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Everything posted by COL._Von_Spanker

  1. Damn, I can't edit my poll...I meant to add more options...
  2. Erik knows, I don't.
  3. (Sorry, it's funny)
  4. Tanning lotion?
  5. I have one and I don't like it all that much. I can't really put my finger on why, though I have one of nearly every brand in my rack and it's definately my least favorite. It just seems like it doesn't place well, or maybe its just user error, but when I use camalots it's dreamy compared to the flexcams. I'm not hardcore.
  6. SULTAN IS ALWAYS A DOWNER...FROM THE COPS TO THE TRAFFIC LIGHT TO THE BAKERY..... The old hag in the bakery is a rude biotch...
  7. After-party and slide show round-two wayne?
  8. Are you scanning the photo's at 72 DPI? This is best for web since monitors display at 72dpi.
  9. I don't get it....
  10. Does lelani lanes have a full bar?
  11. Sounds like the northlakes got too many strikes....Speaking of strikes, what about sunset bowl? So are we back to Ballard Alehouse?
  12. Mt Wmn. Face it, IT's SLOW. I have a fast connection flowing into a faster computer (BIG TUBE). Cool Site though.
  13. Damn, that sux it's not all ages. We should go there anyway, or come up with another all ages drinking/dining venue (the 2 minors better show up)
  14. Northlake get's my vote. Good bar and great pizza, some even say the best in seattle. Too bad pizza 'n' pipes isn't on 85th anymore...
  15. You da bomb, I wanna see some photo's.....!
  16. He seemed so calm...maybe that's why he's crazie jamie....
  17. "keep your friends close and your enemies closer"
  18. "CLIMBING: Training for peak performance" Is a good all around training book. It has technical info but in laymans terms, so it might not be technical enough, but it sort of relates it to every day life well. It also has good seperate training guides for the different aspects of climbing. BTW: My nutrition sux. But I want to do better. It's just expensive and takes a lot of work. PM me if you want to borrow mine (if you live in the greater seattle area).
  19. Exit 38 is considered a gym right?
  20. I think he was trying to make it look like he was "cheers'n" his clone, or the loner that has to cheers himself in the mirror.
  21. I am home.
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