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Everything posted by COL._Von_Spanker

  1. So does that mean you are gonna show up for pub club tonight K5N?
  2. You don't need to wear bike shorts to pub club, just wear some normal pants and roll up the legs, messenger style. If you do wear your bike shorts, I'll wear my full Mapei outfit that Kona gave me. Here are some models showing off my euro-duds
  3. Icegirl; why don't you ride yer bike to pub club?
  4. Then I saw you too. The weather was warm in the sun, though I bet a breeze would have made it cold fast. That will be quite the crag dog some day; and crag baby too.
  5. EAD indeed. to the phony posters
  6. what shite?
  7. IF K5N and newstips are avatars I will laugh many laughs. If not, come to pubclub.
  8. Is the Nickerson what they call the old 318 tavern? If so, they used to have some good burgers. We used to go there before I was a kid and the parents would order burgers and we'd eatem on the hood of the car since I couldn't go inside. I like the nickerson idea.
  9. I could not agree more. Definately not a dirtbag climber place to hang out.
  10. Where in bellingham is that picture taken? And where is the secret granite bouldering?
  11. Really? I'll be sure to stay home then.
  12. Damn, it looks like the avi conditions aren't gonna be the best this weekend for any sort of safe climbing, (unless I'm reading the report wrong). And then it's gonna clear up on Sunday, to provide good climbing Monday or Tuesday. I swear I'm cursed. Anyone want to go to Index? Aid climbing mabye?
  13. So now I have it narrowed down to the pro ice and the SM experts. They fit about the same. The only differences I have noticed is the SM Experts rand comes up higher, and is super thick on the instep, which prolly keeps down crampon wear, it has less ankle flex, and the leather on the lower is a true one piece that comes all the way up to the top (the tounge are is sort of open on the pro ice). So now I can't decide. They both fit fine, but the ankle flex is where I can't make a decision. It seems like flexy ankle is good for french technique, but a little support is nice when yer racking up the miles. I plan on using these boot for ice and winter alpine routes as well as slogging.
  14. Here is an easy way to deal with the problem. Get a squirt bottle, a soda can, and some pennies. Put the pennied in the soda can and tape it shut. When said feline get on the computer give it a small squirt while simultaniously shaking the can. After a few times all you will have to do is shake the can. Unlike dogs, cat's are hard to train with positive reinforcement, so you have to use the tough love approach.
  15. I think the primary benefit of chalk is psychological. I was reduced to gym bouldering last night, and my chalk bag was 99% empty, but that didn't stop me from reaching back and trying to chalk up on every problem. It was stupid and idiotic, as I knew I wasn't actually going to get enough chalk on my hands to make a difference, but that didn't stop me from doing it! It's like a bad habit! There's nothing wrong with that. Whatever it takes to get in the zone. many athletes have similar habits. It's like a baseball player adjusting his unit or hat or whatever, or a basketball player dribbling a few time before a free throw. Each person sort of has their own routine and I wouldn't call obsessive chalk baggin a bad habit. Now if you were like "i totally would have sent that if my chalk bag wasn't empty" that would be a problematic bad habit. As for footwork, when working with the more advanced kids in the gym I have them climb extra slow (sloth style) and I make them stare at every foot placement. I really need to work on not getting psyched out about leading trad stuff. Maybe I need more
  16. A good trip I took with the nephews was that big fancy racing sailboat you can go for rides on down at the waterfront. The science center is always fun for any age.
  17. The British media has beeng ainst the american war machine for a long time. During WWII they constantly criticized the Supreme Allied Commander (Ike) even though we were over there in force to save europes ass. They were all about having Montgomery in charge cause they wanted the glory of 'winning' even though his Market-Garden was a total failure.
  18. That's tough. It seems like if you were overdue, the people back home that know you are overdue should at least let the ranger know that you are overdue, just as a heads up, though that would still turn into a new fiasco.
  19. Seeing as how this whole story has a happy ending, I can't help but laugh the more I think about the whole thing. There they are lounging on the rocks eatin HC and laughing about how they got a few extra days of work. Meanwhile Jim Forman and a whole cast of characters are live from the paradise parking lot bringing us "Rainier Rescue '03". I hope the frostbite heals well.
  20. I was at second ascent on monday and they had used pairs in 45
  21. I wish I had a closet.
  22. Yeah, I'm sure the Amnesty site has balanced reporting.
  23. An then I put the plastic totes on a metal rack, like they have in restaurant kitchens, that I bought at costco. You can also clip shit too it.
  24. Did anyone see the Simpsons on sunday? The Rib sandwhich plot was pretty funny.
  25. Yup. The lure of $.75 burgers is overpowering.
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