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Everything posted by richard_noggin

  1. OS crack Dude you mised the move. Dick
  2. You guys are totally right,I was spraying way too much on that tread. I'm like a rehab cyber junkie, once I type that first line ...I'm on a roll...I can be a real DICK..and also quite obnoxious. However there are some truths in what I say. Once a DICK always a DICK REHAB is for Quitters
  3. Funny ...everyone I have talked to in the real world loved it...in so many words it was called a, don't worry be happy route.Some say it Let me see... there is room for more of that multi pitch stuff to be had in Leavenworth . Why don't the nay sayers put up their own classics...oh yeah, that would take work and money! Don't you realize route setters skip their own bolts maybe it's not just about them Dick
  4. The reason climbers put down routes and route setters on this site..in responce to DRU A... I can't climb $#!T so it makes me feel better to put down route setters B...I use to climb but now I gained 80 pounds don't climb anymore and became a moderator on www. cascade wankers .com because of my inadequacy C...I am one of the five people that post on cascade wankers .com and I have 20+ avatars I am too busy spraying to climb enought to know a good route. D...I would not know a good route from a bad route because I am a TOP ROPER and would not know a clip stance if it was in my face. E... all of the above, because I am a regular poster on cascade wankers .com with over 1000 posts Spray'n ethics at the crag is the easyest way to wind up without a belay You guys crack me up I'm a DICK
  5. If it's not your route don't phuk with it!!!!!! It's totaly unacceptable to alter an established route!!! If you don't like the routes going in ,PUT UP YOUR OWN PHUK'N ROUTES!!!! Than I will have more routes to climb and everyone is happy....except for the hasbeens and neverwas climbers that like to Think about it, if you really like to climb ...you just climb you don't about ethics BS Phuk'n give me a break! I'm a DICK
  6. alpinek Skin a little thin dude, dish it out but can't take it . Hey i'm a Dick what did you expect! Ever think some of the route setters you are dis'n might have avatars Walk a mile in a route setters shoes and you might understand over bolting, you can always skip'em but if a climber was to take a dirt nap on a route you run out...just think about it. Cracks are all natural and are to be enjoyed for what they are, a bolted route and especially a sport route is more of a creation, and are as different as the climbers that set them. I'm a DICK
  7. Oh yes.... the way cool, know it all alpinek , you are a good example. Because of the trash you have talked in the past there are a few climbers asking who's the wanker behind the avatar. Personaly I get a kick out of cyber tweakers talk'n out their ass .....What really blows me away is when I meet one Let me see... who does the most for his fellow climbers alpinek or Lealand DICK
  8. Remember The endless spray dis'n Condorphamine addiction by climbers that had not even done the route let alone even seen it! Check the FA's What.... you think The top climbers and route setters in Washington don't check this site to see what $#!T is being said about them Don't get me wrong SPRAY Is FUN, hey this DICK HEAD talk'n. But when you talk $#!T about climbers giving their hard earned money and time putting up routes, don't expect any beta. Talk $#!T about each other, when it comes to routes it's all climbing and it's all good , some are just better or more natural than others , what cranks your chain might not crank mine.
  9. The route has been up for two years and you wankers just now get the beta! See what spray'n $#!T about climbers that give their hard work and money to put up climbs for us all got ya! If it's not your route don't phuk with it or spray Negative $#!T about it! One mans choss is another mans classic, it's all climbing and it's all good DICK
  10. The Clintons should write a how to do book, on how to lower the national debt and still take care of our old ,weak,mental ill,and orphans then send one to Bush so he can get a clue DICK
  11. Will the real Dick Cilley please stand up?? Dick
  12. 1 inch groups at 100 yards Now thats Gun controll DICK
  13. WORD.....Honesty Make the dude a Moderator Get rid of the pansy ass tree hug'n limp wristed left wingers. DICK
  14. Hey what up ....Matt Samet was the Associate editor of CLIMBING ..primeda automotive and action sports group. Now he is the senior editor of ROCK andf ICE ...run by climbers Is there anyone left that climbs at climbing magazine??? Here's to Matt and the NEW ROCK and ICE
  15. Retrosoreass and little boy Pope DICK
  16. I have never come across a bolted crack. A few chicken bolts or climbs that would only have a few gear placements but was all bolted instead and that would be up to the person that established the route. If it's not your route don't phuk with it!!!! Dick
  17. Stop hang dog'n the hard sport routes and that won't happen to your biners! It's all bout cracks sport climbing is neither!
  18. I'd have to agree more with the words of Ken Wilber when he describes the difference between the Left and the Right in his discussion of the human condition. "...when it comes to the cause of human suffering, liberals tend to believe in objective causation, whereas conservatives tend to believe in subjective causation. That is, if an individual is suffering, the typical liberal tends to blame objective social institutions (if you are poor it is because you are oppressed by society), whereas the typical conservative tends to blame subjective factors (if you are poor it is because you are lazy). Thus, the liberal recommends objective social interventions: redistribute the wealth, change social institutions so that they produce fairer outcomes, evenly slice the economic pie, aim for equality among all. The typical conservative recommends that we instill family values, demand that individuals assume more responsibility for themselves, tighten up slack moral standards (often by embracing traditional religious values), encourage a work ethic, reward achievement, and so on." Middle of the road politics Both sides offer pros and cons, the radicals on the far right or left offer chaos.
  19. Trask you cyber meth head Try arranging these three things together... plumbers butt , KY jelly , your face DICK
  20. Scrambler..............that,s sooo true I like it
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