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Everything posted by COL._Von_Spanker
The Pepper Mill Cafe Lounge. It's all Brass'n'Mirrors. We were sittin' arond the fireplace.
Sort of Sore shoulder
COL._Von_Spanker replied to COL._Von_Spanker's topic in Fitness and Nutrition Forum
Yeah, on the front, and mostly when my arm is at 90degrees to my side -
I searched the forums and saw many people have had shoulder injurys. My shoulder is sort of sore today, a little bit painful, but nothing unbearable. The pain is noticeable in certain areas of range of motion (not a constant pain). I haven't has to pop any pills yet. I think it was last night in the gym (save all you gym slamming comments for later) when doing something not very difficult, though I could hear and feel something (sort of a gritty sound). It didn't hurt initially, but was sore in the morning. What sort of symptoms mean some bad shit is going on? I guess I'll just sleep on it and if it hurts in few days i'll start to worry. I think I'm jsut paranoid.
Becky Broadcast Viewing Party Pub Club!!!!!! Let's find a bar that will play the broadcast and we can all cheer and give each other high fives. Maybe the man himself will show up too.
I wonder if this is more a function of the physiology of men that grow more hair, thus need to shave more as opposed to those who are less hairy. Or does the physical act of shaving prolong life? Sounds like BS to me. Shaving is boring.
FYI, The GMRS do say it on the box and on most web sites you can buy them off of. There is an FCC license fee to use that functionality. From REI: I got a $60 pair of cheapies. They work fine. They have only been used for basic climbing communication as a convienience, though it's still good to jive with yer partner in such a way that non-verbal climbing communication still works, the radios just help take the mystery out of it.
Very true...
Well then I'm definately due for a return trip...
Arrived Thursday night to Sin City prompty checked in to NYNY, and made my way out and about. Played some blackjack moseyed around in a stupor intil about 5am. Day 2: Woke up late and got to the sports book at mandalay bay around 3pm to catch the rest of the days horses and get set up for some multipitch gambling. I got the beta on how to bet and read the daily race sheet which was definately the crux of this route. Betting on the horses is by far the best route. We topped out around 7 and got some dinner at some Chinese place. After dinner our next route was "Purple Riegn" a prince tribute band at the bar in the Boardwalk, which is the dive casino of the casino's on that part of the strip. It was very amusing and the band was great. Leaving at about 1:00 it was time for dinner number two at Le Cafe in Paris. 9.99 steak; mmm mmm good. Well, the night was far from over so we decided to make an attemp on the route called "Jaguar stip club". The approach wasn't too bad as it was done in a limo. A very classy joint I must say, 4 stages, comfy furniture, lovely ladies. It is said to be the nicest joint in town. The crux if this route was definately the bill which ended up being about $300 for 3 people. Jamie (a girl) thought it would be good if Pinto and I got lap dances, so that inflated the cost a great deal. Leaving penniless and in a total drunken stupor, recalling rounds of Jaeger and tequila with a stripper, the stripper and Jamie having a heart to heart about life over cigarettes and beer, and countless other blurry images. The descent route ended up being a little over 3 mile, which put us at the hotel well after dawn; the sunrise was great. Day 3: Walked down the strip to the sports book at the Stardust. Won some money on Jefe de Jefes; a promising horse. Moved to som place across the street that looks like a diner but has this killer mirror lined bar with a big sunken fireplace that is filled with water and had fire bubling out of the water. I found myself with a larger group this night and found the crux was deciding where to go. Ending up at some lame Vegas club was ok, but I knew I would pay for it in the morning; it was good that we were able to haggle our way in for free. I almost got beat up which was fun. Final Day: Departure Day; killed time reading until the flight left. Spent a lot of time at the airport and got back really late. That airport is a shithole. BOTTOM LINE; NO CLIMBING. OH WELL, I BROUGHT ALL MY SHIT, BUT IT JUST DIDN'T HAPPEN. I WILL GO BACK TO CLIMB VERY SOON.
Regarding the compass feature on the Vector: It's nice for quick stuff, to get my general orientation, but I found it to be sort of cumbersome to use to navigate in a whitout when compared to a 'classic' compass. Basically when I need a compass I want a real compass where I can see the whole dial. I like the altimeter, again it's more of a convienience though. and when calibrating it's usually pretty easy cause the trailhead often has a published altitude. The bottom line is even if you never use it, you gotta have one to join the secret brother/sisterhood of alpinists, it's like knowing the secret hand shake, right guys?
I think that has to do with materials. Also note that the ice sac is simple to compress. If that's too much maintenance for the diversity well.. get something else. I've used it in so many situations I am convinced it is a great pack. I do hear lots of good things about Cold Cold world. THey must be good. Cold Cold World Cherynoble At $150 it looks pretty nice.
C'mon DFA, you just trolling for some bolt clippin' trash talk? Is that YOU on Chain Reaction?
