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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. E-rock

    Vegans with Pets

    Yeah, and what about oil, Cuz it's made of dinosaurs, you know.
  2. Bob "the Atheist" Athey, one of the world's most perseverent ski bums used to work during the warm, dry months as a homebuilder. Don't know exactly what he did, hanging sheet-rock, siding, framing, or something like that. Come winter, when the market dried up, he'd take a layoff and ski on unemployment all winter.
  3. Trent, I hope you guys soloed that shit. Otherwise you get no points
  4. This is the saddest thing I've ever read here. Who am I going to live vacariously through now?
  5. It's been a while since I saw one of these threads. I just had to post. Also, I typically try to withhold my use of the c-word, because I think one 4-letter swear should retain it's shock value. I'm angry that people in this thread have been over-using it.
  6. Every time I read one of your trip reports, I start thinking, "he makes it sound so easy, maybe I can give some of those routes a shot", but by the end I realize I am in way over my head just by reading the account.
  7. Have you had your rabies booster?
  8. E-rock

    Alaskan Winter Ale

    I've personally been into Chartreuse lately, in a snifter at bedtime. Oh and I have a keg of cascade pale ale, a keg of IPA and about 10 bottles of belgian IPA's in my homebrew fridge.
  9. god, if I have to die, you will have to die
  10. Herb Stevens says this is one of the weirdest La Nina years on record. http://www.snocountry.com/index.php/ski-news-and-links/skiing-weatherman/ski-weather-forecast/4516-ski-weather-january-19-2011.html
  11. E-rock

    Gun Rights

    Yes, that's what they call "the fundamental theorem of statistics" taught in all statistics courses.
  12. This is the part where you call me a "a douche" back. Then we all debate the merits of douching vs. not douching and you cite a bunch of articles by anti-douching whack-jobs with an axe to grind because their pussies no longer naturally clean themselves after too many douches and ask us all if we wash our butts because we can't be pro douche if we don't wash our asses, right?
  13. You even suck at sybolic logic. Kimmi,"dear". "sybolic logic"?? CUTE!!! Look it found a typo! "Cute"
  14. You even suck at sybolic logic. Kimmi,"dear". By the way, it appears you're a bigger kook than I vaguely suspected back at the beginning of this thread. What a remarkably fruitful troll on my part, if I do say so myself. P.S. it's "cute really" how you like to use latin once it a while. "really" "cute" "dear" Douche
  15. I love the part with the snowboarder and skier holding hands. Denver brings everyone together. Yeah, but I wonder how many times he threw a celebrity/diva freakout fit when some gaper skied through his take.
  16. As opposed to some well-reasoned, but nebulous gray area that you seem incapable of describing? Your condescension oozes thick as pus. If only the rest of us could intuit the true answers in life though some higher state of deep thought and perhaps an open mind obtained through yoga and colon cleanses.
  17. Kevbone, you spank?
  18. 2010 California Pertussis Outbreak. Look. it. up. wrong. I don't need to defend my professional credentials to you. I'm not working in that capacity in spray. And "quotes" are for quoting stuff, see.
  19. Here's some food for thought, Kimmo. A vaccinated person in an unvaccinated community is less safe (statistically) than an unvaccinated person in a vaccinated community. Which scenario do you think the vaccine truthers would most benefit from on an individual basis, and which scenario to you think would eventually discredit them? Now which scenario has a higher cost in lives, and overall public health? It's a LUXURY to be an anti-vaccine "activist" in the first world. As soon as it no longer is, those people will no longer peddle their snake oil. My point of view is that the fear of vaccines has become so irrationally pervasive, that some communities are going to face consequences if it's not stopped, and I definitely don't want my family to be part of one of those communities.
  20. What do the compounding factors matter (if any)? And if you're so skeptical, I'm willing to hear the results of your web search. The fact is that children died due to complications of infections diseases that were preventable because their parents chose not vaccinate. If there were other immune or health problems that hastened the result, it doesn't change the fact that the community vaccination rate was low, and the children caught the disease prevented by the vaccine. That's kinda how it works, yes. The alternative is that someday down the road you start getting people who do want to vaccinate their children who find that their children are infected with preventable diseases before they are immune, because some selfish socialites in the San Diego suburbs took their chiropractor's advice not to vaccinate. Which is a much more frightening and rational scenario than the one you describe. Do you mean open-minded in the yoga-hippy way, or in the scientific-rational way? It depends whether or not I take this as a compliment. Thanks, man. Looking forward to it.
  21. You mean I could have had a white baby?
  22. This is spray, dude. It's called trolling, or is that not what you were doing? As far as deep thinking is concerned, have you not read my poo threads? I'm hurt. The MMR scare lead directly to steep declines in vaccination rates in the UK, Germany, and later the U.S. In the UK and Germany the declines in vaccination rates lead to increased transmission of measles and ultimately infant and child deaths. It's not that hard to understand. Why even ask the question if you're unwilling to research the answers. I agree with you that individual doctors should not be hysterically pinning those deaths squarely on Wakefield's head, but you don't think his fraudulent claims were dangerous? C'MON MAN. This is a false dichotomy you've created. As if to say that if you fall in the middle you are somehow a moderate voice of reason. Vaccine safety is a matter of populational statistics, not individual case-by-case analysis. On a populational basis, all routinely administered vaccines in the United States are extremely safe, and the risks are not what the people at VacTruth claim they are. Shitty as opposed to... what? the shock of childbirth? That's your argument? I can understand if you and your family are already vaccinated and your child won't be going to daycare why you might want to hold off on this until your baby is older for emotional reasons. Other than that.... Because there's no good reason not to, and many of these vaccines are critical in protecting the child's health as soon as possible, particularly when adults in increasing numbers are refusing vaccination in educated strongholds of the U.S. Adjuvants are used because they work. Vaccines don't always take, hence the need for herd immunity and agents that increase their effectiveness.
  23. You forgot an LOL.
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