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Everything posted by richard_noggin

  1. Something poped into my head while slaveing away in the coal mine today. If preplaceing gear is acceptiable than i could get First ascents on sick hard cracks. Now pink is pink and red is red but maybe I would be willing to bend the rules a bit. In the past i have been a 5.10 crack climber but with these new rules I could be a sick hard 5.11 crack climber . So all you rock cop ethics judges better speak up or I will dawn a pair of spandex, rap, clean, preplace gear, sportcrack sent it and call them First ascents.
  2. Hey Off wit( getting a little full of yourself arn't you) this site is getting really boring just trying to stir up conversation Some Sportos may consider pre placed draws a red point but the ones like me who plug as much gear as draws don't, just like we don't consider a trad lead that all the gear is not placed on lead a redpoint or first ascent Missed you too Off Wit If I have made your blood hot at least I have rizen someone from the dead on this site . Even Trask acts like he is on double secret probation. I am a working stiff again, you know blue collar , real work, up at 5 , blood and sweat for you money spray at you tomorrow
  3. I throw out a perfictly good troll , I mean sport climbing and ethics in the same sentance and this is all i get from cc cyber nerds this site is really getting boreing and the spray is getting lame This is what happens when you moderate the shit out of free speach And what up with sexual butt nuget ? It can't be the same sprayer that first used that avatar. If your going to trade avatars you have to keep the character going.
  4. My partner won't adhere to my staunch sport climbing ethics. Were hanging at the local crag , start with a warm up on a 5.8 he does his usual elvis leg( the dude so old he farts dust) than we go to 10-b to get the flash pump over with( it really pisses me off that a weak old dude can style a climb better than me) than we send a couple more classic 10's and move to the prod of the day . Gramps takes the first lead on the 11-B , at the 4th bolt the oldsteer takes a fall than yells dirt me dude, he than unties and pulls the rope and reties in and climbs on it again and sends . The problem i have with this is he left the first 4 draws on , so I tell the old phuk that it was a pink point. He sayes that's just as good . Old or not I just can't let him get away with not adhereing to my staunch sport climbing ethics. Are you sprayers going to back me up or what????
  5. I think a lead attempt is allways first and i use to be an ass about it and I have in the past voiced my objection to dogs at the crag. Let me say this it's makes for more fun to just climb something else and pet there stupid dog . Karma is a wheel.
  6. So how much is the fine for leaveing eriC at the belay?????
  7. See I knew it all you dudes think about is geting laid and , that is why you where talk'n all that I like kids stuff. And I take it you did not get the soccer mom thing (lyric in a new song) where have all the porn stars gone: there Volvo driv'n soccer Moms I was just troll'n for some grins to lighten up the day. Moms are cool , in the past it has been my MO to only date Moms because they are the ones with the BIG hearts, to MOMS everwhere
  8. DUDE A climbing HOTTIE is going to become a soccer MOM. Your spray'n about a chestbeating ascent,someone needs to tell these women that multi pitch with a baby isn't cut'n it. Now Steph as a hottie is a whole other story. How do we get that Poser Dean Potter out of the way so some of us honed dudes can get next to one of natures beautys like Stept
  9. Tats right Lynn Hill is expecting a baby boy in april by some dude named Brad Lynch Dang another babe turned into a Volvo driv'n soccer MOM that just bites
  10. I had my mtn bike stolen, than three years later I seen it chained on a appartment bolcony so I called the local police they said they could not do any thing unless I had a receipt with the serial #, to there supprise I dug it up out of my big box of receipts that I throw all my receipts into .So they come out cut the lock and give me my bike back, when ask if they were going to persue the case ,the officer said I should be glad I got the bike back and that was it. A few years ago I find a bike in the woods by my house and also read in the local paper of a bike thieft a few miles away so I call the police an officer arrives tells me to keep the bike because he doesn't want to fill out paper work I tell him of the police report in the paper , he says it's not the same bike, and to just keep the bike, so I know this guy in that hood so I go over and ask him if he knows where such and such a address is, he says its mine so I show him the bike and it was his . Kind of makes you wonder don't it Moral to the stories: Don't throw any receipts away ,don't expect help from the police, sometimes you have to do the legwork yourself These stories are true no BS!!
  11. i dunno what the latest ownership is but in the past the problem has been no one wanted to pay for the survey. That is why the Access Fund put off some of the access problems for the time being.Some of the lower wall and old quarry are privetly owned. Trivia: Some of the granite went into the steps of the capital in Olympia
  12. The new rock and Ice mountain guide ROCKS Lots of topo's and beta Killer , love it now that climbers are totaly in charge of the content!
  13. Welcome to the club I got the ax a month ago. I also lost $4000 in the stock market. Glad I got that $300 tax rebate check phuk'n right wing politics
  14. Note to self: scottp is so ugly he can't find any ladys to climb with.
  15. When climbing editor JT chopped the route in question he was approached by the first ascentionist he lied about chopping the route later when it come to light he was in fact seen chopping the route one of his reasons was that the crack portion that was lead with gear was dirty and had to be cleaned so was not a worthy route. Pretty lame not standing up for his actions
  16. BTW the climbers that I admire are Peter Croft and Alex Lowe so I tend to sway toward alpine and trade . I have not heard of them ever chopp'n bolts
  17. Yeah I did check out the facts. If its not you route DFWI(don't phuk with it) I would rather buy a mag from climbers for climbers instead of giveing $$$$ to Primeda V-10 someones climbing has nothing to do with anything but his personal accomplishments. V-10 so he's a mat faggot(thats a joke) What up don't like someone with a different oppion than yours?
  18. Belay Ledge sex??? Dude you only get sex if you summit and if there is another party on the route you better be quick Love those alpine ascents
  19. What do you expect from a mag owned by the big PRIMEDIA corp with a head editior that is a bolt chopp'n ROCK COP. I am letting my sub. die and only subcribing to ROCK and ICE run by climbers for climbers
  20. FYI DFA is an old crag.com sprayer he was cool then and has not lost his pazzz now. Look out DFA they might pull your avatar for having an opinion or being too far on the left.
  21. richard_noggin


    Yaaaaawn,ZZZZZZZZ, What a tired old subject. Ethic: If It's not your route DFWI( don't phuk with it) Crack bolters, Retrobolters, bolt choppers phuk'n hang'em
  22. Fyi jon I always thought you were way cool and after all my name is dick head . Some of your moderators are ( you can fill in the blank because I don't think you want me to)and they can really get a rize out of me.
  23. Been laying low, Nazi Nerd hit man from CC.com has been trying to off me for being outspoken about freedom on this here board. Got a neo hair cut ,put names of Rap bands in the back window of the SUV, went on a road trip to socal to shake the mutha. Those Nerds can't take the sunshine you know that whit skin melts when hit with UV rays
  24. Hey could someone fill me in on the amber thing Who posted the PM's and why???
  25. i dunno who these elitist nerds are but thanks for the heads up sisu suomi Things make more sense now. Mabe they should rename them public messages for elite nerds and rename the site cascadenonclimbingnerds.com is this how you become an elite nerd ?
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