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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. E-rock

    Quadrant Homes

    No... still no. You see, this company did all of the development of this project before any of its consumers dropped a dime. Sure, it occurred in a market context that makes it look as if it is circular... but it isn't. Capital->development->payoff is the pattern, but there is absolutely nothing that says the pattern must be a closed loop. you've turned both the consumer and the developer into total mindless idiots. they are both rational... Haven't you noticed, the "idiot motif" is his reason for everything wrong with the world. He's borderline egomaniacal.
  2. Isn't small-penis syndrome par for the course with Neo-Nazis?
  3. Wow, you guys are such studs. I'm sure that Kevpwn appreciate your attention to HIS pleasure. What an unselfish lover you are!
  4. bullshit Yeah seriously, no real man can last for longer than a couple of minutes before asking "can you come yet? cause I'm ready". I don't believe that tantric shit. 8D
  5. Bill Murray as Frank Cross in Scrooged. [Frank notices a picture of Santa and Mrs. Claus on the wall] Frank Cross: Grace, what in the hell is this? Grace: Oh, it's a painting, one of my kids did. See, there's Santa Claus and there's Mrs. Claus. Frank Cross: Honey, how many fingers does Mrs. Santa Claus have here? Grace: Eleven. Frank Cross: Eleven. Right. [rips it down] Frank Cross: It's crap. Lose it. I don't want it on the wall. [tosses it in the wastebasket]
  6. Tom Cruise in Magnolia "Respect the cock! ...repect. the. cock."
  7. See Exhibit A, above.
  8. OMFG! That's so funny. A cross-dresser who imitates a hispanic pop star! I've never seen anything so outrageous!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!11111 Jesus, Poop, you need to get out more if you think this is worthy of a chuckle.
  9. Some fucking tool with a brain stem and little else sitting on top of it listed the top 10 best EVAH! Jimmy Hendrix Eric Clapton Jimmy Page Eddie Van Halen Randy Roads Chuck Berry Joe Satriani Joe Pass John McLaughlin Ingwie Malmsteen Looks like a list I would have published when I was 13, only I would have swapped Clapton and Eddie. Get over it.
  10. Kid #1: Paper beats rock. BAM! Your rock is blowed up! Kid #2: "Bam" doesn't blow up, "bam" makes it spicy. Now I got a SPICY ROCK! You can't defeat that!
  11. Later than rush hour I hope. Typical days for this work are 10-12 hours.
  12. I'm gonna be back out Seattle way at the end of next month for work. I'm staying with friends on Beacon Hill and will be commuting to a site in Kirkland. Work will start each morning around 7am. If I hit the road by 6 will I avoid the dreaded traffic across the lake? (I never had to do a rush-hour commute when I lived there, since I was suckling the academic teet at the time.) Should I take 520 or I-90?
  13. E-rock

    stupid pm

    Thanks, this thread is awesome.
  14. E-rock


    Wow, another soft-ball target for asswipejustin to spray his sanctimonious pseudo-scientific derision towards. I think your advisor is calling, he wants that paper written by Friday, and no, you're not the first author.
  15. ummmm.... hello genex crack-baby. Tesla's version was a cover.
  16. E-rock

    Hey Kids...

    That's the spirit! You're right back on track to full intardism!!!1`111!kj
  17. E-rock


    Weird. My last major depression startetd *while* I was married... I KNEW you were a volvo driver!
  18. E-rock

    put on your balaclava

    You don't have to get all explanatory and shit. I just wanted to start a spray war.
  19. E-rock

    put on your balaclava

    Nothing that the poster deems "kinda funny", especially when it's in French, should be posted in spray. This is NOT how you build a Spray resume. Go back to the Climber's Board, NTM.
  20. E-rock


    Rudy said: Forget your meds again, ecock? E-cock says: Suck a fuck, Senor Short and Fat. Don't make me go all Prozac Nation on ALL of your Cafe posts. Dwayner says: My your mouth is dirty, why don't I wash it with soap?
  21. E-rock


    I shit on the CAFE, FUCKAZZ!!!!!!! All your feelings..... DIE!!!!!! :rage:
  22. E-rock


    Did this post come across as insensitive? Well, if you're in your mid-20's and going on extended climbing trips, you've got a pretty goddamn good life, so quit trying to find your climber god/goddess, enjoy the sunshine, and have a one or two-night fling once in awhile, while SOBER, with someone you like. But don't expect them to save your life. Duh.
  23. E-rock


    Hey Ladies, do you drive up a beat-up, rusted, early-model volvo? If so you would fit well into my theory that you can tell an emotionally fucked woman by the make and vintage of her automobile. Ever notice how the people who spend their time moping about how they can't find someone to love them, declaring they've sworn off cock/pussy/head/anal for the rest of their days, and spray about it incessantly on the teh interwebs, never seem to find a way to break that cycle???? - hmmmmm "Jaded" is a stupid word used by gen-Xers to justify a notion that you eventually reach a point in life where you can't live with anymore mistakes, say, "fuck it", and give in to the first emotionally-arrested, soft-cock/dry-puss who wants to get married.
  24. E-rock

    Hey Kids...

    Oh shit, here goes the neighborhood. Scott, you've officially been stripped of your title as "MOST RETARDED INTERWEB POSTER IN HISTORY" by a handful of n00bs. Get crackin', beeotch.
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