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Everything posted by COL._Von_Spanker

  1. I have the sam problem in AI where all the sudden my hotkeys don't work, and I use them all the time. In fact I rarely use the toolbars. I have problems when I save as a PDF, where if I transfer it onto a windows network, the file won't work. And I've tried all the different options, and done the extensions correctly. The same thing happens with jgs. Also, when I save as a pdf I often get "error -42 cannot be be created, illustrator is having difficulites". So I have to revert to 8 and save the pdf.
  2. I totally skipped AI 9 and stayed with 8 and went to 10
  3. I spend nearly all of my work time on AI, andhave been using 10 for a while. But there are still so many f'in bugs. And the adobe help forum is about as helpful as a second asshole. Any of you other AI wankers share the same frustration?
  4. Especially if you've had about 14 beers EDIT; Catbirdseat, sorry about the thread drift.
  5. MERCHANDISE ... you are what not you own...
  6. Bellingham cellophane square was the place I was shopping at. Now I only go to sonic boom.
  7. it's sorta difficult to double up, but the stuff we play isnt' too complex. I just can play super high on the trumpet after playin bone.
  8. Whatever, just because some jackass doesn't have any common sense doesn't mean snaking has to be unsafe. Don't do it on blind jumps, or right after someone else. sorry about your friend. I can be a dick on the moutain, it doesn't mean I'm unsafe,
  9. I play trombone and trumpet in das booty The bone rox
  10. It always pissed me off cause fugazi albums were alway printed with "do not pay more than $x.xx for this" (or something along those lines), and they would be considerably more than that in the store. Often I would bring it to the attention of the store, but I was quickly dismissed and left to pay full price.
  11. It's not really snowboarder vs skiier, it's more of a people who go fast and don't stop or turn a lot vs dumbasses that clog shit up.
  12. two words; yeast infection
  13. I think the blinders come stock with ear plugs
  14. That is the shit. That's all there is too it. Fred is da'bomb.
  15. What I find annoying is the snoplowers (is it called a stem-christy) that do big turns; they are like horses with blinders on. This is annying as shit on skiis or a snowboard. Now, i know they are learning and all, but my passing commands seem to evokes all sorts of crazy reactions. "passing on your left" all to often is followed by a big left turn from the snowplow with blinders.
  16. global sources Global sources has everything, it's basically a site that connects you to manufacturer in china and taiwan. Though it's more for production volumes, you can usually get samples if you don't mind waiting Try Pacific Iron down on 4th s., though I'm not sure what their fastener selection is like.
  17. I never wash my hands.
  18. don't get me started on vegemite smells like
  19. I thought that was herpes?
  20. "The darker the berry the sweeter the juice"
  21. why are red and yellow peppers som much more than green? I'm assuming it's like wine and taste is directly proportional to price.
  22. "...expensive beer..." $6.75 for a pitcher of PBR at teddies? $4.00-$5.00 should be more like it. I don't remember anyone standing up, other than to use the head.
  23. I think they are called the Iceflow. They a great so far. Not waterproof is correct, but toss a pair of OR mitts over them for the approach and yer set.
  24. Regarding lounging snowboarders: Fuck em. It's their problem if they are sittin there and they get plowed into. And all the yahoos waitin at jumps? Just snake em. I hate that shit and I hate stoppin 50 times before I get to the bottom. These boarders are wankers and deserve a big roostertail of snow on them. PS I ride snowboards, in the past mostly at baker where this happens a lot. and people lounge around to go off some crap jump with a flat landing and shit. That's why I want to earn my turns this year.
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