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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. I heard this was theoretically possible It's called gay adoption, asshole, and they haven't outlawed it in my state yet.
  2. Thanks, dude. Hope things are well for you and your rug-rat.
  3. California Pertussis Outbreak 2010, I'll leave the rest up to you, because I'm sure you'll come back with some real hum-dingers.
  4. really? so you are also doubting the deaths? indian pediatrics article Are you even reading your sources? Here are the conclusions: "The real cause for vaccination related deaths in Tamil Nadu may never be known as the incriminated vial is not available for analysis. However, they appear to be due to human error and eminently preventable. It also appears that it would have been possible to resuscitate the affected children had resuscitative equipment and knowledge been available at site. Pediatricians should make all attempts to allay anxiety of parents regarding vaccine safety. They should make all attempts to maintain cold chain, keep resuscitative equip- ment on stand by and discard any left over vaccine beyond the recommended time of administration." In contrast, Christina England would like to present this case as further damnation of vaccination as a safe method of immunizing children against diseases that KILL BABIES AT MUCH HIGHER RATES THAN MEDICAL MISTAKES DO IN THE DEVELOPING WORLD. Not only that, but anytime something like this happens in areas of the world where vaccine campaigns are taking place, conspiracy theories soon after spread like wildfire, and the immunization rates go down. By the way, Christina England seems unfazed by the allegations of fraud against Mr. Wakefield. Even though it's quite clear from Mr. Deer's article in the BMJ, that none of the actual circumstances of each test case in the original Lancet article correspond to the anonymously numbered test cases in the paper, and those are cold. hard. facts. Kimmo, it doesn't matter that you're playing coy about what it is you're actually trying to say (which seems to be nothing). What matters is that you appear to be heading down a garden path of non-credible sources in response to a credible publication linked at the beginning of this thread. It's at the very least curious, don't you think?
  5. Nope, I'm just a near middle-aged, middle-class white guy, with a post graduate degree, a house, a wife, and a dog, and a kid on the way with a sister who should be as boring a normal as me but for some reason falls under the influence of fringe lunatics, and I'm trying understand the mindset. Whoahoho, you sure got me on that one. No, I'm just saying that they didn't die BECAUSE of the vaccine merely because a "journalist" who has made a career on championing the superstitious beliefs of her readership says so. No. Hence the research. Duh.
  6. Actually, most people who are "anti-vaccine" claim not to be, only a few fanatical lunatics fall under that category of self procolomation (i.e. "straight" chiropractors like Tedd Koren). There's a place in all subjects for skepticism, further research, enhanced models, review, and synthesis. However, that's not what the "anti-vaccine" lobby (for lack of a better term) does. They simply latch onto random factoids that support their superstitious belief structure, even in the face of clear misdirection. For example the decreasing numbers of DTaP vaccinations in "educated" parts of California, which led to a decline in "herd" immunity and the eventual infection and death of 10 un-immunized or partially-immunized infants last year. The mindset that led to this is fueled specifically by the writings of people like Christina England.
  7. i appreciate your input. on to other news.... from what i heard (on npr), some british docs indicated that, by reducing significantly the vaccination rates, this anti-vaccine doc's research has led to 4 deaths. no details were given about the deaths themselves, but i believe they were related to complications with measles. it's interesting to contrast this accusation with the following information: Vaccine programmes grind to a halt in India once more, when four children died after they received the measles vaccination in Lucknow. The four children were reported to have fainted soon after they were vaccinated and witnesses reported seeing the children's eyes roll back as they began to have seizures. All of the children were under the age of two years of age, with the youngest being just six months. Sadly the children died before medical aid workers could reach them. link You're the one crying for "facts" then cite an article filled with nothing but hearsay and rumors and linking VacTruth.com as a journalistic source? C'MON MAN. Ohhh and looky, looky. Christina England, the author of your "news" article, just so happens to be a primary contributor at the VacTruth website.
  8. E-rock