Discussing climbing with non-climbers
COL._Von_Spanker replied to COL._Von_Spanker's topic in Climber's Board
This is very true with many people... -
Discussing climbing with non-climbers
COL._Von_Spanker replied to COL._Von_Spanker's topic in Climber's Board
It's not that I am frustrated that they don't undstand or appreciate my accomplishments. I have been dealing with this since 5th grade when I started getting out all the time. It's more an issue of interpersonal relations, ya know. People are often curious so they ask, but I feel they will never understand. As was said in To Kill a Mockingbird "you never really know a person until you put on their shoes and walk around in 'em" (or something close to that, I don't remember exactly) BTW: I just threw that out there for the sake of discussion 'cause I'm curious what others think, and for the sake of discussion (as opposed to looking for some Dr Phil style advice) -
So many of the persons that I associate with are climbers, but believe it or not I have non-cimber friends too. It's always odd trying do discuss what I spend nearly all of my weekends and no-work hours doing; even explaining climbing in general. Many people don't know shit about what climbing is and the different types of climbing; except for the few that may have read Into Thin Air, or seen Vertical Limit. Bring these people into the climbing circle and they are lost amidst a barrage of words like 'beta', 'FA', 'pitch', 'crampons', and a myriad of other perplexing nouns and adjective? And the more I climb the harder it is to relate to 'normal' people. I don't expect non-climbers to understand climbing, but how does one respond at work on monday when you get the preverbial "Did you have a good weekend?" Is it "yeah it was great, I went climbing", or "pertty mellow, just hung out" even though you just got back from a 48 hour sufferfest on some alpine peak. Or when you are making conversation and someone asks "so what kind of things do you like to do?" You may say "I'm into climbing" but you know that unless it's a climber, they will never fully understand no matter how it is explained. This can be said for many activities in life, but I'm curious as to what others think about this.
...But it had that dashing photo of Dean Potter shirtless on the cover recently, C'mon don't we all want to see topless dean potter photos? Outside has it's niche; which seem to be the weekend warrier, but not extreme type. The features are outdoor related, but much is within the grasp and capability of the 'average' outdoor enthusiast which probably makes up a large majority of it's readers and REI shoppers. Whereas most 'outdoor enthusiasts' probably can't relate to Alpinist. and don't forget about backbacker!!!! He does some sick shit, but I'm sick of hearing about him Alpinist: I like the way the photo gallery section was layed out. R&I: I read it a barnes and noble on my lunch break, so it don't bother me much since I'm not paying for it. I only look at the photo's anyway Climbing: I read it a barnes and noble on my lunch break, so it don't bother me much since I'm not paying for it. I only look at the photo's anyway MattP, it's funny when people that know a person climbs tries to relate to said person. I usually just nod my head and smile when discussing climbing with non-climbers.
My take on the Exum ridge is that it's a cheap "price point" shoe for the everyday used, as oppose to a true approach shoe. I tried them out in the store and I just didn't like the way they looked with my spring ensemble....just kdding...but it seems like more of a 'consumer' shoe as opposed to a performance shoe, sorta like the difference in the really nice new balance running shoes and the ones you can get for $59.95 at your local outdoor retailer.
Ballard Power Systems
The hydrogen powered car is a good theory, unfortunately, a viable vehicle is about 15 years of R&D off. In the meantime, the current electric/gasoline hybrid vehicles get ignored, even though they are a much more timely means of reducing our dependence on oil. Big oil wins again! You know not of what you speak, It's not a theory. The Ballard Fuel cell exists and has had substantial funding from US motor companies. They already have busses that run on it, though not it mass production.
The Irish are freedom fighters working to expel an oppressive foreign power. IRA should NEVER, EVER disarm!!! Terrorist are terrorists. Just because you agree with the cause doesn't make the terrorism justifiable. In saying the IRA should never disarm is no different than saying Al Queda should never disarm. And by your rational so are the Paletinians. do you support them? I am for the freedom of N. Ireland, but even if England pulls out blood will still be shed due to differences that go beyond the problems that the current english occupation causes. And whoever made the statment about our knowledge about what is going on in Ireland, how the fuck do you know what we know.
Not A winston churchill, THE winston churchill. GW and Churchill are not even in the same league, so don't slander Winston like that. Here are some quotes: 1. Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others. 2. have a tendency, against which I should, perhaps, be on my guard, to swim against the stream. 3. Twenty to twenty-five! Those are the years! 4. If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons. 5. My views are a harmonious process which keeps them in relation to the current movement of events. 6. Personally I am always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught. 7. I have no intention of passing my remaining years in explaining or withdrawing anything I have said in the past, still less in apologizing for it. 8. A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject. 9. I have been a journalist and half my lifetime I have earned my living by selling words and I hope thoughts. 10. I am a child of the House of Commons. was brought up in my father’s house to believe in democracy. 11. My mother was American and my ancestors were officers in Washington’s army. So I am myself an English-speaking union. 12. All the years that I have been in the House of Commons I have always said to myself one thing: Do not interrupt,’ and I have never been able to keep to that resolution. 13. am without an office, without a seat, without a party, and without an appendix. 14. It had many defects and teething troubles, and when these became apparent the tank was appropriately rechristened the ‘Churchill’. These defects have now been largely over-come. 15. I knew nothing about science, but I knew something of scientists, and had had much practice as a Minister in handling things I did not understand. 16. Now for a short spell I became ‘the man on the spot.’ Instead of sitting at home waiting for the news from the front I could send it myself. This was exhilarating. 17. Be on your guard! I am going to speak in French — a formidable undertaking and one which will put great demands upon your friendship for Great Britain. 18. For myself, I am an optimist — it does not seem to be much use being anything else. 19. I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter. 20. We shape our dwellings, and afterwards our dwellings shape us.