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Everything posted by COL._Von_Spanker

  1. Prolly a euro
  2. 2 garbage sacks are such a great addition to the pack. So versitile, poncho, pack cover, bivy sack, glissade diaper, and you can fill it up with that peculiar green plant that you happen across while bushwhacking.
  3. Hey cracked, what kind of windshell pant do you sport? I've come to the conclusion that if it's really out wet yer gonna get wet, just resign yourself to that fact. I think it's time for me to let go and stop carrying my gore pants. The only time I can see myself using them is if i'm hiking in deep snow for a long time, or if it get's cold and windy all the sudden; for some reason I still bring them with me.
  4. Any summit on a clear day is the best view; we don't get a whole lot of sunny days in WA.
  5. Yeah, you just gotta keep it grassroots and on the down low. Guide for free with the understanding that you will be justly compensated with a "tip" at the end of the trip.
  6. I ate 3 hamburgers. Yes it was smokey, but we don't need to start that one again. There was a hottie in leather that came in on her harley, but lo she was not a CC'er. My favorite part was when some folks left for a safety check it sort of cleared our area out a bit, so this couple was like "is someone sitting here" I said "yeah, thats why all the glasses are there" and they said "all of these seats?" as if I was makin' it up just to be a jerk. Then everyone came back plus some and they were trapped by a bunch of crass climbers. Ha ha.
  7. I love trans-thread shit talkin' See you at the Alki.
  8. Let's say they you are waiting out a storm, the weather clears and the rescuers show up. Do tell the rescuers to go away and finish the climb? That would suck if you are a competant climber, and you chill and wait out a storm, only to find a army of news personel waiting in the parking lot. But I guess it would suck more to not get rescued if you needed it.
  9. What about watercraft? That's industry profiteering off of public land.
  10. From Associated Press and ARTURO SANTIAGO / KING 5 News PARADISE, Wash. – Mount Rainier National Park has hired a private helicopter to help look for two missing climbers. If they are found and need rescuing, a bigger Army Reserve Chinook is standing by a Fort Lewis. Park spokeswoman Lee Taylor said the climbers, who were due back Sunday, are 51-year-old Christopher McGinnis of Mukilteo and Quang Than of Newport Beach, California. Two teams of ground searchers left Tuesday morning. One team of two fast-moving climbing Rangers is going to Camp Muir at the 10,000-foot level to see if the missing climbers made it that far. They had plans to climb the Gibraltar Ledges route – the highest reaches of the Nisqually Glacier on the southern flank of the 14,411-foot mountain. The second team is made up of four climbers from Tacoma and Olympic Mountain Rescue who are going up with additional gear. They hope to learn whether to concentrate the search above or below Camp Muir. The missing men left Saturday from the Paradise station. A relative reported them overdue on Sunday night. Taylor said both are experienced and well equipped. They may have dug in to wait for better weather.
  11. Hey cpt., can I give your Ice sac a test drive some time? I wanna see how it feels on a overnighter.
  12. THIS IS BULLSHIT...Sunny in leavenworth...Why is it only nice when I am working? Guess i'll have to ditch the work ethic and start calling in sick more often.
  13. I noticed on the opspreys that they would be difficult to carry wands and pickets on. I'm also looking for a small alpine pack that can be used for craggin, and alpine rock and ice climbing. so far I like the wild things Freny and Ice sack, and I want to check out the granite gear alpine lite. I have yet to determine exactly what volume will suit my needs the best.
  14. Whatever ; the route pics are fine, but do we really need 12 additional images of the rock?
  15. COL._Von_Spanker

    UW Rock

    Can someone pleas post some more photos of UW rock? I'm planning a trip there at the end of the month and I need some more beta. The panoramic photo's just arent't enough for my needs.
  16. Search begins for climbers on Mount Rainier 02/18/2003 From Associated Press and ARTURO SANTIAGO / KING 5 News PARADISE, Wash. – Searchers were prepared to mount a search on Mount Rainier Tuesday for two climbers who failed to return as scheduled on Sunday from a trek on the mountain. Mount Rainier National Park officials said Christopher McGinnis, 51, of Mukilteo, Wash., and his climbing partner, Quang Thau, whose age and hometown were not immediately available, had plans to climb the Gibraltar Ledges route – the highest reaches of the Nisqually Glacier on the southern flank of the 14,411-foot mountain. Park rangers said they are hopeful, as the climbers are used to climbing in the winter, and would be ready to take on the elements. "We are really in a wait mode," park spokesperson Lee Taylor said Monday. ... "They are experienced climbers who are probably waiting for things to break, until visibility improves and they can make it down the mountain." The men were equipped with an extra day's supply of food and four day's worth of fuel for cooking and melting snow into drinking water. "It's not uncommon for climbing parties to be on the route for longer than they had anticipated," Taylor said, "especially in the winter when the weather can change quickly." "We're in shock...we're scared and mad at him all at the same time," said Debbie McDonough, sister-in law of McGinnis. "We don't know what to do, it's been very difficult." KING It's not unusual for climbers to return late from a climb during bad weather conditions. Snow was falling in the area all day Monday, "and it's probably going to snow all night, too," said National Weather Service forecaster Chris Burke. If weather permits, a helicopter will assist in the search. Lows of 10 degrees at Camp Muir around the 10,100-foot level of the mountain's southeastern flank and 10 degrees below zero at the summit were expected overnight, the weather service said. McGinnis has climbed Mount Rainier three times and has also climbed Mount McKinley and other Alaskan peaks, Taylor said. “They're prepared to camp. They could be at a variety of different spots on the mountain, we don't know for sure if they made it to the summit,” she said.
  17. DP, do you have the pro-ice?
  18. If you want to climb the bat caves the right way ride yer bike up from the I5 side, it's a sweet ride with a steady climb, and one of the funner descents in the area, especially the section at the very top down. Some refer to this ride as blanchard hill.
  19. C'mon, it's from pulp fiction...
  20. I like the name of that route...©unning (s)tunt
  21. ChucK, Why do you keep interupting poitless ramblings with requests for beta? Talk about thread drift man. Maybe someone should start moderating your posts. (I like the trolling for beta on climbs that I know you know tack)
  22. Do you have to approve the mambo? Or will it get abused...
  23. There's this girl in the junior program that I work with at stone gardens that climbs 5.11 with long ass nails. Every time she goes for a hold you here 'em scraping.
  24. Hey Trish, are you related to Mark Fox?
  25. I think you gotta send some shit in to get that.
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