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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. E-rock


    STFU, HIPPYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
  2. I'm worried that I might never quit this worthless spray addiction.
  3. E-rock


    Everyone loves it because it's healthy, makes you feel good, and has a wide variety of taste and texture combinations. The rice IS seasoned (and actually the sashimi is preferable anyway), and raw fish, once the appreciation is acquired is far superior to cooked fish, in flavors, textures, and oil content. Furthermore, unlike cooked fish, it MUST be fresh to be enjoyed. One could make the same arguments of cooked fish lacking flavor, even more so in fact, because fish flesh readily takes on the flavor of whatever it's cooked in, the natural fats and oils are cooked off, and unless you love VanDeKamps, catfish, or carp, there usually isn't that much flavor to begin with in farmed salmon, white-fishes like flounder, or even more popular prepared wild fish like Mahi-Mahi. People who prefer cooked fish often endulge in guilty pleasures such as shark (which they purchase as "swordfish") and bay (or is it sea scallops (which are often pieces of cut shark) which are chock full of PCBs and mercury and contain very little of the beneficial fatty acids of "real" fish. But in the end, there's no accounting for taste, and if you don't like sushi because of it's lack of flavor might I suggest you try Uni?
  4. E-rock


    Who loves it? Who plans on giving it up, because if'n we don't change our consumption habits soon, we won't be making the choice for ourselves. I love sushi more than any other food, and I've fought with the ethical dilemma of eating fish for over 10 years, abstaining for long periods, but always being drawn back. I never imagined in my idealistic 20's that the oceans could be decimated as rapidly as they have been in the last ten years. Will the story of wild fish, for example the famous "Copper River Salmon" (which I buy the day after it's caught in Alaska, all the way over here in New York) be a fairy tale we tell our children?
  5. I think you're needed over in the "Greasy Anal" thread.
  6. It certainly has helped diminish my time spent reading individual threads.
  7. It's threads like this that make me glad I've chosen to make capricious use of the ignore button. All I see is a bunch of posts smattered between copious amounts of *** You are ignoring this user ***
  8. can you say megalomaniac? Please learn how to "quote", use punctuation, and write in grammatically correct sentences and I might actually give you my time. Goodbye.
  9. That's the most ridiculous article I've ever seen Were you this far into the article before you were clued in?
  10. Post deleted by E-rock
  11. I'd hardly call it an OBVIOUS start. Portland and Salt Lake City, two outstanding models of light rail infrastructure, initially built their systems parallel to major commuter corridors in an attempt to provide the work-a-day car commuter with a clean, easy, and theoretically preferable alternative, which is the whole point of mass transit. Most major cities in the US with mass transit systems in place either built their lines serving the airports after the majority of the commuter infrastructure was already in place, or they never build such a line at all (New York). In my opinion, the reason a line to Sea-tac has been built first is because it's the easiest place to do it. There's already a major interstate parallel to the line, real estate gets cheap the further south you go, and the people in charge of bringing mass transit to fruition are probably sick of dealing with all of the complaining, stonewalling, and bickering that occurs in Seattle any time something like this starts gaining steam.
  12. E-rock

    Farting is fun

    Well now we know Couloir is into Asian Flatu-pron.
  13. I heard a rumor that although Seattle auto theft rates are high, the recovery rate is also high, because the cars are mostly stolen by junkies who need a place to shoot up. Anyone know if this is true?
  14. E-rock


    Bingo. Some of the members also have a side proj called Herzog. Or was it the other way around?
  15. The planets have to have equivalent densities for this equation to be useful .
  16. I have to work with drillers who call athletes they don't like "dew-rag wearing niggers" and call their intelligent, well-traveled, cultured, and kind-hearted co-worker a "dumb-ass *" behind his back, but people get their feelings all hurt over some annoying douche bag who isn't even funny. The most offensive person in this whole ordeal is Al Sharpton, who used it as an opportunity to milk his personal agenda. The man is a "nappy-headed" media "ho", who only cares about air time and finger-pointing. I live on a street where at one end all the young whiteys hang out at the hipster bar. At the other end, there's a housing project on the river. All the 30-somethings seem not to see anything ugly in themselves when they openly discuss the possibility of reaping great rewards on their housing investment when the project is finally torn down, as rumored. I'm way more bothered by myself than Imus. When a black person drives 50 mph down my residential street I'm far more incensed (as an immediate reaction) than when a white person does the same. Who cares what some stupid fucking nobody on the radio has to say. By the way: If "nappy-headed ho" is so racist, why did every goddamn reporter repeat it ad nauseum" When someone says "*" publicly, all the talking heads can bring themselves to mutter is "he said the n-word". I call bullshit on cries of overt racism in a stupid comment. You want to get all pissy about racism? Take a look at yo'self, nigga.
  17. I'll wager a guess. Kevbone and, to a lesser extent, his main-man, pink taco, believe that their bohemian resumes elevate them beyond criticism. Particularly, when their attitudes of entitlement, which were "earned" through years of "climbing hard", are not respected on teh interwebs (they just want to PLAY withe the rest of us) they get sorta, ya know, defensive. You see, in their minds, they can post trash, acrimony, and painful prose and expect nobody to respond negatively because, as they've claimed numerous times, they climbed hard from a mobile command center during their formative years when the rest of us were pursuing less worthwhile endeavors like working our ways through school, paying mortgages, and starting families. Additionally, they have great big tasty dicks. So when someone has the pedantic GALL to disrepect Kevbone's boy-toy on teh interwebs, he gets all incensed because he KNOWS what pink taco has been through, and it was tough, and it was noble, and it was righteous, and we just need a little perspective in order to temper our viewpoints.
  18. E-rock

    the queens of spray

    No need to continue replying
  19. Sweet pics, Eddie. Looks like it was an awesome tour, and a beautiful day.
  20. E-rock

    [TR] Tele

    OMG THIS SUMSS IT UP SO MMCUH!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!! HE LOVES me. Getit??????!!!!!!!!!! I'm surprised it doesn't say "she" OMG I had no idea how easy it is to be prophetic about the content over there!!!!!!!!
  21. E-rock

    [TR] Tele

    It's been my experience that the people who are all TELE IS FUCKING RAD ALPINE IS SO GAY are usually the biggest beaters.
  22. Ahhh, the old shit-put. Mine usually looked like piles after a climb, which is good because they stick to the rock during the heave-ho.
  23. Take note seahawks, eventually they're gonna catch you too. I know you're up to fucked up shit, people as retarded as you always are.
  24. E-rock


    Re: Cindy666, the fact that a woman is posting that interweb speak, and has that ridiculous avatar, is totally fucking with my head. She's like oly on crack, with a vagina. An ugly thought.
  25. E-rock


    woops wrong thread
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