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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. And that's where he got the idea for the final solution to the Jewish problem? Ovens, gas-chambers, and forced labor? You're a dipshit
  2. Bill doesn't care, he's too pleased with himself by the "jerry's kid" joke.
  3. Don't forget to say something about his mamma, in Pink pajamas. So he's dead? Shot in the head in bed with lead.....now we can finally stop thinking and worrying over that nasty reactor in Japan still sending radiation over our way! Trading one boogie-man for another, eh?
  4. No, you sound like a reasonable conservationist.
  5. Killer, looks like a great day of skiing.
  6. E-rock

    Halliday's 14 K's

    Charlie's gonna burn out his arm.
  7. Charlie Sheen Want To Finish Career as Cleveland Indian
  8. It's not often I shed a tear, especially for someone I didn't know. I did for Dave.
  9. I don't read TR's all that often, except for the skiing ones. This one stood out as one of my favorites back when it was originally posted.
  10. HCHQ or horsecockheadquarters
  11. Thanks for reviving this thread, Oly. Classic Dru, SpecialEd, and MisterE
  12. E-rock

    Spray is Gone

    Fuck off, boy scout.
  13. E-rock

    Trundling ethics:

    Two, and the fuckers almost killed me. I was in a gully and softball-sized rock bounced over my head. Looked up and saw 2 piss-drinkers setting up t kill me. I scrambled out of the gulley in a panic as they rained a debris avalanche down onto my previous location.
  14. E-rock

    Trundling ethics:

    For chist's sake, people kill each other. We're impacting global climate. Half the children in my city live beneath the poverty line on sugar and television. A whole lot of people in Africa and Asia can't get basic medical care. We're living through a mass extinction AND people really fucking care about this shit? Dumb.
  15. Captain Caveman Trask Dr. Flash Amazing erik Muffy/SK
  16. Actually, I think it was "Work will make you free". Details... I got to the "Nazi" part of his post and stopped reading. "Here comes the Hyper-hyperbole Express." Makes no difference if it's in a soundbite or a paragraph. You just prefer the former.
  17. no wierder than the vast majority of secesh rebels being busted ass crackers w/ hardly a blade of grass, let alone a slave, to their name, yet fighting in defense of plantation kings who didnt' give a shit about them it's almost as if they're part of the same historical continuity...
  18. E-rock

    Vegans with Pets

    Back to the original topic. Amongst vegans I once associated with (in a former life I long since abandoned) the pet issue was never discussed. It was their dirty little secret that they never confronted each other on.
  19. E-rock

    Vegans with Pets

    Surprisingly (or not), there's people who are even dumber than raw-foodists.
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