    NPR: sucks

    Larry, yes, if NPR lacks the analysis you so desire, Democracy Now is probably right down your alley. Or should I say, right up your ass.
  9. douchearrhea
  10. P.S. Kimmo, you're a kook.
  11. I've been reading up on this a lot recently because my sister works for some asshole Quackropractor who "writes" books about the dangers of vaccination and sent one to me for my information now that I'm having a kid. I'm mad that a family member would be duped by an obvious charlatan, so I'm building a case. In the course of it all, I thought to troll Kevbone for fun, cuz I figured if there's anyone who believes this anti-vaccination propoganda, it's him. Turns out he's already outed himself. No fun.
  12. I didn't think guys like you were into shades-of-gray. How 'bout we just make a decision wheel that you spin when you leave the house? 1/3 of the wheel entitles you to a lawsuit if something bad happens to you, 2/3 of the wheel mean tough shit. You log the results online with your attorney after your spin. If you happen not to make it across the tracks that day, the decision has already been made what your course of action is.
  13. Quite simply, rails should not be parallel to the lane of travel unless there is a physical barrier between the tracks and the lane. If you can't take the personal responsibility to cross tracks that are perpendicular to you direction of travel, especially when signs warn you of your impending crossing, then you deserve what you get.
  14. I wanted to work some in, but then I just decided to work.
  15. So you contend that the cyclist is question must have unwisely assumed that the roads were safe because he had an accident? And because he made this assumption, he did not have a case? Or are those just Fairweather's contentions? There has to be a reasonable level of safety we can assume is inherent in our roadways, otherwise we wouldn't be able to travel at high speed using any vehicle. If I crossed a bridge at night with an engineered trench that was wide enough to swallow my car tire and put me into the drink. Regardless of the fact that it shouldn't have been there in the first place, and had a documented history of causing accidents, I'm at fault for not taking responsibility for my own safety?
  16. The JayB/Fairweather Project Management (and philosophical) Style in Action: JayB: It’s a great morning to be out at the bridge. These boys sure are working hard for low wage, just like the Framers intended. Fairweather: It was a brilliant stroke to contract this retrofit to the lowest bidder. JayB: Say, did we design this 1-inch wide groove running parallel to the direction of traffic? Looking at it now, I’d say that a bicycle tire could be taco’d in this MF’er. Fairweather: Fuck it. If they’re riding with those goddamn skinny tires, they get what they deserve anyways. 23c’s are for Pros riding in Europe, where they don’t put grooves in the roads, because Europe is a Socialist welfare hand-holding dystopia. JayB: You’re right, I’m a big proponent of personal responsibility. It’s not as if we could get in the car after lunch and find every hazard to cyclists that currently exists, so the burden is upon the individual to avoid this one particular hazard, as well. But seeing as how I’ve recognized the hazard, and you’ve recognized that even though you personally believe that bicycles shouldn’t use tires any narrower than a motorcycle, some people still (legally) ride such dangerous contraptions on public roadways that are required to be designed for multiple use, it might be our problem to fix. Fairweather: Fuck it, we're indemnified. Personal responsibility. It’s a bitch, ain’t it?
  17. Last I checked, a project manager does their job by managing a project, not randomly trolling their company's finished projects for mistakes. In an earthquake retrofit of a bridge, more than one PM was intimately involved in every aspect of the project, and as others have stated, the design flaw that resulted in the injury had been repeatedly pointed out after the fact by cyclists (at which point it was well beyond the point where the problem should still have even existed). It's fine to be all idealogical about personal responsibility as a matter of principle concerning personal safety, but on an indivicual case basis, there were some PM's that shirked THEIR personal responsibility. And the law agreed. And in this country, I don't care if Ayn Rand controls the Senate and Sarah Pailin the House Speaker, the law would still agree.
  18. E-rock


    You weren't breast-fed, were you? I'll also bet you were one of those angry teenagers who had a pre-emptive vasectomy so that he didn't contribute to "global overpopulation".
  19. E-rock


    Actually I'll be spending my time with my loved-ones, enjoying each-other's company, and celebrating the birth of my first child, instead of throwing limp-wristed punches with a bunch of sweaty old curmudgeons who should have moved on when they realized that defining themselves by the music they listen to, the righteousness of their anger, and the martyrdom of their repressed inferiority didn't change a fucking thing about themselves or the world.
  20. E-rock


    Bring a helmet and eye protection. Whatever makes you feel tough.
  21. E-rock


    Bring your birkenstocks.
  22. Current T1's are not much heavier (if at all) than the old T-2's, depending on the year you have. They have a walk mode, and aside from really long traverses are suitable for touring. Plus they make a great resort boot if you plan to ride the lifts once in a while. Mountain gear has the last of the '09's on sale right now.
  23. E-rock

    important question

    I must post in very important thread.
  24. Fucking rad
  25. E-rock

    #1 Best Seller.

    Indeed, the sale spike is linked to Beck's pushing it on his propaganda show. It must make JayB all warm inside to know that Beck's viewers, people with the average acumen of a tea pot, will read that book. ...a book you are too stupid and brain-damaged to comprehend Yeah!, you stupid brain-damaged dummy! Cuz if you weren't so stupid and brain damaged and you could comprehend it, you'd like completely agree with it.
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