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Everything posted by richard_noggin

  1. Divide and conquer is the mans way of control! If we keep not wanting to share the outdoors and fighting amongst ourselfs we as outdoor user groups get nowhere, imagine what a voteing force all the outdoor user groups combined would make. Can't everyone stay off MY mountains so I can have them all to myself And keep those dang bicycles off the roads also And those knuckle drag'n snow boarders off the slopes Horse riders off MY trails Oh yeah those pansy ass sport climbers off MY cliffs. NEED I GO ON DICK
  2. Shredded mine about 6 years ago , MRI, not totaly pulled away from the bone, by the elbow. Doctor wanted to operate, I decline , totaly pissed him off. Took two years to reach 85% which was his best case scenario Sports recovery: in a cast for a month..light dumb bells for a month... climbing : tear...heal...tear...heal, I think that is why My recovery was so good..long and painfull way back After 6 years other muscles have enlarged and taken up the slack seems to be 100% but maybe not As with all my past injurys I let my mind and body tell me what to do , that doctor was really pissed he missed out on his surgery$$$$$
  3. Prying off holds Maybe Retrosoreass is loose with his Gorilla crow bar again. We know he dosn't like sportos, could it be he doen't like mat fags either
  4. Anybody know why so many deer have mange? 20 years ago I don't recall ever seeing a deer with mange ....That hair loss thing has got me freaked...are they safe to eat? I expect spray ...please someone give up the facts.
  5. 20 years to get to the top of my game 5.7 and summit Mt Ellinor DICK
  6. I have seen two people that have lost control of the belay with an atc or simalar bucket belay device, both where at the point of taking in slack ,the falls where quick and unsuspected, both resulted in wicked rope burn , one the leader hit the deck from 30 feet and walked away, the belayer got such a wicked rope burn on his hands he wasn't climbing for two weeks , phuk that dynamic belay , I'll take a Gri Gri anyday , and if your belayer dies of a heart attack or knocked out by rockfall you get to live to climb another day. I have tak'n a lot of falls and never got hurt from not having a dynamic belay (I don't climb with 250 pound anchor belayers) and if my gear is so bad I need a dynamic belay (I get SBD..shrinking ball disease) I will bail and climb something else. Too much of a dynamic belay and there could be ledge fall potential and the idiots that seem to take up rock climbing I would not count on them to evaluate fall potential . If your climbing at Little Si on the steep hard with the hardcore take multi whipper experienced sport climbing types , dynamic belays are cool DICK
  7. This site We are all just shit talk'n wantabes..be it talk'n shit on this site or talk'n shit about this site. Thanks to Jon and Timmy for not letting it be policed into a site of boredom , its a fine line and where do you draw it. Of course the Mods are a click...You would have to have some serious mental flaw to be one (computer geek,fatass,poser,wantabe,usetabe)... there like cops you could'nt pay me enought to be one. The Trash talk'n sprayers...well they are just a slice of the human race 98% of the human race are too lame to be alive (or just plan DICK HEADS ) and the rest are barely tolerable. I actually like a good Ethics ,its a phuk'n rock dumbass just climb the shit and STFU Well my lame ass partners might be awake by now so I'm off for the weekend...rock cops don't foget your ticket books , I'm sure there will be many infractions to site this weekend
  8. Chirp...dood whatever cranks your chain..get'n to the big wall is epic bushwack...bring a chain saw or you'll never see the ground. If you hack out a trail they will come... ratings at chossil are adjustable ...just keep pull'n off holds till you get the rateing you want
  9. The topic tells all... Chossil Go to Index instead! If you have a love for a hike or MT bike ride for 3 miles down logg'n roads across clear cut timber to a choss pile Fossil is for you. I do go for MT bike rides there for a work out and to catch the killer view of MT Rainer. Climb there you have got to be kid'n the holds come off when ever you crank hard I have rode in a couple times the last year, on the weekends access past clearwood store on the 1000 road don't do it on the weekdays the logg'n trucks will run you down. On weekdays access left on Piesner road by the fire station. The rock in north bend is way more solid. If you go bring back some holds off some of the climbs for the house of pain boulder gym. DICK
