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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. E-rock

    Oysters and bacon

    I'm going to make that this weekend. Sounds great. We don't get Rainier here though, how about Genny?
  2. Admit it, you are talking about Archie! Nope, you didn't need to check, you can tell with her immediately that that the ass is gonna be legit.
  3. By the way, I vote for butt, since purty mouth wasn't in the poll.
  4. ME: "Everyone thought she was a troll, but she's a knockout!" Another cc'er: " Yeah, but have you seen her ass, yet?" in a skeptical 'let's-not-jump-to-rash-conclusions' tone of voice. Quote by a cc'er years ago, when another cc'er, who everyone thought was a dude trolling as a chick, showed up at pub club.
  5. Rest assured, you would not be buried alive.
  6. You're a skiing superhero. Best trip reports I've read all year.
  7. I heart cascade climbers. If this had been posted on telemarktwats we would have had 10 pages already of posts arguing about how irresponsible it was for Dan to bring Sadie a long. What a kick-ass dog.
  8. I was there on saturday with my wife. last day of a trip. Couldn't get friends from Seattle to come up and tour because they had other things to do and it hadn't snowed in a while. I knew Mazama bowl was going to be good. Glad to see my intuition was correct, but pissed that I didn't get to ski it. Nice job. How was the snow in Stone man?
  9. Kurt, Great trip report. I have a map of this area that I bought right before moving away. Always wanted to ski that face, it looks like such a great fall-line descent.
  10. Where's BobbyPeru to get all fucking angry and stuff?
  11. It's crazy to check in here and see the lines people ski. Looking at Shuksan, I never would have guessed that line got skied, ever.
  12. They actually botched the initial injection on Gacy.
  13. Lame? Why dont you buy one you cheap bastard. cuz there are none for sale, dumb ass! Isn't it cute how Kevbone assumes that everyone is just slightly dumber than him?
  14. You skied that nicely, given the conditions your report. Fun as hell to watch.
  15. E-rock


    kayfire, thanks for the pitch count calculator. I was looking for exactly that last night. Should have thought to look on wyeast's website.
  16. E-rock


    I was just recently wondering if the good Dr. still checked in on occasion. A daily return would give spray a shot in the arm it needs.
  17. Because the poster you're addressing is an idealogue.
  18. Occam's razor is not a necessary or particularky powerful tool of the scientific method. Hypotheses about the natural world can be tested regardless of their assumptions. The problem with conspiracy theories is not the complexity of the arguments, it's the fact that their adherents refuse to accept that any logical test of their theories can be devised.
  19. I'm here for you. "Zeitgeist" is a piece of shit that some of the conspiracy numb nuts glom on to for some reason. I put it on the list for those that are too dim witted to make sense out of the other links. The Purdue computer simulation is remarkable. In my mind, an analysis of the facts is far more interesting than considering any conspiracy theory alternative. Much like contemplating science vs. religion. Religion is a dead end, while science continually brings new things to light. Sadly, many Americans are too dumb to not cling to their ancient mythologies and stupid ideas. I guess it makes more sense and is safer for them to think that what happened on 9/11 could only have taken place if there was a massive conspiracy, and not a couple guys with box knives and a few flying lessons. You know, you'd be, like, kinda smart and interesting, and stuff, if you'd ditch the whole angry teenager-everyone's-an-idiot routine. You'd probably be a whole lot less miserable too.
  20. sounds like Dru has a thing for Dick! no need to state the obvious Caution: may contain humor-like substance HAR!
  21. Sounds like a familiar scenario for you Kevbone, given that the orgasm angle has already been played earlier in the thread, and no-one had yet prescribed an explanation. Well played, Kevbone.
  22. E-rock

    kanye is a dick...

    Collin, you're digging a rather deep grave for yourself.
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