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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. I've been eating scrapple every day for lunch this week in preparation.
  2. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyAWgBMNPX8
  3. Yeah the NBA is sooo awesome. The game is played exactly the way it should be. No wonder it's the number 1 professional sports league in the world.
  4. Iggles will knock Big Ben's block off in Tampa.
  5. Perhaps the worst fan base in the league. Here's to an Iggles-Steelers superbowl. The rookie QB ain't gonna win at Heinz field, and there's no way in HELL the cards are going to the superbowl. No way, no how.
  6. FYI HR and management got a backlash of pissed-off emails from grown men and women holding post-graduate degrees and decided to "review" the need for this action. In the mean time we've been ordered NOT to send our information to HR.
  7. If they provide pron, I'm okay with that.
  8. Our company has never requested a credit report from any of its employees, neither at hiring, nor after the fact. I'm planning a hold-out. FYI my record has been clean since I was 21.
  9. Let me re-state the question. What does your driving record have to do with workers comp? Especially if driving is not a part of your job.
  10. And if you don't know the answer, shut up and let the grown-ups speak, Kevbone.
  11. See attachment for full sized chart: On New Years we determined the best shitty beer. The format was a seeded tournament with 2 brackets, 10 contestants, and all cans were duct-taped to disguise each contestant and ensure scientific rigor. I proclaimed that none involved may ever buy another canned beer again, except for the winner of this competition. However, a few flaws in the process may absolve us all of this responsibility: 1. A few notable contestants were absent (The Beast, Coors, Labatt, are there others?) 2. We mixed styles. Rather than stick to the base model of each manufacturer and/or brand we mixed in light beers and ice beers. Not surprisingly, neither "style" fared well. 3. The seeding system was rigged to favor my favorite, which was robbed anyway (see below). 4. PBR is notoriously difficult to find in Western New York. Therefore, the 12 pack of contestants traveled for a half-hour in a warm car and arrived 2 hours before the competition. The rest of the contestants spent 4 long hours in 20-degree temps on the back porch. Warm(ish) shitty beer tastes worse than cold shitty beer. Also, PBR was unfavorably matched up in an early round against an unknown darkhorse (Old Milwaukee) that the seeding panel had not tasted in years and consequently underrated. 5. Nothing can cleanse your pallet when drinking liquid aluminum like Icehouse and Natty Ice. Nothing. So, keeping all of that in mind. Budweiser was the clear winner, and I doubt Coors or The Beast would have fared any better than Old Milwaukee. So next time you find yourself making asinine proclamations about "the best cheap beer", you have some proof to back it up.
  13. What's up with naming all of these 70's bands as overrated. They're not even relevent in the pop-cultural waste-land anymore. The most over-rated band today has be, based on sheer popularity, the Jonas Brothers.
  15. What's the current attendance rate of Major League Baseball games? Answer: Highest ever What's the current market revenue of the National Football League: Answer: Highest ever, by a lot.
  16. Not from my perspective. Nor, those I watched it with. Every game was a nail-biter.
  17. Do you wonder what it will feel like when the wait is finally over, Mariners fans? It Pheels Phucking Phantastic! I only wish my father could have watched it with me.
  18. "Joe the Plummer" needs one too.
  19. Wow, Ass_wipejustin. You'll be laughing to your grave with your piggy-bank retirement fund, won't you? Here's a clue: Again you're blaming everyday people for a financial problem that was out of their control, and the control of their elected representative officials. But we're not great, smart math weenies like you, are we? In my opinion, the financial "slowdown" largely has to do with some pretty irresponsible policies of an administration with some frighteningly strong ideological beliefs about the world, its wealth, and who deserves most of it. Nobody bought into any brainwashing. They played the hand they were dealt. But it's easy to be all condescending and omniscient from your graduate-school vantage point because you think it's gonna work out just fine for you because you're smarter than everyone else. I make it no secret that I think you're a dick, because you're a know-it-all angry fuckwad who immediately believes that every mistake someone makes renders them beneath you. And I know that you don't THINK you believe that, but your posts have shown it over and over. You're such a prick, it's impossible to even tell what your politics are.
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