  10. The whole place is a choss pile and I wood not go there ! But if I did my Fav's wood be ...Party in your pants, 7 virgins and a mule , oh yeah Burning Spears all the 4 star 5.11s cracks on middle east wall. There is some MANKY short bolted choss sport routes also ..The Fugue, Frank Black, Dew Claw,....King of Ruins anything Magic Mike puts up is
  11. I like all the crags I have ever been to, even if aplinewanker climbs there BTW to the geek that sent several virus to this computer Impentrable firewall This keyboard is located in a passkey boulder gym with several people useing it including a security tec that works for our uncle, he said it took some time to track it down ...we know where it came from ..burning the hard drive of the source was suggested.. DICK
  12. SOS... 04...new wankers Way to resurect a tread DRU
  13. The old fart trad suckass I'm standing on my soap box wannabes(Quote by Polish Bob) don't climb there . sure do miss those guys Whatsamatter nevermind toooo steep for you slabsters Quiet, no bumblies, old growth timber ,steep routes,big holds, no rock cops, everthing I look for in a crag DICK
  14. I am all of the above A crackbolter would not be a Troll that would be a jellyfish kinda like a boltchopper DICK
  15. To the right of the cave..best climb at the crag. Start right side of cave ...steep...coming onto the face 10D-11A 5.8's on the left one is extreamly choss the other is ok a couple of 5.10's to the right of the cave one has a wicked second clip 10C-D The other is 10-B and 100ft long A little scary pull'n on detached small pillars, but long and cool. All bolted no xtra gear needed Gear start to bolted climbs are down on the right. DICK
  16. Definitely the most well liked and inspiring climber in Washington Maybe that is because he doesn't own a computer! DICK
  17. War... politics I read the daily paper cover to cover, I try to keep up, bias meda,bias, people, dumbshits talk'n out their ars right or left which way do I turn, seems either way, I wind up in the same place.
  18. I think we are getting way off topic. I have been checking this tread daily because I ran accross Robert at the crag in the past and he seemed to be on top of things. Just for my information I would like to know what happened, so I can avoid a similar mistake. Questions: Did he rig his own rope, did he pull too much from one end , could he not see the ends from his stance, Was he useing a bucket(atc, sherrif ect.)that could not be locked off if he saw the end coming. The last couple of years there has been way too many accidents from going off the end of the rope, lets talk about it. CPR is post accident lets talk pre accident.
  19. richard_noggin


    Some of my favorite Quotes: Purple hairy stank sticky doob Old fart trad suckass I'm standing on my soap box wannabes BLS..big ledge syndrome SBD..shrinking ball disease Looks like all reason and logic just took the last plane out of Seatac Spraymeister keyboard ninja Gripped off the ground sporto gumby Trad geek Dayglow spandex plastic mechanic Hang'n around the trailer park bulletin boards Medieval on the muthafukas Woopy fawkin doo! If your not the lead dog the scenery never changes CSD...chronic spray disorder L...ame A...rmchair M...ountaineer E...gotists And my all time fav..Cum guzzlin gutter slut BTW none of these Quotes are Trask or Cavey It might surprise you who said them !
  20. Alot of posters surf this board instead of RC.com for the spray At the bottom is OK tho Some of the people I have talked to say they don't post here because of the spray but they wood not post here anyway.... CHICKENSHITS...winey ars mofo's
  21. Can't we all just get along and be xtra specialy nice to one another. DICK exspecialy the phuk'n idiot in the mini van on I90 going 60 in the fast lane beside the tractor trailer The nex one that is going 60 in the fast lane i'm gone'a pull him over, tie him to my bumper and drag him down the road, piss on his bloody carcus, pour gas on him, than light him up, take what's left for charcoal for my bar-b-Q What is it with mini van owners? Do they have to have an IQ less than BUSH to buy one..like in single diget IQ's?
  22. POPE to RUMR..Punkass dayglow spandex plastic mechanic RUMR to POPE..over the hill stick up the ars trad geek Dudes it's all climbing Should'nt this tread be in spray that way we could all get down
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