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Everything posted by COL._Von_Spanker

  1. Has anyone used the regular sized ones (meaning not those super F'n small ones for aid climbing)?
  2. Which do you prefer and why?
  3. Roooooowwwwrrrrr
  4. 10 inches in last 24. 31 and snowing this morning.
  5. But did you do this when you were a kid? (From todays LA times)
  6. Sounds like my childhood and I'm only 24. I never got a ride to school, even in kindergarten. I wonder if parents would let that fly today?
  7. I will be in vegas in a week. Let's climb.
  8. That's a lot of text Dwayner. I would read it all if my eyes weren't so damaged from second hand smoke. EDIT; Of course I'm full of crap, what else would you expect.
  9. What the shit! I guess I haven't ventured into freemont recently. I never really went there anyway cause beers are sorta pricey. I work two block from the big one in woodinville. It's only worth going there in the summer when the patio is open, in fact it rocks in the summer.
  10. Redhook Freemont or Redhook Woodinville? Redhook Freakmont would be fun.
  11. Cool, I'll have to check it out. North shore Rox
  12. Yeah thanks for that; Y'all made my bike ride home very amusing.
  13. Dexter and Hayes I dig that place. If only there was more room to park my Hummer.
  14. It seems like every news story someone post has a f'n login. It gets old after a while.
  16. Ok, here’s the thing--if we look at the marginal cost (measured in detriment to health) of the smoker who chooses to drink in a smoking-allowed establishment, his/her cost of choosing to drink there is negligible because the second hand smoke breathed by said smoker contributes negligibly to the damage that the person already inflicts upon themselves by being a smoker in the first place. Therefore, the logical decision for the smoker, whose marginal cost of detriment to health of around zero, is to choose a drinking establishment where he/she can attain the most utility and fun for his/her dollar (be it a smoking establishment or not). For the non-smoker, however, the marginal cost of choosing to drink in a smoking establishment because it is considered “less sucky” than a non-smoking establishment is far greater than for the smoker, ceteris paribus. That is, the non-smoker, by choosing to drink in a smoking establishment, opens him/herself up to far greater health risks (in the short and long run), than does the smoker who already voluntarily exposes him or herself to such risks on a daily basis. So, although it may seem to smokers that the logical choice for a pub club is the “most fun” bar, smokers needs to realize that this choice is logical only when evaluated from the standpoint of a smoker whose marginal cost of making such a decision is low. The cost to non-smokers of choosing a smoking establishment over a non-smoking one is far greater than the cost borne by smokers, ceteris paribus. Though relatively well organized and remotely amusing your argument neglects one simple fact; no one that goes to pub club really cares about smoky bars all that much. There's a small minority of crybaby sissies that are up in arms about smoky bars, but it's a fact of life in washington. So if you wanna play with the big dogs you gotta get off the porch. All you whiners are probably the types that show up and have a wine spritzer and leave in half an hour to go home and watch re-runs of happy days and MASH. And you make the assumption that all the people that advocate not going to non-smoking bars are smokers, which it not true, we are just a troop of drunks that don't like going to places that suck ass.
  17. Yeah, they're kind of a fave, although Heavy Petting Zoo sure wasn't. Is that pic the poster you're referring to, or was it the "eating lamb" poster, which was decidedly more ... interesting. We had both. The Eating lamb version was my favorite, nothing like farmer and sheep 69.
  18. You've gotta real penchant for NOFX huh? You should have seen the poster we got in college when heavy petting zoo came out. It really impressed the ladies.
  19. Alpine Belay: "Don't fall dude"
  20. You should have seen the guy I saw belaying at SG on sunday, he had one hand (brake hand) and when he pulled in slack he would fully take his hand off and shit, when he lowered the climber he would just grab a huge handfull of rope and zing it though and then take his hand off and grab another handfull. I don't thing his friend had even tried to show him how to do it.
  21. Does Slush=Snow, cause that's what was up there. Should we moderate spray forums and remove all clmbing content?
  22. Looks can be deceiving.
  23. I would have gone, you gotta spread the love.
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