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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. E-rock

    The Debate

    Would you define "real reason"? One that's based on a grasp of the intricacies surrounding the major issues of America's future, rather than some gut reactions to things you see on TV.
  2. E-rock

    The Debate

    Actually, dumbfuck, it's you who lives in a fantasy land. Obama is just as pro-nuclear as McCain, and congress is already leading the charge on this issue with our without John and Barack. Nuclear energy IS our future. But we have to stop all those terrorists from bombing the hundreds of nuclear plants that are CURRENTLY in service before we build new ones, right? Fuck you're stupid.
  3. E-rock

    The Debate

    Hardly ... they both sucked. A couple of months ago KZOK had a comedian on the Bob and Tom show who compared this election to having to cut off your leg ... the only choice you have is whether to cut it off above or below the knee. They are both poster children of a defunct, good ol' boy, two party political system in dire need of a real strong third party challenge. People say the same tired shit during every election season.
  4. E-rock

    The Debate

    It all comes down to that for uninformed boneheads like yourself who don't vote according to facts. It all comes down to some other heretofore unexploited emotional cue that will sway the millions of undecided voters left in the country who to vote for. They may have to wait until they pull the curtain closed and play eenie-meenie with the levers. Shut up if you don't have a real reason for voting.
  5. E-rock

    Photo Caption?

    CAMERA TILT! lOOK AT tHE qUICKdraw ON THE lEFT!!!!!!!!!1`11
  6. Gary's personal sense of what's cool certainly hasn't gotten him very far with the ladies.
  7. Aside from you being the biggest dick with the smallest weenie on CC.com, you clearly don't know shit about 401K's. Here's some facts, douche-bag: The conventional wisdom on 401K's is that you have to be in stocks for a long time to reap the benfits. Otherwise put your savings a money market and let inflation steal your retirement savings away from you. Bond funds have lost money in many people's 401K's. But you're right, everyone should have ignored the conventional wisdom and counted on overly conservative means to carry us through. P.S. You're a fuckstick.
  8. Stick a cock in it, Poop
  9. Nice try bitches, but the only "mathematicians and physicists" who end up in finance are the failures and charlatans. Real "mathematicians and physicists" would be the first to tell you that market psychology has absolutely nothing to do with the quantitative sciences that they study. But who is stupider: the pretenders claiming that simply crunching numbers is scientific, or the greedy businessmen and investors that bet billions on it? Where is the business sense that these people were supposed to have learned in business school? ps. good electricians make good money Oh look, douche-bag #2 decided to join the party. You know, the other guy besides Gary who thinks he has the world figured out from the ivory academic tower because he can throw softball criticisms at everyday people and thinks he sounds smart because of it. Good luck teaching at junior college fellas!
  10. E-rock

    Hey Roody.

    You mean that you have in common? You're too dense to even write what you mean!
  11. Gary still thinks it is.
  12. Shut up, Gary. We can't all be big-time smart-alec engineering grad students working our way towards a 45K a year payday that will justify our investment in our own education in, say, 20 years. You don't know shit about the real world.
  13. Shut the fuck up, Justin.
  14. Shut up, Gary.
  15. E-rock

    pick up lines...

    One time I was on a date with an old acquaintance from college but didn't realize it was a date. We went to her place and sat on the couch to talk about old times. Next thing I know I'm getting my dick sucked.
  16. E-rock

    pick up lines...

    Dude save this kind of lame-ass content for websites like rockclimbing.com and telemarktwits. There's no need to make lame metaphors for climbing on every topic that people bring up.
  17. Actually, I've never met Rudy in person, but I always wanted to tie in with him. Ever since I started trading barbs with him I knew that he was somebody I wanted to meet. I can't say the same for Koksukkojak, though.
  18. Wow you're dumb, Kevbone.
  19. Dude, this is the most asinine commentary on the current state of political affairs that I've read on this website, hands-down. Our "innate ability to judge from the gut"???? You've gotta be kidding me. In what scientific journal is this phenomenon described, and what's the history of it's decline in the collective? One of the big problems with America, and the world in general, is that people make WAY too many emotionally based decisions without bothering to cloud their "gut's" judgments with the facts. Which is exactly why our media coverage is nothing more than lip-service to events that really matter in between the heated discussions over boogey-man issues that don't affect our lives. I haven't heard one real thing about the economy, energy policy, or healthcare come out of the mouths of either candidate. Instead I've heard a lot of unrealistic happy-talk intended to sway people to vote with their "guts" and not their minds. Just do us all a favor and stay home on November 4.
  20. Nevermind, apparently I was drawn into a random spray war by a fucking retard who doesn't know anything about the meaning of "natural" in the climbing world. Apparently you're another noob who thinks he has a say because he now climbs 10a. Die, dipshit.
  21. The only reason that anchor shouldn't have been bolted is bcause more of those fucking trees need to die at Index. Quit being an eco-tard. If you climb in the PNW trees have to die!
  22. Dude, "AT Apostle" on TTips has beat this dead horse into the ground multiple times. Get a new schtick. That being said, I'll take the bait.... Yeah, some tele skiers enjoy playing up the "look at me" factor, especially when riding the lifts, but there are plenty ripping it up in bounds and in the backcountry who couldn't care less who is watching. Smart tele skiers will use whatever turn is appropriate for the terrain.... you can do tele jump turns in a tight chute, but parallel turns would make more sense. Only the "televangelist" insists on making tele turns in all situations, and is a less accomplished skier for it. There's no doubt that the turn itself is more work than parallel skiing. For some, that's the whole point... they enjoy the extra workout and/or the satisfaction of learning a new skill and executing it well. As for touring efficiency, with modern free pivot tele bindings it's pretty much the same as with most AT setups (excluding Dynafit, which is indeed the cat's ass). It's also worth noting that AT and tele boots are starting to look very similar. You can get AT boots with bellows and telemark boots with Dynafit inserts. A binding which allows for both tele and fixed heel turns will probably appear in the not too distant future. It's already been done by mixing and matching existing binding components. Choice is good. Ski what you like. The freshies will be back in about 4 moons! We will now return to the regularly scheduled spraying. It's exactly this sort of "well thought out" response from telemarkers that makes the whole fucking thing suck. Just shut up and ski. Making fun of telemarketers is even more fun than telemarketing
  23. I'll save Erik's breath for him... Go fuck yourself, bitch. He's not interested in discussing it with you.
  24. Unless they're faking an orgasm while three guys are spunking a load in their face over at thumbzilla, right?
  25. E-rock

    Must Have Gear

    Kicker Fucker Chicken? Snowboard companies have been little more than glorified sweat-shop fashion-producing consumption whores for years. No wonder the sport has stagnated.
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