemark Pyrenees
  6. OK, that part's lame.
  7. OK, so I'm gonna toss out a little support for REI here. First, it's RECREATIONAL equipment incorporated, not hard core climbers equipment incorporated. They cater to outdoor enthusiasts, which range from people who want to go for their first hike at mt si to the hardcore climber. Just because you want more climbing gear and hardcore stuff why should the non-hardpersons be shortchanged. Is it so wrong if a store caters to the average outdoor enthusiast? Where is a person to go if they think the tents at Taget and wallmart are crap, but don't need a bibler from feathered friends? So what if Jenny from the block wants earmuffs that don't mess up her hair, or if that 8 year old emerging outdoorsperson wants a heart shaped biner. If REI can serve as a catylist to raise the global awareness of the environment that's great. The store 'hasn't been what it used to be' for a long time. And for all of you that think REI is some huge corporation, look at the financial info, that's not huge by any stretch of the imagination. Spray on........
  8. COL._Von_Spanker

    Best Lit

    David Sedaris=Good Short Stories
  9. COL._Von_Spanker

    Best Lit

    Am I a shallow brute if 99% of poetry bugs the hell out of me? I like books and bukowski though.
  10. I like the silent partner for solo leading, though I have only used it once, you just can't try to make a big quick move, as the unit will cam and lock on ya (pulling out a few arm lengths before the move solved this problem). I figured those devices cannot be used SAFELY for solo leading, but I thought I would ask to make sure.
  11. How well does the ushba work for solo leading? How does it handle upside down falls?
  12. How/what does dees one doo....
  13. Glad to see the stone gardens crew cleaned house at the comp. Way to go Mykael Ann and Lief.
  14. I donno where to gettem. Though if I wasreally in need of some gore savers I would get a pair of super cheap rubber (surplus store variety) pants and cuttem off.
  15. Good one EriK...
  16. "Designed to protect that ever expensive “Gortex” outer shells. Glissade shorts can be put on without removing boots and crampons. Waist and legs are secured using 3/4” webbing and adjuster bucklesto eliminate entry of unwanted snow during glissade. Medium weighttruck tarp material is used on bottom side of harness and 400 packcloth on front side. Weight 1lb. Size: Regular and Large." At only a pound I might start carrying two pairs.
  17. Now yer talkin......
  18. I originally thought they were only those supersmall ones that looked like keychain that you would buy at the checkout counter at REI, but the larger zeros are close the size of small aliens. They do seem more flexy than aliens.
  19. COL._Von_Spanker


    Damn I fell Behind, so i gotta say a few things. Regarding shaking: True the ice isn't in contact with the vodka or gin for long, but your hand is in contact with the metal and the metal transfers heat rather fast. Haven't you ever seen a bartender pour a martini that's a little short, so they just shake it some more and squeeze out a little extra. I think the bruising thing a a big line of horseshit, though I've heard it tossed around. Scotch temperature: Colder is not necessaritly better, meanining over rocks or something. When drinking good scotch many prefer a single cube. It tends to not be too much but not too little. If you want to party for real get some genuine absenthe, the wormwood will get you all f'd up (though garanteed to be followed by a severe hangover). I like scotch. Right now my favorite is Laphroag, when I got money to burn
  20. COL._Von_Spanker


    I'm talking about the bruising, not bond.
  21. COL._Von_Spanker


    isnt it the other way around? Shaking bruises it?
  22. I though it was easier the first time I tried it on TR. I took some whippers this summer.
  23. Please read the first post "Can be alpine, sport, trad, ice...or top 3 in all catagories"
  24. Thats sucks more ass than a feltching... hopefully is doesn't rain tomorrow.
  25. That's a hard one. Here are some that I can think of. Trad: 1. Outer Space (haven't done it yet) 2. Diedre (sqaumptontown) 3. Dreamer (darrington) Alpine: 1. Triple Couloirs 2. Sperry N. Face 3. Gib Ledges Rainier Sport 1. That multipitch 10 at leavenworth, I think it's on condor buttress or something 2. Rainy day Women redpoint 3. Zebra Seam, now that there's bolts. There's so much more that I can think of; I can't remember route names for shit.
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